Vera notifications possible issues

I guess you have to change your new user to ”Basic user” to be able to log in to the app and receive push notifications.

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For me the in Vera Android App, push notifications where not working after last Thursday. When leaving I noticed that on the geofence exit event, I got a message, “cannot be sent to our servers”. So, more was wack then just notifications. I logged off the app, cleared the App cache and login in again. And surprise surprise it is working again.

If you want to test, simply make a scene, manually triggered, and in “notify these users” select the user you use to log on in the App. Run the scene and you should receive a notification.

The email and SMS notifications are a different thing than these in App push notifications.

Small update, I had one test failing and this is in the Vera log file

04/30/20 11:03:13.911   FileUtils::ReadURL 0/resp:401 user: pass: size 50 response: WWW-Authenticate: MMSAuth error="invalid session"

You can check your log for this error if push notifications do not work.

Cheers Rene

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Hi guys,

If you’re having issues with notifications please log a ticket with the support team and make reference to this thread. Make sure you mention what type of notifications you are not getting, and what app version you’re running if the case.

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Today I learned that usernames are case-sensitive (something I realized after failing 3x to login with new User account, lol).

Also learned that “Basic User” accounts cannot change “House Mode” on my Vera Plus, therefore I must (again) boost privileges for my test user, in order to ascertain whether Push Notifications will succeed under it.

Meanwhile, I was able to modify House Mode and sensor settings back on the WebUI, and thus can finally…

… say that “Push Notifications did NOT work in the (beta) Android version of VeraMobile™ when signed in as a seconary user with Basic privileges!”


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