Updates for EZLogic - 1.16.1 (Ezlo Hubs only)

Updates for EZLogic - 1.16.1 (Ezlo Hubs only)

Link: https://ezlogic.mios.com
Previous 1.15.1

1. Local MeshBot. House Mode in Triggers.
We implemented House Mode as a Trigger in Local MeshBot.

You can use House Mode state transition “to” or “from” specific states.

It is possible to use multiple house mode values.

2. Local MeshBot. Devices in Triggers.

We implemented new way to build comparison for the Devices node. You will discover more capabilities, more comparison operators, more flexible way to setup the trigger.

Let me remind what we had before. Let’s use Motion Sensor as an example.
We had predefined blocks for armed state and motion detection and 2 blocks to compare battery level: “goes above”, “goes below”.

Now, we split each capability separately.
Note: If capability contains additional state, like armed, we display additional field for it.

For capabilities with int type, we provided more comparison operators. Now, battery instead of
“goes above”, “goes below”
will have
“Between”, “Not Between”, “Less”, “Greater”, “Less equal”, “Greater equal”, “Equal”, “Not equal”:

Example with temperature type, before we had 2 predefined blocks

Now, it’s possible to compare scalable types as on the picture:

Example for token type:

New capabilities exposed to UI. For example, you can use sd card free space as a trigger:

and others:

There are 2 examples of MeshBots with the same structure. How they looked before and after current release:




Note: New comparison is backward compatible with already existing MeshBots.

3. Device Settings. Rooms.
If you want to assign devices into rooms, go to Device Settings page, click on Rooms dropdown and select a room. If you want to unassign device, click on “Unassigned” option.
Also, we applied UI changes for device status, instead of colored labels
we use “Info” button background: green - “On”, orange - “Off”.

4. Plugin Settings. Prefix usage instructions.
We provided detailed info about plugin prefix usage. Let us know, if you have any questions.

Fixes and Improvements

  1. Fixed NOT operator for MeshBots in Triggers while editing.
  2. UI fixes for headers on My Private scripts, Dashboard, Controllers pages.



Some good improvements in this release, keep up the good work !


Today I always get the error message “Invalid service response, request property missing” when switching to the MeshBot tab:

Is this somehow related to the new version?

If you click on the info button on a device located far left at the edge, the info field is cut off:

Hi, @Odysee
The “Invalid service response” and device info popup issue fixed under 1.16.2 version


On child devices, where changing the room doesn’t take effect (it appears to be controlled by the parent device), the room-selection option should probably be disabled.

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There have been recent discussions about giving users the ability to move child devices in to a different room than the parent device.

Hopefully they will add this functionality, as we do have this ability on the old Vera firmware hubs, by un-checking the “embedded” option on the desired child device.