As you know, we released the Ezlo VOI™ feature in the Vera Mobile app for iOS and Android, which enables you to control any device connected to a voice assistants like Alexa and Google to do stuff for you.
You can control your TV, your music, literally everything from Ezlo!
You can now check the How to use Ezlo VOI™ guide, plus the lists with Alexa/Google commands that you can use in the scene creation:
Thank you for reporting this, it is a known issue and we are working to fix it. At this moment you can do the enrollment more than one time with the same account and this will create duplicate Alexa/Google devices.
Is it safe to delete one of them?: can’t delete it in this version. We are fixing it so that you can delete it in the next version…
Voi stopped: Yep, mine stopped too…the service had a bug that caused this…they restarted the service, its back up…and the bug is scheduled to be fixed on monday.
It’s a fun service to play with, I’ve been moving routines over from Alexa to my Edge for those items that don’t have Vera integration and so far I’m liking what I see.
One thing that would be great would be virtual VOI devices. Eg create a VOI device for each of my Brunt Blinds with 2 states and the on/off Alexa commands configured as variables.
Then scenes could just call each virtual device without us having to re-enter the voice commands each time.