Geo fence/geo enter

We have been using vera for several years. There was a geo fence item on te menu for a long time but a few months ago with an app update it disappeared. Is there anything in the works to reinstaten this feature?

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Hello @Gary

Unfortunately, the Geofencing feature is not ready yet for our new Ezlo controllers. Our team is working on it, but we do not have an ETA for its release. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your patience as we work on this feature.

When is it going to be finished? Is Ezlo going to provide a roadmap as to where the status of all the features and feature requests are? There still seems to be a large amount of features/items that are being worked on but are not finished as well as features/items that have not even been started.

A roadmap would indeed be a good idea. This would be a good building block to improve communication between Ezlo and the user.

Why isn’t there something like that?

  • Is this too secret and the user should be surprised?
  • Are there any problems with the implementation and you don’t want that to be noticeable?
  • Or is there no plan/structure and everyone does what they want and as best they can?
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Hello everyone,

We have some encouraging news to share. After consulting with our engineering department, we found that the estimated time of arrival (ETA) for the update is mid-June. We appreciate your patience and support as we work towards this goal.


Any update on this question?
How will i know when it happens?

Any status update on this? We were told mid June and now it’s July.

Hello Tim,

We are excited to inform you that we have a new MiOS release scheduled for this week. We hope to see the Geofencing feature included in the new update.

When can we expect to see the release?
Are there any release notes or a feature list?

Hello @Tim88

The release was delayed but is planned for this week.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Looks like no release this week either.

Hello @Tim88,

The MiOS app for Android was updated today, and we are still waiting for the iOS version.

What are the changes?

Hello @Tim88

  • We’ve improved account cancellation process in MiOS App, making it easier to manage accounts.
  • Device screen now displays measured values correctly for MCO Home 9in1 sensor.
  • Users can create Pincodes without issues and set PIN codes for doorlocks using the app.
  • Added support for various sensors: CO2 Level Sensor, etc.
  • More section displayed correctly even if user doesn’t have controllers.
  • Delete icon removed from Account Administrator - User edit screen to simplify interface.
  • The cameras history section is showing up the list of recordings now.

No mention of geo fence.
Is that ever going to happen?

I just installed the new version. I couldn’t find geofencing.

All this time and that’s it? So nothing really feature-wise. What about all the backend rewrites for cloud services?
Very disappointing.

Apparently the latest released version of the iOS Mios app has stuff in it about Geo Fencing. Not sure about the Android app.

Introducing Geofencing on iOS mobile app
Implemented features

  • List Screen for geofences.
  • Map screen for visualizing geofence locations.
  • Settings popup for configuring geofence settings.
  • Add/Edit screen for creating and editing geofence entries.
  • Support for geofence in scenes, allowing for location-based automation.
  • Scenes block implementation for scene-based automation.
  • Active device logic implementation.
  • Registered geofences to be monitored by the phone, enabling location-aware features.

Why couldn’t someone from the Ezlo team publish this?

I thought these were test versions, they are actually live public versions available now! I just installed the Mios app for iOS on my iPad from the Apple App store and its version 1.6 (21).