PLUGIN: Wink Connect (formerly Wink Hub Controller)

Loaded version 1.2 of plugin. Still no luck with it. I get a loggedin message but the devices fail to configure. Status shows “unconfigured”. I am on UI7, so it could be a UI7 issue.

[quote=“cybrmage, post:59, topic:185289”][quote=“Vreo, post:58, topic:185289”]@cybrmage. This plugin seams great! I have some questions, hope you or anyone in this topic could help me and maybe help others. I found the Wink Relay ( and I would love to have that in my wall.

[ol][li]I currently don’t have any zigbee devices, I have VeraLite with 40 Z-Wave devices and RTS’ PLEG and works great. I would love to add this Relay to my VeraLite and that from the relay to control Vera Z-Wave devices, is it possible?[/li]
[li]In their webpage it says that it works with their app and that no hub is needed, but in the case I am saying that it could be connected to Vera, is it going to need a hub and a connection with wink? Or could be only working with Vera?[/li]
[li]And last… could it work with this great plugin of yours?[/li][/ol]


The Wink relay seems to be a custom device (possibly running a custom version of android) running a custom version of the Wink App. As such, I suspect that it connects to the Wink API servers for device control (which is why a Wink Hub is not required - it can control devices attached to a wink account that do not need to have a hub), and will not appear as a device in the data returned by the API.

However, if you have a Wink Hub, you could possibly pair it with your Vera (as a secondary controller) and have your z-wave devices controllable with the Wink Hub and any Wink Relays you had.

Note that this is just speculation… I do not have (and do not plan to get) a Wink Relay.[/quote]
Thank you very much for your answer.

It only partly works for me. On reload, I get “FAILED: Did not connect to Wink Hub API Server” but if I hit the ReSync button but goes to Status “Logged In” but never creates either of my bulbs in the Vera UI. I’m running a non-rooted hub @ 0.55 on Vera UI5

Works the same way on UI7. Initially gives the “FAILED” message and status indicates no remote login. If I hit resync the status changes to “Logged In”. It then says “unconfigured”. No devices are created. I have a number of lights, a GE switch and the new Cree connected light bulb on the wink hub. Perhaps these are not compatible devices for the app. I’m running a non-rooted hub @ 0.55 on Vera UI7.

Sorry… I missed your post…

Try v0.12g (attached to this post)… there are some bugfixes in it… If it doesn’t work, then I will need to get logs from you…

Works the same way on UI7. Initially gives the “FAILED” message and status indicates no remote login. If I hit resync the status changes to “Logged In”. It then says “unconfigured”. No devices are created. I have a number of lights, a GE switch and the new Cree connected light bulb on the wink hub. Perhaps these are not compatible devices for the app. I’m running a non-rooted hub @ 0.55 on Vera UI7.[/quote]

There was a subtle change in the data returned by the Wink Hub API servers when an access token is refreshed - that the attached version should take care of… The plugin logged in, stored the login tokens, and created the vera devices… LuaUPnP restarted… The plugin loaded the saved tokens, refreshed them and crashed due to the changes in returned data… Hopefully fixed…

Sorry… I missed your post…

Try v0.12g (attached to this post)… there are some bugfixes in it… If it doesn’t work, then I will need to get logs from you…

Works the same way on UI7. Initially gives the “FAILED” message and status indicates no remote login. If I hit resync the status changes to “Logged In”. It then says “unconfigured”. No devices are created. I have a number of lights, a GE switch and the new Cree connected light bulb on the wink hub. Perhaps these are not compatible devices for the app. I’m running a non-rooted hub @ 0.55 on Vera UI7.[/quote]

There was a subtle change in the data returned by the Wink Hub API servers when an access token is refreshed - that the attached version should take care of… The plugin logged in, stored the login tokens, and created the vera devices… LuaUPnP restarted… The plugin loaded the saved tokens, refreshed them and crashed due to the changes in returned data… Hopefully fixed…[/quote]

Ok, I uploaded v01.12g that you had attached. There were no changes that I could see, but I did notice that there are 2 L_Wink_Hub1 files listed in the Current LUUP Files listing. Is this correct, or did I manage to mess something up during the upload process?

