Updates for EZLogic - 1.59.1 (Ezlo Hubs only)

Updates for EZLogic - 1.59.1 (Ezlo Hubs only)

Link: https://ezlogic.mios.com/
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Local MeshBot. Actions. Execution policies

We added execution policies to the Local MeshBot actions. There are two types of action execution rules:
Global - apply to all actions in an action group/scene.

Individual Action - apply to specific actions in the group/scene.


Available execution policies:

  1. Execute in parallel:
    1.1 EZLogic runs all actions independently.
    1.2 The success or failure of an action in a group does not affect the running of another action.
    1.3 EZLogic does not wait for (long-running) actions to complete before running the next action.

  2. Execute sequentially:
    2.1) EZLogic runs all actions in order from top (first) to bottom (last).
    2.2) EZLogic waits for the current action to complete before running the next action.
    2.3) The success or failure of an action does not affect the running of the next action.

  3. Execute sequentially only if previous action succeeds:
    3.1) EZLogic runs all actions in order from top (first) to bottom (last).
    3.2) EZLogic waits for the current action to complete before running the next action.
    3.3) EZLogic will only proceed to the next action IF the current action is successful. If an action fails then EZLogic will not run any actions that come after the failed action.


  • Individual rules supersede Global rules.
  • The global rule applies to all actions that use ‘Inherit Global Settings’.
  • You can drag and drop actions to rearrange them in the list (hold left-click on the left of the action box).

Fixes and Improvements:

  • Localization for Dashboard.
  • Fixed issue on IP Device template page.
  • Added and improved translations on Plugins page.
  • Fixed devices info popup for devices generated by plugins.
  • Updated Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy links on Account → My Account page.



I was testing out these new “Execution Policies” and they don’t appear to work with Device Nodes e.g. with a Z-wave Plug device.

I had two Actions in my rule and I used the “Execute sequentially only if previous action succeeds” option.

Action #1 - Turn ON a Z-Wave appliance plug

Action #2 - HTTP Request to send a TTS announcement to my Google Home speaker.

I then physically unplugged the Z-Wave plug to make it “Offline” and then ran my Meshbot rule.

The second action was not halted and stopped as I expected, it ran and I heard the TTS, despite the Z-Wave plug being Offline and not operated in the first action.

I then asked the question and this is the response I got back -

"SetItemValue cannot fail in terms of scenes. It always successfully sends the command. If the command failed further, scenes have no chance to know that.
So, it’s unusable for such a scenario.

It can be used with http request or cloud call, plugin script, lua script.
All these actions can track their failures."

SetItemValue meaning for example turning a Z-Wave device ON in my test case.

So it looks like not all Action types / Node types are supported by these “Execution Policies” so users need to be aware of that.

As a second test I then created a new rule.

Action #1 HTTP Request sent to a none existent bad / made up URL

Action #2 HTTP Request TTS announcement sent to my Google Home speaker.

I then ran the rule and in this example the action two was halted and did not happen as expected.