Updates for EZLogic - 1.46.1 (Ezlo Hubs only)
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Local MeshBot. Trigger. NuCAL node
We implemented NuCAL node as a Trigger in Local MeshBot.
GitLab and Stripe services are available.
Let’s create a Local MeshBot which will send POST request on every GitLab issues changes.
- Create an account:
1.1 Go to GitLab Access Tokens page, define permissions levels and create a token:
1.2 Copy/paste your token to the dialog and click Set token button.
- Select an account
Note: it’s possible to provide user friendly name for created account from NuCAL page.
Select a method
Provide Project ID value
As an action I will use webhook.site to track POST requests:
Then on any issue event I will receive notifications:
Fixes and improvements:
Validation in Cloud MeshBot for left side comparator in Device node in edit mode.