
Sorry for delayed response.

Got it working directly with my ventilation system now, see attached picture.

Using PLEG to monitor CO2 through netatmo and moisture in bathrooms, ventilation will then go high and go low again when its under a set limit. Works as intended! :slight_smile:

Thanks for alle the help.

Gā€™day guys

I am really enjoying experimenting with the Z-UNO, and have no problem with OUTPUTS - as many as I like.

INPUTS, however, are driving me insane - the documentation, and the guy who supports it on the official forum, acknowledge this but talk in riddles so am hoping some of you can better explain.

When I create a single input it works a treat. Define the channel, create the getter, and then in the main loop read the relevant and if a change is detected raise a zuneSendReport(x).

The problem is when there are multiple inputs. Letā€™s say even just two. Define TWO channels, create both getters, and in the main loop read both ports and if a change is detected on the first one raise a zuneSendReport(1) (assuming it is the first defined channel) and the other obviously zuneSendReport(2).

Only the first works - you can see the flicker of the green LED that traffic is being send over Z-WAVE and my Vera Plus shows the input status change. However for the second one nothing happens. I can write debug code and see that it is executing - and I can swap the two channels around and transfer the problem between them. Likewise I can create 3, 4, 5 inputs and only the first works.

The official documentation does state that, when it comes to inputs, if you have more than one of the same type then only the first will work. Okay great thatā€™s my exact scenario. It then goes on to say that you need to use MultiChannel Association Command Class and that instead of association of Life Line group with node 1 (controller) use association with 1:0 (node 1, channel 0). Cool, so what the heck does that mean?

Iā€™ve hunted through the programming reference, the Arduino IDE setting, the device settings in Vera, and cannot for the life of me work this out.

The official support guy suggests a couple of things to people who ask this same question:

  1. ā€œSet parameter 12ā€ - no difference :frowning:
  2. ā€œPlease try to remove node #1 (controller is usually it is #1) from the the Association group #1 and add in MCA #1:0 (channel 0 of the controller)ā€ - this is as meaningless to me as the similar description above
  3. ā€œMulti channels are not available in the user interface, only by raw commandsā€ - still no help?
  4. Various other explanations of the above, but in English sentences that donā€™t make sense (Iā€™m thinking the guy is not native English) - so still no help

Iā€™m thinking I am missing something really obvious, but it has me stumped as you would think you simply define a bunch of inputs and they simply workā€¦ just like with outputs. But it is made VERY clear that is not the case, that by design you need to do something, but finding out exactly what it is I need to do has frustrated me for two days now. I notice a few of you have posted here saying it has worked well for you, so hopefully someone can clarifying what Iā€™m missing :slight_smile:


I forgot to update this thread last month.

The solution was to go into the main device for the Z-UNO and do the following:

  1. Click Device Options
  2. Type 1 for Group ID, click ā€œAdd groupā€, and click ā€œOKā€ to confirm
  3. Click Set
  4. Tick Z-Wave and _Scene Controller
  5. Click ā€œSaveā€ and then click ā€œOKā€ to confirm

Wait a few moments and all your sensors/etc should light up like a Christmas tree :slight_smile:

Can I ask what application you used to generate the wiring diagram? Looks useful! Thanks.

I use Fritzing, it looks the same as the above.


[quote=ā€œzedrally, post:45, topic:193803ā€]I use Fritzing, it looks the same as the above.



Glad to have found this thread and it looks like a lot of the learning is worked out. I am expecting my US Z-uno today and will play over the Christmas holidays. I have a RPi that monitors/allows control of my whole home generator through modbus. It has a web interface however i want to connect it to my Vera Plus.

Plan is to tie the GPIO outputs/inputs between the RPi and Z-uno and have the signals in a group in Vera. Looks doable from what I read.

As for the cost ? yeah there is cheaper stuff but I grew up before the internet was invented and $ 69 bucks for a single board computer with z-wave integrated is dirt cheapā€¦

[quote=ā€œTillsy, post:43, topic:193803ā€]I forgot to update this thread last month.

The solution was to go into the main device for the Z-UNO and do the following:

  1. Click Device Options
  2. Type 1 for Group ID, click ā€œAdd groupā€, and click ā€œOKā€ to confirm
  3. Click Set
  4. Tick Z-Wave and _Scene Controller
  5. Click ā€œSaveā€ and then click ā€œOKā€ to confirm

Wait a few moments and all your sensors/etc should light up like a Christmas tree :)[/quote]

@Tillsy : would you be willing to share the sketch that you used to get the multiple inputs to work ?

