Vesternet Zwave remote control 12

Hello @rotbard,

Note that you can always send a new device Integration to our eZlo Controllers Integration team through the Community Feature and Bug Tracker. More information can be found here . You will need to send all the information regarding the device to integrate, specs, and model number, also, please inform the model number of the unit you are using (Ezlo Plus or Secure and its serial number).

Here you can check all the devices compatible with Ezlo: Device Compatibility for Ezlo Hubs - Ezlo

For the full list of devices that are integrated with Ezlo platform you can always check this community post or this that we are keeping up to date with newly integrated devices on a weekly bases.

-Zigbee Full List

-2 Gig Full List

Let us know if you have any questions or need further assistance and we will get back to you.