mios.com down again?

It’s working for me now!

Edit: Well, mios.com is forwarding correctly and I can access vera through it through the internet and it forwards to the local IP correctly to. This afternoon I did change vera’s ip to match the IP mios thought it was. Perhaps that helped? I tried using cp.mios.com after doing that and it didn’t seem to make a difference.

iVera crashes when trying to connect, and backups still fail.

So, all is not well still. :frowning:

I have version 1.1.1327. MCV.com still reports it as 1.1.1267. The most current beta version is now 1.1.1332. While I’m eager to see if the new one fixes things, I’m worried not being able to create a backup. Not hearing anything from MCV doesn’t help anything either.

Edit2: Arrg, trying to do the firmware upgrade through Premium Domain Broker - DNX.com results in an empty page. Trying to do it through ui4 fails to, as it tries to download stuff from mios.com, which of course fails. This results in an empty firmware window.

I checked the NetworkMonitor log and it’s showing a problem with tunnels?

[tt]-rw-r–r-- 1 root root 23971 Jul 12 08:48 zwave_products_sys.xml
-rw-r–r-- 1 root root 49 Jul 19 13:24 zwave_version

err: <0x400>
02 07/19/11 20:32:49.464 CheckFreeTunnels file gone response 0
output:-rw-r–r-- 1 root root 0 Jul 16 15:07 320.reset
…more file list…

and this later on:
[tt]-rw-r–r-- 1 root root 23971 Jul 12 08:48 zwave_products_sys.xml
-rw-r–r-- 1 root root 49 Jul 19 13:24 zwave_version

err: <0x400>
02 07/19/11 20:33:10.633 CheckPaidTunnels: restarting tunnels 0 / 0 <0x400>
02 07/19/11 20:33:10.634 Logger::Suspend <0x400>
02 07/19/11 20:33:13.008 Logger::Resume <0x400>
02 07/19/11 20:33:13.008 NetworkMonitor: CheckPaidTunnels required handling <0x400>
02 07/19/11 20:33:13.077 CheckFreeTunnels file gone response 0
output:-rw-r–r-- 1 root root 0 Jul 16 15:07 320.reset
and the file list continues until it shows the first error again. it shows the first error/file list repeatedly, and occasionally the second one.

Waaaaahhhhh, I tried enabling failsafe ssh tunnels and it switched to the “Directly to the internet. MiOS is a gateway.” option and I can’t set it to anything else again.

There was a problem with the script that rotates the Apache logs, which means that the logs weren’t rotated and grew large (14 GB). There is a script that checks the logs for problems, and when it checked that large file, it loaded the system for a couple of hours.

It seems my problems were two fold. I had a beta build with a nasty bug in it. And mios.com was having issues on top of that.

I shouldn’t have downloaded the beta firmware as I’m not a beta tester.

A little bird told me how to fix the problem. Now I’m on the most current beta now and everything seems to be working as expected.

I was even able to change the network settings. And even set them back to default! \o/

Next time I encounter a nasty problem, I’ll email support instead of posting about it on the forum first.

I second the twitter feed idea. It only takes a moment to say “we were made aware of an issue and are working on it.” It goes miles for customer appreciation/understanding.

It’s good to be back.

Also, how does one become an official beta tester? :slight_smile:


Can you share what the little birdie told you? I am in the same boat.

Lesson learned.

Here is the fix for those who upgraded to 1.1.1327. Put this code in MiOS DevelopersTest Luup code (Lua) and click GO. Leave the Device number field empty. Wait for the Message sent successful pop-up. It could take a while (10+ seconds). After this fix there will be no difference between this firmware and 1.1.1332, so if you don’t have any other problems with this one, you don’t have to upgrade.

local FUNCTIONS_FILE = "/usr/lib/cmh/functions.sh"
local FUNCTIONS_FILE_URL = "http://download.mios.com/fixes/1327/functions.sh"
local REPORT_AP = "/usr/bin/Report_AP.sh"
local TIMEOUT = 60

os.execute ("rm -f " .. FUNCTIONS_FILE)

local status, content = luup.inet.wget (FUNCTIONS_FILE_URL, TIMEOUT)

if (status == 0) then
    io.output (FUNCTIONS_FILE)
    io.write (content)
    os.execute ("chmod 777 " .. FUNCTIONS_FILE)

    if (os.execute (REPORT_AP) == 0) then
        luup.log ("SUCCESS: '/usr/lib/cmh/functions.sh' created")
        return true
        luup.log ("ERROR: Failed to create file '/usr/lib/cmh/functions.sh'")
        return false

luup.log ("ERROR: Failed to get file from '" .. FUNCTIONS_FILE_URL .. "'.")
return false


Thanks! Issue resolved.

New here. How do I get to…" Put this code in MiOS Developers → Test Luup code (Lua) and click GO."

On the Dashboard, in the Toolbox section, 5th icon is named MiOS developers.

At of July 30 5:55 AM mios.com was very unresponsive. I could get to mios.com but once I press Login, it would stall.

Seems ok right now.

Now it’s fine. Earlier, it also said something about MySQL Server being unresponsive.

My Mios connection is down - Sat am 8:00 EST - been down for about 8+ hours.

I get to the dashboard but then get a box “data not loading?” Any one else?

Me too. Never know how to respond when this happens. It could be MCV, house lost electricity, house lost internet, and the worst: burglary. I think I need to add a battery back-up to eliminate the lost power element, which is th emost probable aside from MCV. I always look to this board to see if others have a similar issue to ease my mind.

same here. I know the Internet is up at my location so I’m pretty sure it is MCV.

After 4 or 5 retries, I finally got my dashboard. Looks like it is at least somewhat working now.

So, has anybody had any luck getting in? I’ve been trying all day. I can connect locally, but are unable to remotely.

Down right now for me.

edit…ok now

Up for me using iVera…

Down again for me…
I wonder if there is a way to lighten the load on the fwd servers. Some thing similar to SIP. Mios helps set up the connection and then steps out of the way until NAT messes things up again.

looks down to me right now.