Hi. I have just bought a Z-Uno with the intention to use it for monitoring multiple DS18B20 sensors. The Z-Uno example for a single sensor works fine. But if I use the multiple sensor examples (either fixed number or autosensing) the number of temperature devices appearing on Vera is always one more than the actual number of sensors connected. The first sensor works fine, but the other do not. Has anybody encountered this issue before? I am using a Vera-Lite.

Itā€™s a know issue: Interoperability with Z-Wave controllers

Thanks. I have looked at the information on that link previously. I am not using Associations & therefore did not think the stated change was necessary. In addition, I could barely understand it & are not sure where (and how) the changes are made.

Ditto how to change parameter 12 (if necessary)

Any advice about how to implement the necessary changes appreciated.

An update - I have tried the 10 channel code example & it seems to work fine, so I am wondering if this issue is specific to the DS18B20 configuration with bussed sensors.

Would quite like to try using one pin per DS18B20 & I figure I could implement 8 sensors using pins 9-16 (which appear to all support 1- wire, hopefully simultaneously) and avoid the need to bus sensors.


Iā€™d be asking this in the Z-UNO forumā€™s.
Are you using Multi-Channel? At the very least you should post your code here and in the Z-UNO forum as itā€™s difficult to give any guidance without it.

Z-UNo Forum

Thanks. I have tried to register for the Z-Uno forum, but do not get the return email & the administrators have not responded. The code I have used is from the Z-Uno site:-

// Multiple temperature sensors DS18B20

#include ā€œZUNO_DS18B20.hā€

#define DS18B20_BUS_PIN 11 // Pin to which DS18B20 bus is connected
#define N_SENSOR 3 // Number of DS18B20 sensors
// You need to adopt ZUNO_SETUP_CHANNELS and add more getters if tou need more sensors

OneWire ow(DS18B20_BUS_PIN);
DS18B20Sensor ds18b20(&ow);

#define ADDR_SIZE 8 // Size of address of devices on 1-wire bus
byte addresses[ADDR_SIZE * N_SENSOR]; // Here we store all the scanned addresses
#define ADDR(i) (&addresses[i * ADDR_SIZE]) // Macro to simplify our life
byte number_of_sensors; // Number of sensors found
word temperature[N_SENSOR]; // Here we store temperatures

// Define Z-Wave channels. Add more if you need more sensors

void setup() {
number_of_sensors = ds18b20.findAllSensors(addresses);

void loop() {
for (byte i = 0; i < number_of_sensors && i < N_SENSOR; i++) {
// Read temperature
temperature[i] = ds18b20.getTemperature(ADDR(i)) * 100;
// Sending report
zunoSendReport(i + 1); // Channels starts from 1

// Getters. Add more if you need more sensors
word getterTemp1() {
return temperature[0];

word getterTemp2() {
return temperature[1];

word getterTemp3() {
return temperature[2];

This is what the Vera screen looks like. The three temperatures on the right eventually populate, but the values do not respond in any logical fashion with applying heat to a sensor

Been a while since I wrote any ZUNO code and what I have written I have used with Homeseer, so there will be differences in the UI.
Try deleting ā€œwordā€ in the Getters and see what happens, I donā€™t remember using or seeing ā€œwordā€ precede Getters or Setters, however, times change and there may have been changes that Iā€™m not aware of!

I can try to sign you up to the forum if you PM me your email and a password that you would like to use or I can post this up for youā€¦your call.

FWIW the ZUNO devā€™s are Russian, English is their second language, Iā€™ve banged my head against a brick wall several times over ZUNO. They probably do the same over our English questions.
Hint: Donā€™t send them any PMā€™s, PMā€™s are never answered.

Thanks - Have PMā€™d.

Deleting ā€œwordā€ gave me an error message

Custom_sdcpp_.c:398:498:error:use of undeclared identifier ā€˜getterTemp3ā€™

Sorry, didnā€™t realise that word defined a variable.

ZUNO forum is the next step.

You need multi channel. Unfortunately this is very technical and you need to follow their advice.

Problem for him is that he canā€™t activate his registration on the forum.

I got it, but itā€™s in the post I linked.

When using multiple sensors make sure to replace Associations to controller (usually id #1) by Multi Channel Association to instance 0 of the controller (usually #1.0)

Just do to your master device, then device option, and set your association accordingly. After a luup reload, the channel should be there. Take a look at the logs, because thatā€™s where the action is.


Got to master device & device option without issue, created a group (1) and hit the set button. This screen came up


My zuno is in the room called TEST

I am lost as to where to go from here,