I can no longer save any changes to my VeraLite UI5???

I’m using UI5 quite successfully when a couple of days ago I see this message:
Luup : Failed to download all plugins. Will retry in 10 minutes.

I checked the forum and I found a thread on a camera plugin that was removed from the library. It’s Device#5 and I followed the advice in the thread to remove it from a browser command line. That seemed to work except that when I “Reloaded” the Vera UI, the device reinstalled. I have tried to remove it via the Apps section, a browser command line. I’m considering SSH but I’m not that desperate yet.

But the REAL problem is I can’t delete/modify ANYTHING. I can’t make ANY changes to my setup, not in PLEG, VContainer…nowhere. As soon as I Save/Reload everything I delete is back. Pretty vexing as I can make NO changes to my system at this point.

I’ve tried several cold reboots of Vera and removing all referenced luup files from all scenes. Nothing doing. Any ideas??? :cry:

Contact support. They will need to manually free some space in order to save changes, including deletions.

You will probably have to DELETE some plugin devices or cameras.
To keep camera’s from coming back after being deleted … In network settings unclick:
Auto detect devices on my home network

I tried to turn off the automatic updates but every time I try to save the settings they change back to allow the updating. Sheesh…

I’ll put in a support ticket. Last time I did a support ticket it took two weeks for them to get to checking my Vera and by then I had fumbled my way to a fix already. They did report that that they could find nothing wrong.

I do have a lot of devices and plugins on my Vera. It’s slow as molasses to do a Save/Reload on a good day. A little housecleaning will be a good thing.


[quote=“lbusch1313, post:4, topic:186239”]I tried to turn off the automatic updates but every time I try to save the settings they change back to allow the updating. Sheesh…

I’ll put in a support ticket. Last time I did a support ticket it took two weeks for them to get to checking my Vera and by then I had fumbled my way to a fix already. They did report that that they could find nothing wrong.

I do have a lot of devices and plugins on my Vera. It’s slow as molasses to do a Save/Reload on a good day. A little housecleaning will be a good thing.


I just created a priority support ticket for you. Customer Care should be in touch with you shortly.

Thanks for the quick reply. Looking forward to being able to make changes. I set up a number of notifications to trouble shoot some script issues and now can’t turn them off.

And here is the resolution. Thanks to all. I had tried a UI7 update a while ago but didn’t care for it. That might have been the origin of the upgrade files.

Tech Support:
The internal memory was at 99% full and it was not letting you save any changes.

It was because of some residual firmware files from the previous upgrades and also some plugin files that where already uninstalled but left cached files behind.

Storage is at 36% now and you shouldn?t encounter this issue anymore.

I am getting this error now as well.
Also I can not make changes either.
Is this something I can fix myself?

[quote=“WinoOutWest, post:8, topic:186239”]I am getting this error now as well.
Also I can not make changes either.
Is this something I can fix myself?[/quote]Did you read the thread?

Either free up memory or call support and have them do it.

I am having a related, but different problem. None of my plugins seem to be updating. I can install new ones without a problem, but I’ve got several plug ins (Evolve LCD, Sonos) for which I know newer versions are available, and the AutoUpdate flag is ticked, but I’m not getting the updates. I really don’t want to uninstall the current versions and then go install the new ones - that will require me to have to exclude and re-include a bunch of devices, and then rebuild a bunch of scenes.

What am I doing wrong?

It has been known for a long time that the auto update option to be unreliable. You can force an update of the plugin by using a url and the plugin id. I’m mobile so I can not provide you the url.

  • Garrett

Thank you Garrett. I saw your reply and searched the forum for forcing a plugin update. To anyone else who may see this post and have the same question as I did…
