Upgrading vera2 to UI5 HUGE PROBLEM!

Hello guys , here is my story
I used to have a vera2 UI4 1.1.1350 device I usually access my vera either from cp.mios.com or locally from
i wanted to upgrade it to UI4
i went to MiOS and hit the upgrade to UI5 button
I waited about 30 mins and a self restart wasn’t done so i had to manually unplug - plug my vera.
I tried after that to access my vera from cp.mios.com (the system sees my vera) but unable to communicate msg appears. I tried locally but an “Page not found” msg appeared
Anyway i connect my PC to vera via wifi …the stunning thing that i can access internet on my PC though my vera…but I AM UNABLE TO ACCESS IT!
I tried IP SCANNER i found my vera with the same IP but on digit of its mac address is changed (the last one)
I am unable to open a ticket :frowning:

what do u suggest?

P.S. I tried upgrading to UI5 with another vera and the same thing happened with me and I gave up thinking that it was from that vera…this vera is a new one!!

Please help

Hi therealabdo–

I had the exact same thing happen twice as I tried to upgrade from UI4 1.1.1350 to UI5. In order to fix it I had to do a factory reset and reload the various UIs to get back to 1.1.1350. It is a HUGE PROBLEM and takes a lot of effort to do a factory reset.

The first reload I thought I had made a mistake in the upgrade process. The second time it happened I was sure it was an MCV problem.

The factory reset procedure can be found at:


MCV needs to fix the upgrade process so that it works… Otherwise I’m staying with 1.1.1350 until it’s fixed.



You should contact Tech Support. They will guide you through the process of restoring your Vera to a functional state.

[quote=“mcvflorin, post:3, topic:171842”]@therealabdo

You should contact Tech Support. They will guide you through the process of restoring your Vera to a functional state.[/quote]

Hi mcvflorin–

Can someone look into a possible bug in the upgrade from UI4 to UI5 on a vera 2 (since we have at least 3 documented occurrences)? Thanks


This is the second vera device…which makes it 3 documented occurrences
i will factory reset my vera anyway

If you haven’t reset yet, you may try to connect direct/local first.

Connect the LAN can directly from your computer to lan2. Ensure your computer is either set to get ip address automatically or allow the Vera to allocate the ip address. Once this is completed connect to and then set the network on you Vera to automatic. Disconnect and set up your network as normal and see if you can connect via cpui5.mios.com

There are more than that. I see no reason to believe that UI5 will ever be functional on Vera 2. I stopped worrying about it several months ago; UI4 works well enough. For the cost, I really wouldn’t care if MCV made the conscious decision to obsolete its own equipment by way of firmware upgrades, so long as (at a minimum, the current level of) support for previous versions were still available. I would think that would open up developer resources to ensure UI5 is bug-free.


Can you tell me if you cleared the cache after upgrading to UI5 and are you sure that when you tried to access the Dashboard locally it wasn’t redirecting you to VERA_IP/wizard instead of /cmh ? Were all the 3 lights (Power, ETH1 and Z-Wave) turned on and solid?

Did you submit a trouble ticket or called tech support in order for us to see exactly what issue you encountered?

The all three lights are solid
I am able to access the internet through my vera
I tried to change the internet browser even tried from my mobile I am unable to access my vera
I tried
also tried

Tried to access it from SQ Remote i was told that “MIOS Version 1.5.346 not supported you need to upgrade your Mios firmware to a supported version”

Is DHCP still enabled on the Vera unit? Are you getting an IP from Vera or from your main router? Do you have any response if you ping the unit?

Let me know if you sent us a trouble ticket so we can schedule a phone call to investigate further.

I am getting an IP from the main router
I can ping my unit
I am unable to access my unit to open a ticket :frowning:

When I did an IP scan I realized that my vera MAC is changed by 1 digit only
Is that possible??!!

[quote=“therealabdo, post:11, topic:171842”]When I did an IP scan I realized that my vera MAC is changed by 1 digit only
Is that possible??!![/quote]

Yeah, because Vera2 has at least two interfaces: the wired one and the wireless one. It’s quite common in wireless routers for MAC addresses to differ by one. Airports from Apple are like this.

So it’s probably not meaningful.

Edit: Spelling. Curse you, autocorrect!

How are you all doing with this? Anyone else had problems like described in this thread?

