Plugin for DSC security system using IP100D ethernet module released

Thanks to mcvflorin my plugin for the IP100D ethernet module for DSC panels has been released.

You can find it here:
And the files are here:

It supports the Envisalink IP100D:
The IP100D connects to the DSC by the keybus, and then connects to a standard ethernet connector.

The IP-100D doesn’t have much of a local API, so the plugin gets it’s information on zone status by parsing the embedded webpage.

It supports arm, disarm, and status on each of the zones.

Let me know if you try it out.



Will this work with ip170 module? I know Envisalink announced a beta firmware for the 170 module that has a local api.

  • Garrett

Hmmm, that codebase looks awfully familiar… :wink:

It might pay to create one independent Lua file and merge it into the regular DSC code. It’ll be fairly isolated to the HTML parsing functions, and a little in the action handlers, but it’ll ensure that the rest of the code stays in sync over time.

I can open the DSC code line if you want to do that.

[quote=“garrettwp, post:2, topic:169889”]Will this work with ip170 module? I know Envisalink announced a beta firmware for the 170 module that has a local api.

  • Garrett[/quote]If the web pages for the IP100D and the IP170D / 2DS are similar then I guess it should work. I guess it depends on how much extra functionality they added to the IP170 / 2DS in the firmware updates.

I’m getting really tempted to get one of these now :slight_smile:

@guessed - I assume you wrote the DSC security plugin? There was no attribution in the code for me to reference and refer to or I would have.
Yes, this is based off the DSC security plugin and standardization effort.
I agree that merging it in with the existing code wouldn’t be too difficult, though I’m not sure there is a lot of benefit there either. The IP100D local webpage is so different from the IT100 protocol that it might as well be a different alarm panel.
I’m also not sure how you have a device that can both support a serial connection and support not having a serial connection.

@garrett - If the IP170D/2DS produces the same formatted webpage then yes it would work.
The local API that they have in beta is completely different from this (and would be more similar to the existing DSC plugin that supports the IT100).

@Richard, did the Enviso guys get in contact with you about getting the IP100D exchanged?

I like the work they are doing developing the 170 / 2DS, but they are very tight lipped about everything.

I guess I’ll get one once they release more details about who they’ve tied up with for the monitoring, and whether it can be used with anyone else! I’m for sure not going to sign up for 3 years to get the sort of prices you can get with alarm relay for a years contract.

@strangely - They did send me a private message saying to email them, so I did, but haven’t heard back yet. I imagine a lot of people are on holiday for Christmas, so I wouldn’t be surprised if I didn’t hear back till next week some time.

Hope you get one!

Don’t sweat it. The code was originally from @Javier, who’s since moved on. I then completely re-wrote it to what you see today. Most of this you can see in the source control changelogs, which I use as the source of truth for “current” ownership. Over time, I expect that’ll change to someone that actually owns a DSC, since I really just did it as a favor to @strangely :wink:

Yes, this is based off the DSC security plugin and standardization effort. I agree that merging it in with the existing code wouldn't be too difficult, though I'm not sure there is a lot of benefit there either. The IP100D local webpage is so different from the IT100 protocol that it might as well be a different alarm panel. I'm also not sure how you have a device that can both support a serial connection and support not having a serial connection.
I was thinking about it primarily from a user's standpoint, and then secondarily from a code standpoint.

It’d be easier for them to say “I have a DSC”, install one plugin, and then describe the mechanism as to how they have the DSC connected (IT-100 Serial, IT-100 Ethernet, IP-100D Ethernet or IP-170D Ethernet) during the configuration. Obviously some work would be needed to get this latter part working correctly, but it would make it simpler for users - probably some sort of JavaScript “front page” of the Device’s Dialog setup, with a blurb for each type of config.

From the code standpoint, it’s more of the ability to pickup any changes for the UI/JSON files, and a few of the config items. From time to time these get a tweak or two, sometimes for the standardization stuff, so it’d save you having to Copy/Clone the implementations (which I do automatically for the Paradox, and @futzle has separate implementations for the GE, etc)

Hi Richard,

I bought a DSC1616 panel with a 2DS module to link eventually on the Vera system.

Do you know if your plugin is functional with the 2DS module ? Is it tested ?

Thanks !

Not sure he has his 2DS yet, but you should try it and be a trail blazer! :slight_smile:

Ok… I’ll do it !
I just bought the Vera Lite on pre orders this morning… the shipping will be done at january 26.

I’ll let you know if it’s working fine.

Thanks ! ;D

I wouldn’t worry too much if it doesn’t work as it won’t be too much effort to adapt the DSC plugin to make it work together with thier full API.

So I just got my 2DS yesterday, but haven’t even had the chance to plug it in yet. I hope to get to that this weekend.
I also have been added to the Envisalink beta API program.

I’ll post more as I find out more.

I’ll test it with my existing plugin first and post the results, and then start digging into the API.
Based on what they have said, I expect the new API should be able to leverage the existing IT100 plugin extensively.

I replaced my IP100D with the Envisalink 2DS this morning and my plugin is working just fine. Yay!

Next step is to start working with the beta firmware so that we can get more functionality.

I pulled the trigger on one of these today since they added the new pricing option to the monitoring contract :slight_smile:

Will have to look into it now. Just waiting on them releasing the API to the public. Also want to make sure my system is fully setup the way I want it before enabling monitoring.

  • Garrett


Can you please help, when try to arm, I received the message Remote Arm not enabled. I tried to modify the Advance tab which was set to “false”; however, this resulted in the message below. Is this setting in DSC or within the app?

EnableRemoteArm Parameter must be either blank, false or a value from the wiki.

Thanks in advance.

If the plugin is based largely on the IT100 one, then try “disarm” in EnableRemoteArm.

All parameters:

disarm (Least secure as all functions are available including disarm)
stay (This will enable stay arming and away arming, but not disarm)
arm (Will only enable away mode arming)

strangely is correct, except that the IP100D only supports away arming.