iTach Flex Startup Lua Failed

found it here , it’ll take me a long time to test it but now at least i know which commands are really working here

try this http://VERA-IP:3480/data_request?id=lu_invoke

starred commands are the working ones

Richard, are you working with this ?

I am waiting 3 units of that to install…

Thanks in advance for your help…

Did you see this post:

  • Garrett

Hi Garret,

The link points for this same post…

Please check, thanks…

There are two GC100 Patches.
I have one for Relay Status and Input Sensor Status. (I did these changes).
There is another one for IR command. There is another thread on this.
They should be merged and released back to MCV.

[quote=“macfly92, post:18, topic:175667”]Hi all,

After the sudden death of my old IR Blaster (Redeye unit) I have recently bought an iTach Flex with a Tri Port IR Cable and I modified the GC-100 plugin to get it working.
I also add a second function to send iTach Code instead of Pronto Code.

The iTach code must be splitted to keep only the IR part
ex :
Full iTach code :

iTach code to be used in the plugin :

All seem to be working well so I share with you the files I changed but maybe the creator of the plugin can check it out…

PS : Only tested with Tri Port Cable

Enjoy ![/quote]

These files were working for me for a week or so, then all of a sudden today after a reload I’m getting the “iTach Flex startup Lua Failed” error message. I tried re-uploading the files with no luck.


Those files is for testing only, I wonder if the original developer can do an overview of my modifications, test and implements them to the original plugin.

Anyway, without some Errors Logs, it is impossible to know where is your problem.

Maybe you could Delete the GC-100 plugin at all, reinstall it and patch with my files.
I have absolutely no idea why it simply stop working after a week or so …

Have you receive any iTach Flex yet?
If not I’ll try organize one for you. No promises.

Luv to get my iTach Flex going.

Someone can help ?

Hello folks !

I have installed the macfly files and create another instance of the gc100 plugin because I have one dry contact gc100 running in my system…
I can send the codes learned in ilearn from my vera to flex and turn on my tv.
but I have a code for my Air Cond system I can not run !
this is the code in ilearn…


can someone observe something wrong and can say why this code do not turns on my air cond ?

I am trying send this code using sqblaster plugin but no success too.

Richard : do you have paypal account ? I can send the money to you to buy one itach flex and solve the things…the product is good and is a solution to control a lot of devices from our veras.

Your IR code seem correct in first view …

Is it work with iTest tool ?

If not, you can try to iLearn it again, and check if there are some differences…

I have did a lot of times learn process with ilearn…

and nothing…

I am trying universal codes from another brands…

maybe that be more legible for itach. do sense ?

thanks for help …

Hello guys
Sorry but I did not get it
please someone tell me that if wireless itach flex works well with vera 3 or not?
How about other itach series?

Thanks a lot

[quote=“Alireza44907, post:32, topic:175667”]Hello guys
Sorry but I did not get it
please someone tell me that if wireless itach flex works well with vera 3 or not?
How about other itach series?

Thanks a lot[/quote]

Flex are potentially supported by the GC-100 plugin with my tweak … but I’m not sure if it is very reliable.
Otherwise, you can also control it via Json HTTP REST request.

[quote=“Piwtorak, post:31, topic:175667”]I have did a lot of times learn process with ilearn…

and nothing…

I am trying universal codes from another brands…

maybe that be more legible for itach. do sense ?

thanks for help …[/quote]

Does your learned code work with the iTest tool ?
Maybe you can find standard code on some website … have you tried RemoteCentral ? from this site, you must convert Pronto code to Flex, but it is doable.

[quote=“Alireza44907”]Hello guys
Sorry but I did not get it
please someone tell me that if wireless itach flex works well with vera 3 or not?
How about other itach series?

Thanks a lot[/quote]

The original itach series all work with Vera and utilise the standard GC100 app. RTS has an up, if required for relay and input statuses that you can get.

WRT the flex series, yes it would work with the gc100 app and then installing updated files as contained in the link below (the app does not know if it is wired or wired, it is just designed to send it to an IP address),15155.msg138435.html#msg138435,15155.msg137548.html#msg137548

Global cache supplied me with an older version of the learn (2.4) and this make all my problems solved.

Has a bug in the new version what blocks a kind of codes.

I am new to the vera (lite) world. I have also just procured a itach flex wifi version. Can anyone guide me with how to use the two files and the plugin to make it work with the flex?

Also, Piwtorak, I am also having an issue learning my air conditioning remote commands, any idea if i could get a link to the older version of ilearn app that you have?

contact private with your email address and I can send for you.,

[quote=“macfly92, post:18, topic:175667”]Hi all,

After the sudden death of my old IR Blaster (Redeye unit) I have recently bought an iTach Flex with a Tri Port IR Cable and I modified the GC-100 plugin to get it working.
I also add a second function to send iTach Code instead of Pronto Code.

The iTach code must be splitted to keep only the IR part
ex :
Full iTach code :

iTach code to be used in the plugin :

All seem to be working well so I share with you the files I changed but maybe the creator of the plugin can check it out…

PS : Only tested with Tri Port Cable

Enjoy ![/quote]

I know I am late in the game… But anyway : these modifications are working and I can use my Itach wifi with a single blaster with the pluggin… Thank you for sharing! (Just surprised the plugin was never updated “officially”…)

[quote=“macfly92, post:18, topic:175667”]Hi all,

After the sudden death of my old IR Blaster (Redeye unit) I have recently bought an iTach Flex with a Tri Port IR Cable and I modified the GC-100 plugin to get it working.
I also add a second function to send iTach Code instead of Pronto Code.

The iTach code must be splitted to keep only the IR part
ex :
Full iTach code :

iTach code to be used in the plugin :

All seem to be working well so I share with you the files I changed but maybe the creator of the plugin can check it out…

PS : Only tested with Tri Port Cable

Enjoy ![/quote]

i am clearly too much f a novice to understand what deny of this means. I have a vera lite that I use primarily for lighting and kodi. I read elsewhere about the ability to control my Samsung UN55D8000 via the exiling port with an Itach flex IP and a couple of DB9 cables. I’ve got all the proper hardware, I just have no idea as to what settings the flex requires and how I use the info i quoted to interface with it, and I can’t find a comprehensive guide (that or I’m an idiot).

can I get some help here? any?

TIA!!! < very much