L_Wink_Hub1.lua View download
L_Wink_Hub1 View download

Vera UI5
Wink App 0.12

If you want my log files I will be happy to give them to you, but someone’s got to tell me how / where to access them. I’ve been messing with all of this stuff for about 3 days now, and I don’t know much of anything…

Does the plugin identify and work with the Pico Remotes? If so does it recognize all the buttons on the five button remote?

The plugin identifies them, and promptly and unceremoniously ignores them.

The Pico remotes are listed in the Device report from the Wink API server, but they appear to operate much like a Z-Wave scene controller… They are associated with specific Lutron devices and when activated communicate directly with the associated devices. They do not appear to send any messages to the hub directly, except during the association process. The device entries for the Pico remotes include a listing of the devices that they are associated to - this is used by the android/IOS Wink App to control the Pico remote associations, something that is not documented in the published API… eventually it may be possible to have a Vera device for the remote to allow association control… but they won’t be usable as a trigger for other generic Vera devices.

I have a pair of the GE + Quirky Tripper door/window sensors They are a non-proprietary zigbee device. A package comes with two sensors for $40 USD and use CR2032 batteries. They have a nice small footprint.

Any chance of making these show up in Vera just like my other devices connected to my Wink Hub?

This is a great plugin! I love the fact I can slave my inexpensive Wink Hub to my Vera.


installed 1.3 of the app. Status displays as “Starting”, but no devices added.

Same here. Here’s the log LuaUPnP log from when I do a restart, hopefully it’s helpful

09 01/27/15 17:39:16.589 JobHandler_LuaUPnP::Run device 135 Wink Hub room 0 type urn:schemas-micasaverde-com:device:Wink_Hub:1 id parent 0/0xde3750 upnp: 0 <0x2ae34000> ... 02 01/27/15 17:39:32.049 luup_log:135: (Wink_Hub::Wink_Hub_Startup): Quirky Wink Hub Automation Gateway - ************** STARTING ************** <0x2b767680> 02 01/27/15 17:39:32.050 luup_log:135: (Wink_Hub::getMiosVersion): mios_branch [1] mios_major [5] mios_minor [622]. <0x2b767680> 02 01/27/15 17:39:32.050 luup_log:135: (Wink_Hub::getMiosVersion): MIOS_VERSION [UI5]. <0x2b767680> 50 01/27/15 17:39:32.091 luup_log:135: (Wink_Hub::Wink_Hub_Startup): Quirky Wink Hub Automation Gateway - Plugin version [0.13 Wink] - isDisabled [0] MIOS_VERSION [UI5] <0x2b767680> 50 01/27/15 17:39:32.092 luup_log:135: (Wink_Hub::getVariable) SID [urn:micasaverde-com:serviceId:Wink_Hub1] variable [PluginVersion]. <0x2b767680> 50 01/27/15 17:39:32.092 luup_log:135: (Wink_Hub::getVariable) Got PluginVersion [0.13 Wink]. <0x2b767680> 50 01/27/15 17:39:32.092 luup_log:135: (Wink_Hub::setVariable) SID [urn:micasaverde-com:serviceId:Wink_Hub1] variable [PluginVersion] value [0.13 Wink]. <0x2b767680> 50 01/27/15 17:39:32.093 luup_log:135: (Wink_Hub::setVariable) SID [urn:micasaverde-com:serviceId:Wink_Hub1] variable [Hub_Status] value [Starting...]. <0x2b767680> 50 01/27/15 17:39:33.126 luup_log:135: (Wink_Hub::connectToWinkAPI): Connected to the Wink Hub API Server. __LEAK__ this:323584 start:1937408 to 0x1881000 <0x2b767680> 06 01/27/15 17:39:33.129 Device_Variable::m_szValue_set device: 135 service: urn:micasaverde-com:serviceId:Wink_Hub1 variable: Hub_Access_Token was: 4d104b5ab9bfbc7814a19a03593145bf now: e4a0f757cc02e9134f2707f5f18371b0 #hooks: 0 upnp: 0 v:(nil)/NONE duplicate:0 <0x2b767680> 06 01/27/15 17:39:33.130 Device_Variable::m_szValue_set device: 135 service: urn:micasaverde-com:serviceId:Wink_Hub1 variable: Hub_Token_Timestamp was: 1422409099 now: 1422409173 #hooks: 0 upnp: 0 v:(nil)/NONE duplicate:0 <0x2b767680> 50 01/27/15 17:39:33.134 luup_log:135: (Wink_Hub::Wink_Hub_Startup): connectToWinkAPI succeeded. <0x2b767680> ... 01 01/27/15 17:39:35.383 LuaInterface::CallFunction_Startup-1 device 135 function Wink_Hub_Startup failed [string "-- Wink_Hub..."]:2703: attempt to concatenate field 'child_manufacturer_device_id' (a nil value) __LEAK__ this:135168 start:2334720 to 0x18e2000 <0x2b767680> 01 01/27/15 17:39:35.402 LuImplementation::StartLua running startup code for 135 I_Wink_Hub1.xml failed <0x2b767680>

