New Ezlo Platform FAQ

What is not a native feature?

The HTTP Server API is native.

Thanks for the clarification.
I use the current Honeywell WiFi Thermostats Plugin to control my Honeywell Thermostats at my homes. So that part is standard.
However, I also have several scenes with Lua Scripts that do different things, such as detect if both apartments (tenants) in my home are away, if so I reduce the set point.
I also have scenes with Lua script that synchronize two thermostats that essentially control 1 furnace. I have about 5 different scenes that are using Lua script to vary the heat set point up/down on these thermostats. However I would assume this is would not be considered a special use of the plugin. Its simply the need to be able to get/set the thermostat (any type of thermostat) properties via Lua scripting in a scene. I require the Honeywell WiFi Thermostats Plugin, and also Lua scripting capabilities for all thermostats, in fact Lua scripting capabilities for all devices. I understand that is being worked on.
If a feature request is required, would you like me to submit it or will you?


I’m not sure what he’s talking about.

There is already a HTTP API on the Ezlo hubs as covered in my guide.

And as you can see in these screen shots you can now add Lua script to Ezlo scenes.

Yes I see that. So I am unsure what he is talking about also. I know I asked 4 different
related questions, so perhaps his response was not intended for the HTTP request.
Your guide explains how to do what I call an inbound http/https request to invoke a scene assuming I understood your tutorial correctly. The screen capture above would be going the other way, invoke something on the web or local network (such as BlueIris) as part of a scene. So this means http requests both inbound and outbound are currently supported and working. Correct? Assuming that I understood your tutorial showing how to do this.


The guide I wrote is about how to send http requests inbound to the Ezlo hub to control things, ether have a scene run or operate a device on the Ezlo hub etc.

As for outbound http requests, I’ve not tested it, but if it works the same as lua script on the Vera hubs, then you could create a scene with lua script to send out a http request for example

luup.inet.wget('http://your-command-todo-something' ,5);

Perfect! Thanks.

I’ve just tested it by creating a new scene with a lua script that contains


This should make my Google Home speaker say “This is a test”.

However when running this Ezlo scene nothing happens.

The same code on my Vera hub does work OK

So we need some confirmation from the Ezlo staff why “luup.inet.wget” doesn’t appear to be working?

Using curl to send out a http command from an Ezlo scene works OK just tested that now.

But using wget doesn’t appear to be working.

They should be confirming on this new thread.

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Rather than sending out a http request as part of lua script, there is actually a dedicated action for http request you can select in your scene.

Good morning,

I had understood you wanted the lua code and the http request as an “activation event” or trigger. Also, on the previous hubs, under Apps there was an option to send luup code manually, I had understood thats what you wanted to do. Hence why I put the feature request.


I don’t think that’s what he was asking for.

However both of those things you have mentioned would be good to have. Especially the Lua code test box you refer to.


Sorry if the question is not in the right place …
Does Ezlo plus have Geofencing?


No. There is no geofencing yet. It is on the to do list they say.



Hi @Oleh, hope all is good. Any chance for an update on the Control4 Driver for Ezlo?
I can test beta versions if any…