Schlage Deadbolt Almost Working. Need Advice.

I installed my zwave Schlage deadbolt. All went fine, paired first try, showed up in vera.

However I cant seem to get it to configure. I thought maybe it was a range issue, so i put my beaming outlet/lamp module within about 15ft of the door, then ran a Repair (report pic attached). I was able to get the lock to work once via vera (even though the repair looks like its not configured. After that, trying to lock just tries forever.

I attached a pic of the current lock status. It varies where it reports it failed at (getting name, getting secure classes, getting manufacturer, failed to configure). I have tried to kick off the configure device several times, always fails.

I am also attaching a pic of the device settings, whats odd is that it doesnt list any neighbors.

Any thoughts?

Locks are very finicky. 15 feet may not be close enough.

Yea, i have heard that. Did realize it was that bad. Its 15’ line of side, nothing impeding it too. Do most people have some sort of beaming device right next to the door then? I moved my outlet module to within less than 10’ now, but has a pretty thick wall between, but its as close as I can get.

Are there any other solutions?

I have an outdoor light on a Zwave switch right next to my door. I haven’t had a problem with my lock (Kwickset 910).

I’m certainly no expert, but every problem I’ve seen that shows unable to configure has had a “too far from controller/relay” response.

Where do you see that response? I just get Failed at… messages on the actual device. Or in the logs, I see Device not responding.

I consider all the “getting” info part of the configuration process. Maybe it’s not technically the configuring part but the result is still the same.

The main point is to me it looks like a communications issue… and thus possibly a result of the distance from the outlet/fan module.

Like I said, I’m no expert but this follows a pattern of information/possible cause I’ve been witnessing on the forum.

I have had very poor results trying to configure or even operate locks while routing through an intermediate device (supporting beaming and routing for secure devices, of course). To reliably operate my lock, I added an external antenna to the Vera so it can talk directly to the lock, but to configure it successfully I had to carry Vera over to within a few meters of the lock with clear line of sight.

To carry it over, can you do that in battery mode or are you plugging it in with a long ethernet cable? If you can do it in battery mode, which buttons do you press to get the vera in the correct mode before hitting configure in the UI?

This will work with a Yale Lock, not

I’d try to include one lock at a time (if your trying more than one).

Also, wait ten minutes after Vera startup to include lock. It then takes an hour plus after it’s paired to fully configure (great to be done before bed).

After all is working, I can’t lock more than one lock via Z-Wave due to secure z-wave seems to freeze the network. I space 30 seconds a part for lock and unlock commands from vera.

Battery mode is fine, just enable wifi and connect to Vera on that using a tablet or laptop.

This is true with my Kwickset too. Once one command is given there is about a 20 second blackout time before I can send another command to the lock. The UI will update (switch form lock to unlock) but nothing will happen at the lock. If I wait longer than 20 seconds it works fine.

Do i need to enable wifi on the vera somehow?

If you have a Vera Lite, there’s no wifi, so you’ll have to run an ethernet cable to it :slight_smile:

For future searchers, this was spot on. I had no issue pairing the device with my veralite in battery mode. It was the ‘configure device’ that would continually fail. Didnt matter if my beaming device was the original 45’ line of site, an improved 15’ line of site or 5’ away through a wall, config always failed.

Ran a long ethernet cable and power, plugged it in at the base of the door. Went to the web UI and kicked off the manual config again and worked like a champ on the first try.

Now I have plugged it back in where the vera lives in the other room and put back my beaming device the original 45’ away and it works well. The only issue now is that the status takes FOREVER to update but it eventually does. Took forever even when the vera was next to the door.

Thanks all for the help.

I see you found a solution, I had a similar issue that I eventually figured out on my own.
I am not sure my issues are the same as yours, but I will put down my solution here in case it can assist another member.

For some reason, sometimes the Schlage deadbolt will try to pair on it’s own without me putting my Vera Lite into pair mode.
When this happens, the config always fails after a painfully long process.
If you try to delete the failed device on your panel, it will attempt to pair again on it’s own before you can put the Vera into pair mode.

My Fix:

