Updates for EZLogic - Beta 0.15.1 (Ezlo Hubs only)

Updates for EZLogic - Beta 0.15.1 (Ezlo Hubs only)

Link: https://ezlogic.mios.com
Previous: Beta 0.14.2

1. NuCAL page.
To see the list of your integrations go to Nucal page (1).
Then you can see the list of NuCAL services with your accounts (2).
You can search (3) by name.
You can see the list of accounts (4) for each service and you can remove (5) specific account

We will replace names “Google Sheets”, “Google Sheets 2” etc by email address and will provide ability to set custom name soon.

2. NuCAL in Actions.
Minor style updates. Bugfixes.
We are still working on missing authentication types. VOI is not available yet.

3. Lua Scripts Page
List of Lua Scripts created on your controller. You can create a new script (1), edit (2) or delete (3) existing script.

To create or edit a script you have to provide “name” and Lua code

4. Variables Page
In addition to Expressions to can create Variables. To create a variable you should provide name and value.

Then, you can use Variable in Triggers as the right side of the comparison in Local MeshBot in addition to Value and Expression.
Available from advanced_scenes/1.26

5. Notification MeshBot
It is MeshBot with single Notification Node in Actions.

6. Dynamic UI for plugins.
Good news for plugins developers.
Now, you can describe UI for generated devices and their items in interface.json file and use them in Actions. Please, see ezlo_protocols.tar.gz (8.1 KB) as an example.

As a result in Actions you will have:


Great. but can you add a Run / Play button also?

So we can test our LUA Scripts via this area of the GUI.

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What if I don’t want to enter a value. Say I just want to create an empty variable / a container initially.

That variable will then later be populated by a value, by some other mechanism, like a Meshbot rule and its Action that sets the value of that particular variable etc.