Z-Wave AEON Labs Motor Controller

I have a Aeon Labs Motor controller. This device shows up on vera2 as light dimmer for some reason. What happens is the “on” switch turns the motor clockwise and the “off” switch turns the motor anti-clockwise, it is not possible to toggle a stop state

How I would like to operate the controller is in a fastion similiar to two independant switches. i.e. up, stop or down, stop. this is how the device operates via the switch inputs on the device its self and I would like to replicate this functionality on vera if possible.

Is it possible to edit the XML file or some other parameter to provide this functionality?

Any pointers would be greatly appreciated.



Wow, it seems Aeon do some funky stuff away from convention with some of their stuff!

I have a Leviton Fan controller which shows as a dimmer and the on/off buttons do indeed act as on off. The problem is that the xml it uses is tied to a dimmer and if you could edit it, then you would likely break normal dimmers I guess!

Can you see from the advanced tab which xml its using? and also do you have the documentation for it?

I would send an email to Aeon to see if they are aware of this. You should also raise a bug at bugs.mios.com.

Out of interest, which country do you live in?

Hi Strangely,

Thanks for the reply, I am located in Sydney, Australia.

Thanks for the advise and usggestions I’ll write to the various parties to see if they have a solution.

The xml file used is D_DimmableLight1.xml, which I do not want to change as I will also have dimmers.

I have documention for it but nothing to goes into technical details. I assume that some sort of device ID is identifying it as a dimmer?



Hey readw
I had the same problem.
Just change the device_file to D_WindowCovering1.xml and the device type to urn:schemas-micasaverde-com:device:WindowCovering:1

Don’t expect the Stop button to work though (v 1.1.1047).
Good Luck :slight_smile:

Hi Roy S,

I have put the changes as you have suggested but I get the message 'Failed at Setting user configuration" do I need to chane anything else?


Hi Warren,

I never got this error. The only thing I needed to do was change the device file property as per the attached screenshot. (The device type is even changed automatically, you don’t need to change it).
Which Vera firmware version are you using ? Mine is 1.1.1047 on Vera2.


I just purchased new micro motor controllers from aeon labs. Has anyone managed to get the stop functionality working? (i tried partial closing from the duwie and popp scripts but it didnt work)


I have pretty well written this off as a bad experience with Aeon Labs.

I have previously written to Aeon Labs and they promised that they would advise further but never did.

Clearly this is not a product that they are interested in standing behind or supporting on Vera.


I wonder if this device is set up like the FortrezZ SSA where the dimmer sets the state. As an example 0-33% turns motor one direction, 34%-66% stops the motor & 67%-100% turns the motor the opposite direction.
Have you tried that?


You may be onto something there @JOD; from the manual it seems it only supports basic on/off and ‘dimmer’ command classes. (Presumably to make it compatible with most controllers.)

My contacts at Aeon Labs say that it isn’t compliant with Vera yet…submit a ticket and ask for the product compatibility guarantee, they will add it in within 30 days

There was another post somewhere here about its functionality in regards to the motor reversing, and I think there was a work around.

Edit it was this actual thread :slight_smile:

Did this not work?

Hey readw , I had the same problem. Just change the device_file to D_WindowCovering1.xml and the device type to urn:schemas-micasaverde-com:device:WindowCovering:1

Don’t expect the Stop button to work though (v 1.1.1047).
Good Luck

[quote=“JOD, post:9, topic:167879”]I wonder if this device is set up like the FortrezZ SSA where the dimmer sets the state. As an example 0-33% turns motor one direction, 34%-66% stops the motor & 67%-100% turns the motor the opposite direction.
Have you tried that?



I have tried to send values betweeen 2 to 98 to initiate a stop 8) without success. I used intel device spy as well to try and call every function as well.


I have tried all possible combinations and timers , and scripts to initiate a partial closing , but failing miserably .

the micro motor controller follows the Class A Motor specification from Z wave.

it states the following:

0: direction A
99-100: direction B
1-98 : ignored

if the motor is going into direction A and u send 99, the motor should stop. ( in the case of the aeon labs micro motor, it goes automatically in the reverse direction)

if the motor is going into direction B and u send 0, the motor should stop. ( int the case of the aeon labs micro motor , it goes automatically in the reverse direction)

Is that even after changing the device files? I guess based on the earlier post from @RoyS there was still some problems anyway!

So much for Zwave standardization and certification!

I tried all possible ways :slight_smile:

as a dimmer and as a shutter as well.

In a week my Merten controller to open/close my sunscreen (motorized) will arrive.
It should open /close and stop when released…
Will report back if it does as expected…
Maybe a good alternative if it does?

Depends on where he lives I guess!?

I have Lagotek AC1-ZW (US) that @Shady hooked me up with. Its controlling my awning.

“it just works” :wink:

[quote=“strangely, post:17, topic:167879”]Depends on where he lives I guess!?

I have Lagotek AC1-ZW (US) that @Shady hooked me up with. Its controlling my awning.

“it just works” ;)[/quote]

Duh! my mistake, i assumed Merten would be available for US use as well… i stand corrected… you’re right @strangely!

It would be nice if the manufactures sold more devices that worked in all flavours of Zwave and power etc.

[move]I second that BIG time!!![/move]