Any UI7 issues?
I’ll add the latest documentation to this post asap.
Any UI7 issues?
I’ll add the latest documentation to this post asap.
The App Store version seems to run fine on an Edge with 1.7.906 with just minor issues:
It shows the default Z-Wave icon rather than yours.
The last reboot and restart times are missing.
It is necessary to hold down the Ctrl key when clicking on any of the links to get the report on a new tab. This is with Chrome 39.0.2171.99 m.
it looks like this in my Vera3 running UI7 (1.7.439):
version info : 2014.12.07 @akbooer
Yes, I’ve seen that before.
I THINK (but do not know for sure) that this is a UI7 error which is fixed in the firmwore on VeraEdge, but not in the lower version on Vera3/Lite.
Anyone know anything different?
Any way to get the EventWatcher data into Homewave over the Mios servers? I would love to have a page with the last tripped state of my security devices.
You don’t need EventWatcher in order to be able to do that. Here’s a screen shot of my Homewave Security page showing the last tripped times picked directly off the door sensors. I also have virtual switches which latch the tripped state until they are manually reset, so that I can also tell if the sensors have tripped since I last looked - even if the doors are shut again.
Thanks for the response akbooer. I had an older version of the Elk M1 driver installed, which did not support “last tripped” so it was not available. I upgraded the Elk driver and I now have that option.
Hi there - i’m looking for a very basic way to plot temperature values. Datamine wouldn’t work for me on UI7.
I got eventwatcher configured. Pretty much default settings except I modified the watch categories to include temperature. I now see temp as a watched variable. However, my plots are all blank for all the watched devices. What am I doing wrong?
Watched Device list:
Device No. Device Name Service Variable Room
4 InsteonPlugDimmer SwitchPower1 Status MainCottage
6 Embedded Temperatur TemperatureSensor1 CurrentTemperature MainCottage
7 Embedded Humidity S HumiditySensor1 CurrentLevel MainCottage
New temperature values are only sent to [tt]EventWatcher[/tt] when the temperature changes, or when a certainly threshold of change has been crossed - depending on the sensor configuration. If you’re in a relatively stable environment, it might be that this hasn’t happened yet. So wait.
Recall, also, that [tt]EventWatcher[/tt] only saves things in a memory cache since the last restart. If, perhaps, your Vera has restarted recently, or restarts often, then the history will be lost. You could write things out to a log file for a more permanent record, but then you couldn’t plot the results.
A more durable alternative would be [tt]DataYours[/tt], which is now available from the MiOS App Store, although other people seem to have got [tt]dataMine[/tt] running successfully on UI7.
Yeah it worked! Woke up this morning and had a nice pretty graph!!
Now i have an issue when accessing Vera over the internet. All the graphs/report links fail. WHen on local network it all works fine. How do i fix?
Now i have an issue when accessing Vera over the internet. All the graphs/report links fail. WHen on local network it all works fine. How do i fix?UI7 completely changes how this works. Under UI5 authentication information (username / password) could be passed in the URL along with the plot number, etc. Now, however, I believe this is done differently. I've only recently got a UI7 development machine and I haven't looked into this yet.
Ok - i’m anxious to hear how you make out on UI 7. I guess i’ll have to open a hole in the firewall to access Vera from outside. Makes me nervous but i’ll do it for now (i’m using it to monitor a remote cottage).
How do I change the time axis on the graph? Right now i’m only seeing last couple readings. Can I plot last 100 lets say?
It should plot all the readings in the memory cache, which is reset between restarts. So if you’ve recently restarted Luup, then there may only be a few readings. Also, if your cache length is relatively short (it is configurable) and you are logging lots of different devices, then there may only be a few measurements in the cache.
For long-time archival and plotting of sensor measurements, take a look at [tt]DataYours[/tt] instead.
[ul][li][tt]DataYours[/tt] : [url=]MiOS Apps
[li][tt]DataYours-Graphite[/tt] : [url=]MiOS Apps
Documentation here: [url=,30808.msg220683.html#msg220683],30808.msg220683.html#msg220683[/url]
I’m a newbie and couldn’t really get DataYours to work in UI 7 so I abandoned ship.
I bumped up the cache to 8000 to see how much it will capture. Going to leave it on for a couple days. Thanks for everything.
