Updates for EZLogic - 1.38.1 (Ezlo Hubs only)

Updates for EZLogic - 1.38.1 (Ezlo Hubs only)

Link: https://ezlogic.mios.com/
Previous: Updates for EZLogic - 1.37.1 (Ezlo Hubs only)

Local MeshBot. Controller node in Trigger section
It is possible to use controller’s capabilities as a trigger. There are Cloud connection, Battery state and Battery level.

Cloud connection:

Battery state:

Battery level:

MeshBots page. Duplicate Cloud MeshBot
We added “Duplicate” button. For now, it’s available for Cloud based MeshBots only.

By clicking on “Duplicate” button, you will be redirected to Create MeshBot page with the same Trigger and Actions as original MeshBot and we will add “Copy of” prefix to original MeshBot name.

Create MeshBot page. NuCAL in Actions. Test Your Variables
You could Test your variables. The results will be displayed in the dialog.
Example: I have EzloWeather action and would like to try “temperature” and “cityId” variables.

By clicking on “Test Your Variables” button you will see the dialog with results:

Fixes and Improvements:

  • Changed “WiFi” to “IP” label on IP Devices page
  • Fixed label for comparator dropdown in Local MeshBot
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