Strips - The Invisible Window and Door Sensor

I received a pre-series version of a Sensative “Strip” yesterday.

It’s a new, really thin (3mm) door/window sensor that can be mounted in the gap between doors/windows.

Unfortunately my Vera had decided to become a slave controller (of nothing) on its own. So I couldn’t include any new devices on it (support ticket opened). Hopefully I’ll be able to show some more pictures when this has been resolved.

Wow they look good. How are they powered ?

It has a build-in battery.


Only 17 days left on the campaign and I have 21 days till pay day :frowning: That sucks because I really like the looks of those sensors.

Read through the article, and I’ll be buying some. Seems like a great product. Not sure about the 10 year battery life, but if they last 5 years I’ll be happy. Shame they don’t do a 3 strip set early bird offer, just a single strip one. So not sure yet how many I’ll buy

I noticed these a while back but decided to wait for now. I’m still interested in how they will perform with Vera.

Looks really interesting. I have a spot I’d love to use something like this. Look forward to hearing your report.

My vera did the same thing out of the blue. Tech support had it up and going again within about 10 minutes, so hopefully yours will be resolved quickly as well.

[quote=“hek, post:1, topic:187807”]I received a pre-series version of a Sensative “Strip” yesterday.

It’s a new, really thin (3mm) door/window sensor that can be mounted in the gap between doors/windows.

Unfortunately my Vera had decided to become a slave controller (of nothing) on its own. So I couldn’t include any new devices on it (support ticket opened). Hopefully I’ll be able to show some more pictures when this has been resolved.[/quote]

HEK, is this a Zwave or Zwave+ device i.e. UI5 or UI7 only?


According to the website, ZWave+.

I doubt it would matter. It’s standard door/temperature devices (which I’ll probably have to specify myself after inclusion as their profiles hasn’t been distributed to the controller makers yet).

20 hours… still no reply to my support request. Would have been nice to do some testing tonight… but I guess it will have to wait. I would rather not go through the process of re-including my 25+ devices.

I never got a response from the ticket I submitted either. Ended up calling them instead and they were able to fix really quickly, so that’s probably worth a shot. I was dreading it, as when I went back and looked at old records, this had switched over at least 6 months ago, so didn’t have a good backup to use. Must have been a simple fix on their end, as no need to use an old backup. I didn’t need to be at home for any of it either, so was able to call from work.

[quote author=hek link=topic=32737.msg239050#msg239050 date=1435153605]

I doubt it would matter. It’s standard door/temperature devices (which I’ll probably have to specify myself after inclusion as their profiles hasn’t been distributed to the controller makers yet).

I would think so too, it isn’t doing anything particularly “tricky” (Door Open, Door Closed :slight_smile: ) with the possible exception of using the enhanced speed of ZWave+ or something. But I thought I’d ask

I never got a response from the ticket I submitted either. Ended up calling them instead and they were able to fix really quickly, so that’s probably worth a shot. I was dreading it, as when I went back and looked at old records, this had switched over at least 6 months ago, so didn’t have a good backup to use. Must have been a simple fix on their end, as no need to use an old backup. I didn’t need to be at home for any of it either, so was able to call from work.[/quote]

They do seem to be slowing down, maybe its just us UI5 users :slight_smile: I’ve had a not particularly important request in about support for the Fibaro Door/Window+Temp Sensor in for a week now and nothing back. As I said, not really important, I can live with it so i’m not excited or anything.

WRT the sensor strips…US z-wave frequency?


Called them and the got the issue fixed.

The support guy mentioned that Z-wave+ devices might not work in UI5. So I probably have to test in on the Edge I got tucked away.

[quote=“hek, post:15, topic:187807”]Called them and the got the issue fixed.

The support guy mentioned that Z-wave+ devices might not work in UI5. So I probably have to test in on the Edge I got tucked away.[/quote]

Ah bummer. Doing everything possible not to transition, but some of the z-wave plus devices look pretty good.

Got it up and running as a generic device for both UI5/UI7!

Tried changing device-files to the Door but then UI component wouldn’t update any more… so I’ll probably stay on generic until the correct configuration has been deployed by Sensative.

Will have to stop by their office to get it updated with a new firmware eventually as temp-sensor reading is still WIP.

[quote=“hek, post:17, topic:187807”]Got it up and running as a generic device for both UI5/UI7!

Tried changing device-files to the Door but then UI component wouldn’t update any more… so I’ll probably stay on generic until the correct configuration has been deployed by Sensative.

Will have to stop by their office to get it updated with a new firmware eventually as temp-sensor reading is still WIP.[/quote]

Good news on the UI5 front! Will be following your progress.

[quote=“tb001, post:16, topic:187807”][quote=“hek, post:15, topic:187807”]Called them and the got the issue fixed.

The support guy mentioned that Z-wave+ devices might not work in UI5. So I probably have to test in on the Edge I got tucked away.[/quote]

Ah bummer. Doing everything possible not to transition, but some of the z-wave plus devices look pretty good.[/quote]

Most of us are not moving from UI5 to UI7… not necessary. I got, and rooted, a Wink device to handle Zwave+ devices that actually require it (many seem not to). Don’t have any Z+ devices yet.

[quote author=Aaron link=topic=32737.msg239128#msg239128 date=1435202286]

[quote=“tb001, post:16, topic:187807”][quote=“hek, post:15, topic:187807”]Called them and the got the issue fixed.

The support guy mentioned that Z-wave+ devices might not work in UI5. So I probably have to test in on the Edge I got tucked away.[/quote]

Ah bummer. Doing everything possible not to transition, but some of the z-wave plus devices look pretty good.[/quote]

Most of us are not moving from UI5 to UI7… not necessary. I got, and rooted, a Wink device to handle Zwave+ devices that actually require it (many seem not to). Don’t have any Z+ devices yet.

You should post on how you did this, lots of us are leary of UI7