You tried the App Store release??
[quote=“akbooer, post:1, topic:185615”]Any UI7 issues?
I’ll add the latest documentation to this post asap.[/quote]
I was actually in here to try to get an answer to where the addon configs are held and how to get rid of configs for removed addons. The reason is that my logs were riddled with “FileUtils::ReadURL 7/resp:0 user: pass: size 1” messages, and they occurred so often that the VeraLite would kneel and restart. The support staff says it’s EventWatcher setting this server address and after they “fixed” my config, it’s only changed “…” to “https:///…” - which really isn’t much of an improvement in my book
Do you know how come this might have happened?
[tt]EventWatcher[/tt] doesn’t, actually, ‘set the server address’, or anything like that. What it does do is open a socket on port 443 and listen for HTTPS messages.
Do you know how come this might have happened?Nothing should be sending to that port [u]unless[/u] Vera has been sent the following HTTP request: [code] http://[your Vera IP]:3480/data_request?id=variableset&Variable=AltEventServer&Value= [/code] as per the instructions for enabling an Alternate Event Server hook in the wiki: [url=][/url].
THAT action is allegedly reversed by this request:
http://[your Vera IP]:3480/data_request?id=variableset&Variable=AltEventServer&Value=
(You will need to reload the Luup engine for this to take effect.)
The alternate event server protocol has been significantly changed in UI7 and [tt]EventWatcher[/tt] does not respond correctly to the new HTTPS request. This may be the issue you are seeing with the logs. I suggest you try to disable this mode by using the request above, although it may be that this is what the support folk have already done… we will never know: they are not usually very forthcoming about such things.
What this all does tell us is that UI7 is still VERY chatty to the MiOS servers - something which I thought was supposed to be rectified in the latest firmware?
@akbooer: Thanks for the long reply! I don’t blame you for not understanding my initial statement. As you said yourself, the mios support team aren’t exactly sharing their knowledge or findings. I was under the impression that some part of your addon was left on the system even after uninstalling, but if I understand you correctly the command to log to an alternate location is part of the mios core.
In any case, I ran the command to turn it off and it initially looked good. Then, after a while, logging was so bad that the web output was lagging about 10 minutes after the tail I ran through ssh.
These are the lines in my log from just ONE second:
01 03/01/15 1:17:00.104 FileUtils::ReadURL 6/resp:0 user: pass: size 1 https:///event/event/event response: <0x2bd74680> 01 03/01/15 1:17:00.104 RAServerSync::SendAlert 0xfada38 retries 13 failed https:///event/event/event age: 176807 file: /etc/cmh/persist/a_1424992208_1424992213_eed768 err: 0 sess: serv: / <0x2bd74680> 01 03/01/15 1:17:00.113 FileUtils::ReadURL 6/resp:0 user: pass: size 1 https:///event/event/event response: <0x2bd74680> 01 03/01/15 1:17:00.114 RAServerSync::SendAlert 0xfadb58 retries 13 failed https:///event/event/event age: 176807 file: /etc/cmh/persist/a_1424992208_1424992213_eee120 err: 0 sess: serv: / <0x2bd74680> 01 03/01/15 1:17:00.123 FileUtils::ReadURL 6/resp:0 user: pass: size 1 https:///event/event/event response: <0x2bd74680> 01 03/01/15 1:17:00.124 RAServerSync::SendAlert 0xfadc90 retries 13 failed https:///event/event/event age: 176807 file: /etc/cmh/persist/a_1424992208_1424992213_eed8d0 err: 0 sess: serv: / <0x2bd74680> 01 03/01/15 