How do I find the latest stable Firmaware version for the Vera Secure?
I’m currently showing “You are running the latest version 1.7.5365 (7.32)”
The latest stable version for the Vera Secure is 1.7.5187, prior to the beta you are running.
and just so I’m, clear. Can I downgrade to 1.7.5187? How?
5387 is actually the latest Beta of 7.32 and fixes issues in earlier betas (and prior version, of course).
Is there a link someone where update to this (or am I safer remaining on version 1.7.5187 (7.31) ?
Hello @gwp1,
You can find the link to upgrade and more information about the latest beta version on this post here.
Here’s the specific message with the links to the latest version (the link @Oscar.Morales posted is the head post, which has links to an earlier beta release):
After reading the beta thread I’m inclined to hold off. My VeraSecure only handles a couple tasks anymore but one of them is connecting to my Schlage doorlock and I noted some issues mentioned re those.