Is Ezlo Plus Ready for Prime Time?

My hub is almost locked up, I powered it off. I tried to remove some devices and now it is mostly unresponsive.
How can i start over clean? account and deivce… make a new account?

Does hubitat support matter? I’m so tired of fighting this “used to be vera” platform.

At this point I agree with you, Ezlo is not ready for prime time. What’s worse is that I am not confident it ever will be or perhaps it will be out of date by the time it really arrives. We have no date commitment for a browser front-end for Ezlo and my experience with ezlogic has been frustrating at best. Can you spell S L O W? For now I have decided to begin the migration off my Vera’s using Hubiitat and Multi System Reactor (MSR). Hubitat will drive the devices and MSR will provide the scene logic. MSR even provides a first pass conversion of my Vera Reactor scripts. This environment provides me high performance browser front-ends for both while keeping everything local. Zero day-to-day dependency on the Internet for managing devices or building scripts. Hubitat has a robust 3rd party package environment that can be used to fill in some of the gaps. Custom dashboards are already available for Hubitat and if you cannot find one you like, they provide the ability to author your own. MSR’s author, @rigpapa, may know more about the variety of home automation systems than just about anyone. I opted for MSR on Raspberry Pi so my start-up took a bit longer because I knew zero Linux. @rigpapapa’s extensive MSR documentation made the start up quite a bit easier, however. Obviously this is not a plug-and-play set up, but it is the best I could come up with to support MY migration off of Vera.

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Hi @retireditguy ,
Do you refer to a LOCAL browser front-end because you also mention ezlogic, which is the browser frontend. We improved the login and speed lastweek considerably.
Can you please tell us which other areas to speed up on the web ?
Also do you have a big collection of Lua scripts on Vera to transfer ?
Any other improvements you would like to see ?

Osman - I appreciate your reply.

  1. I am specifically referring to a web/browser front-end for the Ezlo hub. I do not appreciate being forced to work on the small screen of my phone. I bought a 20+ inch monitor for this kind of work.
  2. I have not tried (again) to use Ezlogic in the last few weeks. I could not tolerate how slow it was.
  3. I want a solution that is not web dependent, this is one of the reasons I originally chose Vera. Web speed should not be an issue for a non-cloud solution.
  4. Only a couple simple LUA scripts, but a large number of Reactor scripts. This is one of the reasons for choosing Hubitat+MSR. It gives me an Internet independent solution with a more complete and mature hub, a robust scripting/logic facility, and at least some logic/Reactor migration support.
  5. I have not spent any more time thinking about Ezlo improvements since I have decided (80%) to move on. I will continue to monitor this board periodically to see if the “Ready for prime time” situation improves. In my opinion, the original product definition should have included a migration “vehicle” for Vera users at both the device and logic levels. Otherwise Ezlo is basically telling its Vera customer base that they are not really that important to the future of the company.

Thanks for the feedback,

As you already went through the topic here, we are working more on the customer feedback/requests to make it a better/reliable platform
We already built the migration tool for Vera to Ezlo and working on a simpler UI for it. I will update the timeframe for it.
And for the ezlogic, I would kindly ask for you to try it again some time and also check the meshbot part and give us feedback whether you can achieve what you are doing with MSR.

Hello @meathead88!

In order to get more information about the issues you’re experiencing, we’d really appreciate it if you’re willing to have tests run on your controller, since not all units experience these particular issues and there are not many samples out there that we can use with the same behavior for testing, that have similar network builds as you guys have in this thread.

Could you please test the scene’s reliability with your controller? We really want to check what’s the behavior of your unit - how is it locking up when you try to run a bunch of devices with scenes or MeshBots.

We’re also looking forward to gathering information about device inclusion failures (including Smart Start).

An approximation of the execution of those would be highly appreciated.

Feel free to reach me out or tag me if you need additional info or have any questions.

Sorry i had to unplug my Ezlo and include all my devices in a different controller to get them working with Alexa.
I thought to myself last week that I’ve been working with Ezlo to try to get Alexa working since July 2022 and that I’m crazy for sticking around that long.
Sorry I’ll no longer be able to test but good luck going forward.

I made the transition from smart things to Ezlo plus in Aug of 21. My zwave devices interfaced and worked well. I cannot get the google interface to work so 100% of my wifi devices are inoperable. If you have wifi devices stay away.

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did you use the IP plugin?

One bright spot in this whole subject: I had put in a ticket to get one of my devices supported. They responded asking me to try it. I was a bit hesitant, as if it didn’t work it would be a pain to put everything back, but I went ahead and bit the bullet. Lo and behold, the device added perfectly on the first try, and I was able to re-create the logic for it in Multi System Reactor without issue.

So that’s one more road block removed, and one step closer to being able to switch.

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Hi @beetecaste can you tell the issue you observed while trying to use your wifi devices and tell which devices you want to use please.

One more data point for this thread: This afternoon I noticed that one of my devices wasn’t working any more. In going into EZlogic I found it was because the name of the device had arbitrary been changed to “Multirelay switch 2”, thereby breaking all my logic.

@SaraV can you check this pls

some updates:

  • We added support to show these devices on dashboard
  • blinds
  • smoke sensors
  • garage door
  • heat sensor

[FIXED] [Sensors are shown as offline when temperature is equal to 0º or below on dashboard
[FIXED] Can’t program negative temperature values in scenes in ezlogic

  • Added webworker support to handle device broadcasts faster on dashboard

we already have multiple other fixes/enhancements but I’m updating here about the problems listed here.

For zwave device communication problems we are working on zwave reconstruction done periodically by hub. It will be out soon.
Also we are working on a proactive reporting system for hubs on the backend. Which will help us identify issues on hubs before you notice.

We will keep you updated about any fixes/improvements as soon as they are live.
Thanks for your understanding and patience.


Hello! @ibrewster

Has the device name changed recently? I couldn’t identify any devices named “Multirelay switch” or similar matches.

Yes - once I discovered the issue, I changed it back to “Curtains Open”, which was the original name, and fixed the logic that had broken when the name changed - at least as much as I could. Alexa integration appears to still be broken (at least on the updating devices side), so that aspect is still non-functional since the unexpected name change.

Excellent and hopefully mine the data across hubs to identify prevalent failures and potential root causes.

For zwave device communication problems we are working on zwave reconstruction done periodically by hub. It will be out soon.

Also we are working on a proactive reporting system for hubs on the backend. Which will help us identify issues on hubs before you notice.

Nice progress!

…two months later…

…and this is why I say I’m getting fed up. We complain about things not working. There’s a lot of back and forth, promises of fixes, and then…nothing. As of today:

  • DSC plugin is still non-functional (note that this is a regression, as it did work when first released)
  • Alexa integration (control of Ezlo devices from Alexa) is semi-broken. Any device Alexa knew about before it broke still works, but anything new/changed does not. This has been fixed and broken again several times in my recollection.
  • Ezlo control of Alexa devices has been broken for years. I want to say I was able to use it - briefly - back when first introduced, but not in recent years.
  • At least according to this post: Updates for EZLogic - 1.50.1 (Ezlo Hubs only) - #4 by cw-kid You still can’t upgrade plugins, making them essentially useless (as any devices/logic you set up using them will just be deleted as soon as you try to upgrade)

And that’s just off the top of my head.

All of these, as far as I am aware, have open tickets, but months later have not been fixed.

Sigh. Oh well, keep waiting I guess. Eventually this will be a usable platform for more than just basic setups, right?