Is Ezlo Plus Ready for Prime Time?

Yep, about the response I expected. :laughing:

And so, this will remain an area in which Ezlo devices are inferior to the Vera devices they are supposed to replace, as well as competing devices such as the Hubitat :man_shrugging:

Honestly, though, this isn’t a deal breaker for me. It’s a pain point/point of frustration, yes (especially as a regression from my Vera), but I can live with it.

Apparently as of today the plugin install issue has finally been fixed, so I’ll give things another try over the next week or two, and we’ll see if this time I can start moving over to Ezlo without running into any more roadblocks. Hope springs eternal :smiley:

Nope, DSC plugin is only partially functional. Back to tech support - maybe this issue can be fixed in less than four months…

I find the the preferred way to create and edit Scenes (called meshbots) in EZLO. Doing them on a tiny iPhone screen is burdensome. After that the logic is local so it runs with or without WAN connectivity. So if you have unreliable internet, timer or event triggers Scenes (now called meshbots) should run fine.

As to the issue if Ezlo is goes insolvent AND someone doesn’t purchase the company out of bankruptcy and take it on as a going concern that then there may be a problem. If you are trying to automate a nuclear power plant this probably isn’t the right technology for you. I use it to turn on a few lights on and off and unlock/lock doors. Through my purchase of Ezlo devices and my time learning their system I am making a personal investment in the company of sorts. So I am motivated for their success. If it doesn’t happen I am out my time and the cost of a gateway or two. Hardly a sky is falling outcome.

Some of the panic scenarios laid out here are just plain silly and overdone. When you consider the monthly subscript rate here, I am puzzled with the aghast and over the top barking of endless demands.

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I made it very clear that this isn’t a “panic” scenario, sky is falling, etc as you claimed. It is simply one more way that Ezlo is not as good as the Vera it is supposed to replace, or the Hubitat it competes with.

I also made it very clear that that is only ONE of MANY reasons to prefer a local interface, but apparently everyone wants to ignore that fact.

But oh well, such is life! :slight_smile:

can you pls give us other reasons?

I, and many others, have tried to many, many, many times. This was one of the first requests made back when the Ezlo Plus was still in beta, and has been re-iterated periodically by various people (not just me) since then.

You didn’t listen to them then, so I have no reason to think you will listen to me now. So no, I will not waste my time rehashing old arguments - especially since this ISN’T a deal breaker/show stopper issue for me.

I get it - a local interface isn’t going to happen. So I’m done with this argument. You’re wrong, but I can live with that and let you be wrong :slight_smile: (agree to disagree, as the saying goes)

We checked it in our lab without network connection and meshbots locally works fine , here are the video and screenshots. Can you let us know what you included in your meshbot

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You are being extremely unfair. We are listening and responding all the time. All we are asking for is good reasons as to why you would want something…and not make us spend our resources on “Sky falling” scenarios.
Just give us non “Sky falling” scenerios so that we can seriously consider it. Instead you are calling us names and blaming us…:slight_smile:

But we did. And you didn’t. So end of discussion.

surely it would have been easier to simply write it vs this back and forth… unless there is no other reason than “sky falling” use case? :wink:

What part of “it has been written many, many times”, and “I’m not going to rehash old arguments” are you not understanding? :laughing:

You can’t show any can you :slight_smile:
Only “sky falling” use case so far…

Oh, I could show many. But no, I will not take your bait.

Feel free to do a search of these message boards. You’ll find the messages then.

lol…i did I only find “sky falling” as a use case…there is no other legitimate use case…Please help us putting a link here.

Can we add a “reboot ezlo” button to mobile app? It is a capability that is missing from mobile that is available on web…

You can create a “MeshBot” with reboot and simply run it on your mobile app…(thats what I have)…we made MeshBots very powerful so that you can do many things…

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Welp, there you go! Thanks!
Now how to tell if a device is included with encryption, authentication or nothing …

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We will add it to the mobile and web UI. Currently you can only get it via API requests. We will make it easier to see.


When you add a device can you select to add it with S2 or without (aka encrypted or not encrypted), I can’t find the option.

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I was able to when adding my zoom multi-relay device - I had to choose without encryption to get it to work (that’s probably been fixed by now). It’s been too long for me to remember exactly how, but the option is there somewhere :stuck_out_tongue: