Geo fence/geo enter

Hello Tim,

We have replicated and reported the situation to the developers. ECFI-20

Are they working on the unreliability as well?

Hello @Tim88

Yes sir

Any news on this? What about geofencing on the Android app?

Hello @Odysee

Our developers are working on it, but we don’t have an ETA yet.

We will keep you updated.

It’s becoming very difficult to take these responses seriously. I really don’t want to sound negative but there has been almost no forward progress as of late.

I don’t really doubt that work is being done on these things. The problem is still communication. On the one hand, example projects are regularly reported on in the EzloPi area. And on the other hand, you are left completely in the dark about where things are headed.

It starts with the release of firmware, dashboard, Ezlogic, new supported devices, etc. Here there is an update every now and then, but it usually just appears and is not reported. Why is there no short message here under Official announcements? Instead, you only stumble across them by chance (if at all).

Then there are the bugs and feature requests that are reported. They still disappear into a black hole and nothing comes of it. They keep putting off that there will be a meeting about it soon, that it will be restructured, that the data will be viewed, sorted and catalogued, and processed according to priority. But nothing seems to be happening here either.

Geofencing doesn’t work smoothly or only halfway on the iPhone. Dashboard cannot be customized properly. There is no data logging. Thermostats can only be programmed with a lot of MeshBots, which is very difficult. Z-Wave parameters are very fiddly to install. The app and web interface are not at the same level of functionality. And here, too, you can’t hear anything.

It’s getting quieter and quieter here and I have the feeling that more and more users are leaving. It’s high time that changed. So here’s my well-intentioned advice again:

Improve communication. Write updates about what you’re working on. If there’s something new, this also needs to be communicated (Official Announcements). Create a rough schedule of what should be finished and when. Listen to the users about what they want and keep the dialogue going in this regard.

Sorry for the OT and the text that’s gotten a bit long again, but somehow I can’t stand to see how this is just plodding along. I hope that someone will also address this criticism.