Updates for EZLogic - 1.14.1 (Ezlo Hubs only)

Updates for EZLogic - 1.14.1 (Ezlo Hubs only)

Link: https://ezlogic.mios.com
Previous 1.13.1

WiFi Device Generator Plugin. Device Template

WiFi Device Generator plugin updated and released to the marketplace. We added 2 new capabilities:

  1. Humidity
  2. Temp

Each capability setup could contain additional fields, it is possible to provide: Content-Type and data fields, attach http headers, provide pattern, poll interval and scale fields.

Fixes & Improvements:

  1. Fixed app crashing when user tries to edit Virtual Container with broken mapping, for example, mapping which used removed account. We displayed notification that container should be fixed.
  2. Provided full screen mode for cameras on Dashboard page:
  3. Provided compatibility for scenes created in Vera Mobile with HTTP Request as an Action.
  4. Responsive behaviour for Left Side Menu. On medium screens menu collapsed and replaced by menu button.