AHA! I just remembered that I recently added my Nest thermostat to the Wink app in my iPad to test how it worked (not well as it turns out). I removed it and both bulbs are now showing in Vera UI and are controllable! :slight_smile:

I checked the area of code that crashed… figured that it had to be a non-wink-hub-native device or service… I’m glad you figured it out…

If it’s not too much trouble, could you add the nest back into your Wink Hub, turn on debug mode, restart the plugin and grab the device definition from the log so I can either add support for it or explicitly remove support for it. Thanks.

What devices are connected to your Wink API account??? This may be the same issue as Zolakk had with the Nest thermostat.

No… that is not correct… It looks like the file you uploaded somehow lost its extension…

The “L_Wink_Hub1.lua” is the correct file.

Not to worry though… Version 0.13 is published, and it will update the correct file. The incorrect file will be ignored and will not cause any adverse issues.

Not a problem… I posted previously with some information on the logs… But for now… update to 0.13 and see what happens… we’ll go from there… BTW… What devices do you have attached to your Wink Hub account?

I have the following devices attached to the wink hub:

  1. Spotter

  2. Philips Lux Bulbs

  3. TCP Connected Bulbs

  4. GE Z-Wave Outdoor Module

I checked the area of code that crashed… figured that it had to be a non-wink-hub-native device or service… I’m glad you figured it out…

If it’s not too much trouble, could you add the nest back into your Wink Hub, turn on debug mode, restart the plugin and grab the device definition from the log so I can either add support for it or explicitly remove support for it. Thanks.

What devices are connected to your Wink API account??? This may be the same issue as Zolakk had with the Nest thermostat.

No… that is not correct… It looks like the file you uploaded somehow lost its extension…

The “L_Wink_Hub1.lua” is the correct file.

Not to worry though… Version 0.13 is published, and it will update the correct file. The incorrect file will be ignored and will not cause any adverse issues.

Not a problem… I posted previously with some information on the logs… But for now… update to 0.13 and see what happens… we’ll go from there… BTW… What devices do you have attached to your Wink Hub account?[/quote]

Got quite a lot of info in the log, but I think this is what you’re looking for (removed my latitude and longitude for obvious reasons, although kinda surprised Nest keeps and reports that info). If not, let me know

[code]02 01/27/15 18:47:27.872 luup_log:135: (Wink_Hub::HUB_DEVICES::getDeviceListRemote): processing device [id: 5 - manufacturer: nest - model: Learning Thermostat - name: Nest Thermostat Data: upc_id: 168
1: MyLat
2: MyLong

locale: en_us

fan_timer_active: FALSE
users_away: FALSE
max_set_point: 26.666666666667
min_set_point: 21.111111111111
mode: auto
1: auto
2: heat_only
3: cool_only

