Introducing Ezlo SoftHub (Downloadable Software for Free)

@SaraV can you help on getting error details from the hub from @JSNB pls

Hello @JSNB

We’ve sent you a PM to get more details about the issue you are experiencing. Could you please check it?

There are some issues with the web UI if you have more than one controller and the WIFI Device Generator plugin is not installed on all of them. The devs are aware and are planning a solution.

In the mean time try switching it to the correct SoftHub controller.

If you have done that aleady then it maybe related to the Softhub, I haven’t tried this plugin on a Softhub only on a real hub.

I just edited my systemd service file so it will run the “latest” version of SoftHub.
Note - I am also running Vidoo CCTV option.

Description=Ezlo SoftHub Vidoo

ExecStart=docker run --net host -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock --restart=always --name orchestrator-vhubzz /root/orchestrator vhub -start -option provision -username=myusername -password=mypassword -vidoo


I changed this part of the docker command

orchestrator:0.8.13 to be orchestrator:latest

This is the command I use to start softhub interactively.

docker run --net host -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock --restart=always --name orchestrator-vhubzz /root/orchestrator vhub -start -option provision -username=your-Ezlo-username -password=your-ezlo-password -zwave=/dev/ttyUSB1

Your suggested change seems to replace softhub/orchestrator-vhub:0.6.1 with softhub/orchestrator:latest
Since I don’t really know what’s going on in this command line I noticed the omission of -vhub
Is that part of the version specification?

Correct, in an image name the part after the : is the version (as a very broad generalization anyway)

OK but orchestrator-vhub is before the : your command line omits the -vhub

I have fiddled around with SoftHub for a couple of days. First on Windows 11, never got it to work. Then on a RPi4 with Linux. Freshly installed Debian images from the Raspberry site. First the Lite version, then the full. Same problem on both.

I use an Aeotec Z-stick Gen5. It normally sits in another RPI4 running HomeSeer 4 without any issues at all.

Trying to use the USB stick for SoftHub fails.

I followed all instructions above. Using the “-zwave=/dev/ttyUSB1” fails. There is no ttyUSB1 in my system. I get the “Error response from daemon: error gathering device information while adding custom device “/dev/ttyUSB1”: no such file or directory”
I have no ttyUSB at all.

The correct device created for the Aeotec is /dev/ttyACM0. If I use this instead of /dev/ttyUSB1 i get this: -1 network Error : EOF
-1 waiting for firmware status message timed out
-1 waiting for firmware status message timed out
-1 waiting for firmware status message timed out
-1 waiting for firmware status message timed out
Try 3 times and can not get serial info, mqtt or vhub is not running

So, If I start SoftHub without the -zwave parameter, it will start. But not very useful, as I want to control z-wave devices. The Settings/Z-Wave settings menu is present, but I guess the information there is incorrect/generic? Like the picture attached. It will be the same if I restart the container without the Z-Stick inserted.


Hi @Thorden,

Can you send the output of ls /dev/ttyUSB* please, it’s possible your USB device is not showing up (or is named differently).


Thanks, @adamjacobmuller !

The output result of ls /dev/ttyUSB* is zero. There are absolutely no such devices present.
But the output result of ls /dev/tty* shows a device named /dev/ttyACM0. It disappears when the Aeotec is removed, and reappears when it is inserted. And as far as I have found out, this is the expected behaviour for that device. lsusb will list it correctly as a Aeotec Sigma device connectet to the USB bus/port.

Do you still need to see the terminal output of ls? I will be happy to provide it if you do, both with stick inserted and removed. :slight_smile:

Hi @Thorden ,

Sorry, I misread the earlier message about you already using ACM0.

Can you copy logs please off the hub and private message them to me:

docker cp vhub:/var/log/firmware - > logs.tar

and send me that logs.tar file please.

Thank you,

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