unable pair device

Hello to all!

I just bought my Vera2 device, HomePro ZIR010 and Everspring ON/OFF switch to test. Brilliant idea!

Got home plugged the Vera into the network and open the web browser. Typed in the IP address of Vera and did the online update. I followed the wizard instruction carefully but my Vera doesn’t find any devices. I did try to reset the unit but the problem is not solved.

I did open a support ticket as well: MiOS tech support #17732 but no answer yet.

Here are the details of Vera:
UnitModel:Vera2 Version:1.1.1245
UI:4 UILang:en

Can anybody please advise me? I’ve read on the forum that this could be a software update problem.


did you press the button on the new device/switch/module after placing vera in detect include zwave device mode? ( refer to the device manf. for include function)

also is vera within 3-5 feet of the module?

Hello zmistro,

Thanks for your prompt repply.

I did press the button on both devices. Tried one at the time. The devices are wright beside Vera.

Followed the instructions exactly… still no joy.


Did you try excluding, before including?

there are no devices on my list…

you still having issues ?

if so try this.
On vera dasboard click on the small icon under the gassy knoll scene - it has a + sign and a thing that looks like a brush it is labled ( add Device) Click on this-
go to -add Zwave device click next.

  • scroll down all the way to the bottom and choose " any zwave Device" click " go "

now press the button on your new module device

look at the top of the dashboard above the clock you should see a progress window. I should state found a new node or device.
Let vera finish adding the device , the device should appea on the dashboard

With the steps outlined by @zmistro you can also do the exclude.

Make sure you have the correct version of Vera US or Europe I got a european by mistake once. The US RF frequency is different than EU

Maybe this thread is usefull?
It might be that the locale for your vera switched from EU to US or vice versa


Specifickally this message

Thanks for all the help guys!

It’s sorted now. I opened a ticket to help desk and they fixed the problem remotely. I don’t know what the problem was but I rekon it was something to do locale US/Europe.

Now Vera finds all the devices as is should be… nice, easy and quick.


Great! I’m curious though; are you in Europe and bought your Vera there?

Yes, I am in Ireland. I got Vera from one of the recomended distribuitors in Nederlands http://www.domotica-shop.nl/

Here is the repply from the help desk:

[tt]Hi Paul, It seems that some values got lost in the upgrade. I reset those values and it should be fine now. If you ever have questions or encounter issues please e-mail or call us. Our working hours are 6 AM to 6PM EST. [/tt]

Thanks all again for your suggestions.


Thanks for sharing that info @lgpaul! :slight_smile:

It’s good to have that here for future reference.

[quote=“oTi@, post:13, topic:168398”]Thanks for sharing that info @lgpaul! :slight_smile:

It’s good to have that here for future reference.[/quote]

@oTi@ & @lgpaul

It seems that this forumthread i mentioned could be important and we should keep it as a good reference for ppl from Europe as Vera seems to revert to US settings (and frequencies) after an upgrade sometimes.

Anyone any idea what causes this behaviour so we can file a bug?

Also, can we establish a " how to" to troubleshoot the device for this problem (i need input for a how to to extend this page:

Is there a way to check which of the 2 z-wave chips is ative? the EU or the US version?

@Ap15e, can this be incorporated into LSI?

[quote=“Henk, post:14, topic:168398”][…] as Vera seems to revert to US settings (and frequencies) after an upgrade sometimes.[…]
Anyone any idea what causes this behaviour so we can file a bug?[/quote]
Not sure if it worked before the upgrade in @lgpaul’s case. It could be a mismatch in the provisioning database, as apparently has happened before. Not sure if the database mismatch is because the wrong locale was put in the database, or Vera is in the wrong locale.

Sounds like MCV is well aware of these cases, as they are the only ones who can fix it?

Also, can we establish a " how to" to troubleshoot the device for this problem (i need input for a how to to extend this page: http://wiki.micasaverde.com/index.php/Troubleshooting)
Well, what I was trying to get to in baby steps is to watch for messages in the status window and/or the Z-Wave LED on Vera. I figured that if the Z-Wave LED doesn't change blinking pattern when including or excluding, there is a frequency mismatch (or the device is broken, etc.). That's just a hypothesis.

What does the following report for you (SSH into your Vera):

root@myVera:/# cat /etc/cmh/zwave_locale 


Thanks for your PM. As you figured out, I am not Duch… 8). I did translate your message though…

I live in Irleland and I bought from NL because of the “sensitive” prices. In the UK I would have payed double the price.

I like the “Vera” ideea very much but is very confusing for me to pick up different products like switches/dimmers with all this US/Europe diference…

By the way… I can’t send PM (I am not allowed) :wink:


I didn’t try it before the upgrade. The unit requested an upgrade the minute I plugged it in.

I think the locale should be set in the wizard when you pick up the region. Unfortunately I have no ssh access to Vera so I can’t get in.

You could check this out, if you’re interested.

@Ap15e, can this be incorporated into LSI?

The Luup Lua extensions (http://wiki.micasaverde.com/index.php/Luup_Lua_extensions) do not provide the Z-Wave frequency.

[quote=“oTi@, post:15, topic:168398”]What does the following report for you (SSH into your Vera):

root@myVera:/# cat /etc/cmh/zwave_locale us [/quote]

Here’s my results:

root@MiOS_xxxxxx:~# cat /etc/cmh/zwave_locale

Is there another way to show this info to users that dont know SSH (yes i appreciate promotion og the SSH How To)
Apparently. Ap15e sees no option incoperating it into LSI via LUA (using available variables)
TimAlls is looking into incorperating it into Vera Report somehow.

Ill start on a troubleshooting section to add to the wiki providing simple steps to follow and be able to report to MCV the exact issue (Z-wave locale needs alteration for present region)

For myself i made a backup copy of my 3byte “zwave_locale”


After checking its actually a very simple textfile (without extension) with a 2 letter content. Either “vs” or “eu”

Would it be safe to go as far as to provide a manual workaround replacing or editing the file in a troubleshooting description?