powered: TRUE


model_name: Learning Thermostat
desired_modes_allowed_updated_at: 1421702878.2604
fan_timer_active_updated_at: 1422412922.0031
manufacturer_structure_id_updated_at: 1422412922.0031
fan_duration_updated_at: 1422412922.0031
min_set_point_updated_at: 1422412922.0031
mode_updated_at: 1422412922.0031
desired_powered_updated_at: 1421702878.1822
has_fan: TRUE
max_set_point: 26.666666666667
powered_updated_at: 1422412922.0031
powered: TRUE
deadband_updated_at: 1422412922.0031
desired_mode: auto
temperature: 22
users_away_updated_at: 1422412922.0031
fan_duration: 0
min_set_point: 21.111111111111
desired_mode_updated_at: 1421702878.1822
connection: TRUE
desired_fan_timer_active_updated_at: 1421702878.2604
desired_fan_timer_active: FALSE
desired_max_set_point_updated_at: 1422000090.71
connection_updated_at: 1422412922.003
users_away: FALSE
fan_timer_active: FALSE
desired_max_set_point: 26.666666666667
desired_min_set_point_updated_at: 1422372623.2547
desired_min_set_point: 21.111111111111
1: auto
2: heat_only
3: cool_only

mode: auto
desired_powered: TRUE
has_fan_updated_at: 1422412922.0031
eco_target: FALSE
last_error_updated_at: 1421702878.2839
desired_users_away: FALSE
units_updated_at: 1422412922.0031
modes_allowed_updated_at: 1422412922.0031
1: auto
2: heat_only
3: cool_only

units: f
max_set_point_updated_at: 1422412922.0031
temperature_updated_at: 1422412922.0031
desired_users_away_updated_at: 1422406524.5755
deadband: 1.5
manufacturer_structure_id: ZAqOv-FJa9Huzv-PXRITSWsFqjxRAeTnhzPGlikj8z3DxDEkzuTFUg
eco_target_updated_at: 1422412922.0031

linked_service_id: 70319
device_manufacturer: nest
thermostat_id: 34376
temperature: f

manufacturer_device_id: Wyc73fGVax6ODYa4IRVlQExx11Qobba_
name: Nest Thermostat
smart_schedule_enabled: FALSE
manufacturer_device_model: nest
created_at: 1421702878
/r/n]. <0x2be07680>
02 01/27/15 18:47:27.879 luup_log:135: (Wink_Hub::HUB_DEVICES::getDeviceListRemote): processing device [id: 6 - manufacturer: nest - model: Learning Thermostat - name: Nest Thermostat Data: upc_id: 168
1: MyLat
2: MyLong

locale: en_us

fan_timer_active: FALSE
users_away: FALSE
max_set_point: 26.666666666667
min_set_point: 21.111111111111
mode: auto
1: auto
2: heat_only
3: cool_only

powered: TRUE


model_name: Learning Thermostat
desired_modes_allowed_updated_at: 1421702880.2786
fan_timer_active_updated_at: 1421702880.3143
manufacturer_structure_id_updated_at: 1421702880.3143
fan_duration_updated_at: 1421702880.3143
min_set_point_updated_at: 1421702880.3143
mode_updated_at: 1421702880.3143
desired_powered_updated_at: 1421702880.0302
has_fan: TRUE
max_set_point: 26.666666666667
powered_updated_at: 1421702880.3143
powered: TRUE
deadband_updated_at: 1421702880.3142
desired_mode: auto
temperature: 22.5
users_away_updated_at: 1421702880.3143
fan_duration: 0
min_set_point: 21.111111111111
desired_mode_updated_at: 1421702880.0302
connection: TRUE
desired_fan_timer_active_updated_at: 1421702880.2786
desired_fan_timer_active: FALSE
desired_max_set_point_updated_at: 1421702880.2786
connection_updated_at: 1421702880.3142
users_away: FALSE
fan_timer_active: FALSE
desired_max_set_point: 26.666666666667
desired_min_set_point_updated_at: 1421702880.2786
desired_min_set_point: 21.111111111111
1: auto
2: heat_only
3: cool_only

mode: auto
desired_powered: TRUE
has_fan_updated_at: 1421702880.3143
eco_target: FALSE
desired_users_away: FALSE
units_updated_at: 1421702880.3142
modes_allowed_updated_at: 1421702880.3143
1: auto
2: heat_only
3: cool_only

units: f
max_set_point_updated_at: 1421702880.3143
temperature_updated_at: 1421702880.3142
desired_users_away_updated_at: 1421702880.2786
deadband: 1.5
manufacturer_structure_id: ZAqOv-FJa9Huzv-PXRITSWsFqjxRAeTnhzPGlikj8z3DxDEkzuTFUg
eco_target_updated_at: 1421702880.3143

linked_service_id: 70319
device_manufacturer: nest
thermostat_id: 34377
temperature: f

manufacturer_device_id: Wyc73fGVax6ODYa4IRVlQExx11Qobba_
name: Hallway Nest Thermostat
smart_schedule_enabled: FALSE
manufacturer_device_model: nest
created_at: 1421702880
/r/n]. <0x2be07680>[/code]

[quote=“Bojangles, post:74, topic:185289”]I have the following devices attached to the wink hub:

  1. Spotter

  2. Philips Lux Bulbs

  3. TCP Connected Bulbs

  4. GE Z-Wave Outdoor Module[/quote]

Another AHA…I don’t have my Nest connected to the Wink but did have the TCP Connected bulb connected. I removed the TCP bulb and reload vera. Now all 6 of my GE Link showed up and status is now ready. I also have philips hue but not connected to the wink (connected to vera) and that also added to vera but show as offline… Look like non wink devices cause the crashes

I have a couple GE Link bulbs paired to the Philips controller. Previously they were paired directly with Wink, but I had problems keeping them paired if the power went out. Do not have that issue when paired with the Philips controller. I also just got one of the new cree bulbs. It paired with the philips controller. May just store the wink hub, got it for a penny at Home Depot. I hadn’t been using it, but turned it on when I saw this plugin.

[quote author=FOCGreeN link=topic=30007.msg216220#msg216220 date=1422383569]
I have a pair of the GE + Quirky Tripper door/window sensors They are a non-proprietary zigbee device. A package comes with two sensors for $40 USD and use CR2032 batteries. They have a nice small footprint.

They look like a nice little product… Only two problems… They’ve been showing on the Quirky site as “sold out” for quite a while, and by the time they’re shipped north they end up costing twice as much…

Sure… But since I don’t have these devices, you will need to turn on debug mode, reload the LuaUPnP engine, and capture the log output showing the device output from the Wink API data parsing… (like zolakk did with the Nest Thermostat)

PERFECT!! Thanks!!

Unfortunately, for the linked services, I chose to use the “manufacturer_device_id” to uniquely identify each device… (based on the data returned by the Wink API for the MyQ and Philips devices)… The nest devices do not provide a unique “manufacturer_device_id” for each device… So I will have to temporarily exclude the Nest devices until I figure out a way to uniquely identify each device without breaking the existing identifications…

[quote=“Bojangles, post:74, topic:185289”]I have the following devices attached to the wink hub:

  1. Spotter[/quote]

This will be the device that is tripping up the plugin… Please try to get the debug mode logs from “getDeviceListRemote” showing the spotter device output…

Yes… As mentioned previously, the identifying field I selected to uniquely identify each linked service device turns out to be a bad choice, as it is neither unique nor conforming to the other id fields (all other id fields are numeric, the "manufacturer_device_id turns out to be alphanumeric with punctuation)… I am re-evaluating the choice…

I installed 0.13 and this is the message I now get: Wink_Hub : Startup FAILED: Did not connect to Wink Hub API Server.

The only thing that I have connected to my Wink Hub are 2 GE Link Bulbs.

[quote=“marshallz, post:79, topic:185289”]I installed 0.13 and this is the message I now get: Wink_Hub : Startup FAILED: Did not connect to Wink Hub API Server.

The only thing that I have connected to my Wink Hub are 2 GE Link Bulbs.[/quote]

I would get that message from time to time. Hitting the “resync” button would fix it.