I dropped into the forums to see how well UI5 and Vera2 were getting along as I am still on UI4 and am waiting till things are better. It looks like there are still a lot of troubles. I do have a spare vera2 these days, pulled it out of my fathers house when we sold it. So might start there just to see how the upgrade goes and can kick the tires on UI5 without affecting my real vera. At least if it all goes to pieces I won’t be in a crisis mode to get it fixed.


[quote=“Les F, post:13, topic:171842”]How are you all doing with this? Anyone else had problems like described in this thread?

I dropped into the forums to see how well UI5 and Vera2 were getting along as I am still on UI4 and am waiting till things are better. It looks like there are still a lot of troubles. I do have a spare vera2 these days, pulled it out of my fathers house when we sold it. So might start there just to see how the upgrade goes and can kick the tires on UI5 without affecting my real vera. At least if it all goes to pieces I won’t be in a crisis mode to get it fixed.



Heartened by the lack of feedback on this thread, I tried over the weekend to upgrade my Vera 2 to UI5 (from UI4). After my third failed upgrade I have reverted back again to UI4.

So far the upgrade to UI5 has failed 6 times. Each time UI5 was only partially loaded and the unit would not respond. Did a factory reset to get the unit functioning again.

So… no one else is having any problems with a Vera 2 upgrade to UI5???


NOTE: Other posts on this topic can be found at:


For what it’s worth…

I have a very simple Vera2 implementation, so i doubt that my experience would be typical (two Kwickset locks, two water/temperature sensors, 3 Foscam cameras and a couple of scenes). I upgraded from IU4 to UI5 (1.5.345) and had no problems other than trying to learn how to use the new UI with little documentation.

I then upgraded to the current firmware (1.5.346) and also did not see any upgrade related issues.

Same here. vera2 with about 27 devices attached and right now 5 simple scenes. Running Ui5 and latest available firmware.No issue updating from Ui4 to Ui5 or updating the firmware. When I hooked up the unit it asked me and I let i update firmware. After I set up some devices I noticed Ui4 wasn’t wholly happy with my Trane tstat and I tried UI5. Which resolved that issue and doesn’t seem to have any problem with the other devices attached.

It’s geting a semi-static (hooked to it’s MAC) DHCP IP address from my Unix server over wired ethernet. Not really using it’s WiFi capabilities as I already have seperate b/g and N routers setup. So it’s basically only having to do ZWave duties.

I’m considering myself extremely lucky as so far (knock on wood) it’s been pretty much rock solid. My only issues were with the ERGY plugin coming up wth a bad gateway error. Which turned out the ERGY plugin not getting along with IE8. Once I used Firefox it started working fine.

I have no vera3 or veraLite to compare so I can’t judge the speed of my Vera2.

I continue to struggle with my Vera2. After a huge amount of time wasted trying to upgrade from my Vera 1 in my weekend home, I gave up, leaving the Vera 1 running there (it has been and continues to be very stable), and decided to take the Vera2 back to my primary home, figuring I’d set it up here clean & fresh. I have no z-wave network in place yet, nothing configured. So it seemed like a safe bet.

Nothing’s changed since my last post at http://forum.micasaverde.com/index.php/topic,9659.msg69000.html#msg69000

Any attempt to upgrade to UI5, which seems to work while it’s happening, requires a factory reset for Vera2 to function again. I seem to be stuck on 1.1.1362 with no option to upgrade to any later version. And while Vera2 seems functional on this current version (although I haven’t actually added any devices and done any configuration yet), I’m so frustrated with how problematic the upgrade attempt has been, that I’m reluctant to begin building my z-wave configuration on this platform. It seems like a waste of time.

I was wondering if there was perhaps an interim upgrade required, from 1.1.1362 to some later UI4 version, which would then support the upgrade to UI5. But I can’t seem to find any information on such an interim upgrade. If anyone has any information on this, please let me know.


Try upgrading using the firmware URLs posted here: [url=http://forum.micasaverde.com/index.php/topic,11061.msg78470.html#msg78470]http://forum.micasaverde.com/index.php/topic,11061.msg78470.html#msg78470[/url]
Upgrade using the Restore to factory defaults option.


I believe 1.1.1362 is the last known UI4 firmware.

If you want, I can get put 1.1.1362 on an empty Vera 2 and upgrade it to 1.5.408 per @MCVFlorin’s proposal, and let you know how that went.


The last UI4 firmware is 1.1.1365, but upgrading to UI5 should work in 1.1.1338 too. I don’t know about 1.1.1245 though.