  1. Reset the Schlage lock by disconnecting the battery, hold down the Schlage button on the keypad while reconnecting the battery.
  2. Enter the four digit open code on the sticker that came with the lock (on the manual and inside the unit) This will invoke the unit’s self-test. If you get an error here, you must fix it before you can proceed.
  3. At this time I like to reprogram the six digit program code to something I can easily remember. You can do this by pressing the Schlage button, press again if the first time closes the deadbolt. Enter the six digit program number on the manual/inside lock. Press 3 on the keypad. Enter your personal six digit code, you will get a check mark, enter it again. Don’t worry about making an error, just press the Schlage button and do this step over.
  4. Unplug the battery on the Schlage lock.
  5. On your Vera, check to see if the Deadbolt attempted to pair with your unit, if so, delete the device and wait until it has completely cleared.
  6. Run a long Ethernet cable to the deadbolt, and power up your Vera. Wait for it to completely start-up. (Note: I haven’t yet tried pairing in the Vera battery mode, it might also work. For me it is just easier for me to run the cable so I can put the powered Vera adjacent to the deadbolt.)
  7. On your computer, put your Vera into pair mode.
  8. After you see the red light is slowly flash on the Vera, connect the deadbolt battery, and immediately press Schlage, Your six digit code and then 0. You should see the check mark in about 5-10 seconds.
  9. Return to your computer and wait until your Deadbolt is completely configured on your dashboard before returning your Vera back to it’s normal location.
  10. Update Neighbors on your Schlage Device.

I have four Schlage deadbolts in two homes, two of them had the aforementioned issue and these steps got around that issue every time.

[quote=“jimmyhtz, post:15, topic:182404”]I see you found a solution, I had a similar issue that I eventually figured out on my own.
I am not sure my issues are the same as yours, but I will put down my solution here in case it can assist another member.

For some reason, sometimes the Schlage deadbolt will try to pair on it’s own without me putting my Vera Lite into pair mode.
When this happens, the config always fails after a painfully long process.
If you try to delete the failed device on your panel, it will attempt to pair again on it’s own before you can put the Vera into pair mode.

My Fix:

  1. Reset the Schlage lock by disconnecting the battery, hold down the Schlage button on the keypad while reconnecting the battery.
  2. Enter the four digit open code on the sticker that came with the lock (on the manual and inside the unit) This will invoke the unit’s self-test. If you get an error here, you must fix it before you can proceed.
  3. At this time I like to reprogram the six digit program code to something I can easily remember. You can do this by pressing the Schlage button, press again if the first time closes the deadbolt. Enter the six digit program number on the manual/inside lock. Press 3 on the keypad. Enter your personal six digit code, you will get a check mark, enter it again. Don’t worry about making an error, just press the Schlage button and do this step over.
  4. Unplug the battery on the Schlage lock.
  5. On your Vera, check to see if the Deadbolt attempted to pair with your unit, if so, delete the device and wait until it has completely cleared.
  6. Run a long Ethernet cable to the deadbolt, and power up your Vera. Wait for it to completely start-up. (Note: I haven’t yet tried pairing in the Vera battery mode, it might also work. For me it is just easier for me to run the cable so I can put the powered Vera adjacent to the deadbolt.)
  7. On your computer, put your Vera into pair mode.
  8. After you see the red light is slowly flash on the Vera, connect the deadbolt battery, and immediately press Schlage, Your six digit code and then 0. You should see the check mark in about 5-10 seconds.
  9. Return to your computer and wait until your Deadbolt is completely configured on your dashboard before returning your Vera back to it’s normal location.
  10. Update Neighbors on your Schlage Device.

I have four Schlage deadbolts in two homes, two of them had the aforementioned issue and these steps got around that issue every time.[/quote]

When you lock your locks through Vera app or UI, how long does it take the status of the lock to update? Does it update when you manually turn the lock?

I have Yale but will share my experience to troubleshoot if general secure z-wave or schlage specific.

  • When operating lock manually (lock → vera). Instant updates.
  • Locking one lock at a time (vera → lock). Physically locks in 1-5 seconds. Status update in Vera UI after 10-20 seconds showing locked. I guess it takes a while to do a “secure poll”

I have found pairing schlage locks requires the pair to occur with vera plugged in, then I leave the vera near the lock for about 15 mins to be on the safe side to allow the config to complete. Removing the vera after the blinking pair complete light is not long enough to complete the config, it must stay close to the lock for an extended time.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

If it helps… I have just gotten my two Schlage locks paired. Amazingly difficult time… exclude, include, documentation out of date, documentation telling you to do all kinds of things… I moved my vera unit within 6 inches (the only two devices I had to do this with)… do one at a time, be patient, takes minutes to complete.

Also, you put in the 6 digit admin code, hit 0, then you only get a few seconds where the yellow light flashes; all of the docs that talk about beeps and such were wrong, or referring to an older version.

[quote=“johnes, post:19, topic:182404”]If it helps… I have just gotten my two Schlage locks paired. Amazingly difficult time… exclude, include, documentation out of date, documentation telling you to do all kinds of things… I moved my vera unit within 6 inches (the only two devices I had to do this with)… do one at a time, be patient, takes minutes to complete.

Also, you put in the 6 digit admin code, hit 0, then you only get a few seconds where the yellow light flashes; all of the docs that talk about beeps and such were wrong, or referring to an older version.[/quote]

Interesting. I had zero issues pairing per the schlage instructions. My issues came after it was an available device in my Vera but needed to configure.