1:17:00.133 FileUtils::ReadURL 6/resp:0 user: pass: size 1 https:///event/event/event response: <0x2bd74680> 01 03/01/15 1:17:00.133 RAServerSync::SendAlert 0xfadda8 retries 13 failed https:///event/event/event age: 176807 file: /etc/cmh/persist/a_1424992208_1424992213_eede48 err: 0 sess: serv: / <0x2bd74680> 01 03/01/15 1:17:00.142 FileUtils::ReadURL 6/resp:0 user: pass: size 1 https:///event/event/event response: <0x2bd74680> 01 03/01/15 1:17:00.142 RAServerSync::SendAlert 0xfadee0 retries 13 failed https:///event/event/event age: 176807 file: /etc/cmh/persist/a_1424992208_1424992213_eedaa0 err: 0 sess: serv: / <0x2bd74680> 01 03/01/15 1:17:00.152 FileUtils::ReadURL 6/resp:0 user: pass: size 1 https:///event/event/event response: <0x2bd74680> 01 03/01/15 1:17:00.152 RAServerSync::SendAlert 0xfae000 retries 13 failed https:///event/event/event age: 176807 file: /etc/cmh/persist/a_1424992208_1424992213_eedcb0 err: 0 sess: serv: / <0x2bd74680> 01 03/01/15 1:17:00.161 FileUtils::ReadURL 6/resp:0 user: pass: size 1 https:///event/event/event response: <0x2bd74680> 01 03/01/15 1:17:00.162 RAServerSync::SendAlert 0xfae118 retries 13 failed https:///event/event/event age: 176807 file: /etc/cmh/persist/a_1424992208_1424992213_eedfb8 err: 0 sess: serv: / <0x2bd74680> 01 03/01/15 1:17:00.171 FileUtils::ReadURL 6/resp:0 user: pass: size 1 https:///event/event/event response: <0x2bd74680> 01 03/01/15 1:17:00.171 RAServerSync::SendAlert 0xfae250 retries 13 failed https:///event/event/event age: 528627 file: /etc/cmh/persist/a_1424640389_1424640393_a1fdd8 err: 0 sess: serv: / <0x2bd74680> 01 03/01/15 1:17:00.180 FileUtils::ReadURL 6/resp:0 user: pass: size 1 https:///event/event/event response: <0x2bd74680> 01 03/01/15 1:17:00.181 RAServerSync::SendAlert 0xfae388 retries 13 failed https:///event/event/event age: 343401 file: /etc/cmh/persist/a_1424825615_1424825619_ca41f0 err: 0 sess: serv: / <0x2bd74680> 01 03/01/15 1:17:00.190 FileUtils::ReadURL 6/resp:0 user: pass: size 1 https:///event/event/event response: <0x2bd74680> 01 03/01/15 1:17:00.190 RAServerSync::SendAlert 0xfae4c0 retries 13 failed https:///event/event/event age: 444015 file: /etc/cmh/persist/a_1424725000_1424725005_dbe000 err: 0 sess: serv: / <0x2bd74680> 01 03/01/15 1:17:00.199 FileUtils::ReadURL 6/resp:0 user: pass: size 1 https:///event/event/event response: <0x2bd74680> 01 03/01/15 1:17:00.200 RAServerSync::SendAlert 0xfae5f8 retries 13 failed https:///event/event/event age: 502406 file: /etc/cmh/persist/a_1424666606_1424666614_11f6618 err: 0 sess: serv: / <0x2bd74680> 01 03/01/15 1:17:00.209 FileUtils::ReadURL 6/resp:0 user: pass: size 1 https:///event/event/event response: <0x2bd74680> 01 03/01/15 1:17:00.209 RAServerSync::SendAlert 0xfae730 retries 13 failed https:///event/event/event age: 408006 file: /etc/cmh/persist/a_1424761008_1424761014_d55c90 err: 0 sess: serv: / <0x2bd74680> 01 03/01/15 1:17:00.219 FileUtils::ReadURL 6/resp:0 user: pass: size 1 https:///event/event/event response: <0x2bd74680> 01 03/01/15 1:17:00.219 RAServerSync::SendAlert 0xfae868 retries 13 failed https:///event/event/event age: 408006 file: /etc/cmh/persist/a_1424761008_1424761014_d3a7e8 err: 0 sess: serv: / <0x2bd74680> 01 03/01/15 1:17:00.238 FileUtils::ReadURL 6/resp:0 user: pass: size 1 https:///event/event/event response: <0x2bd74680> 01 03/01/15 1:17:00.238 RAServerSync::SendAlert 0xfae9a0 retries 13 failed https:///event/event/event age: 408006 file: /etc/cmh/persist/a_1424761008_1424761014_d3e7b0 err: 0 sess: serv: / <0x2bd74680> 01 03/01/15 1:17:00.248 FileUtils::ReadURL 6/resp:0 user: pass: size 1 https:///event/event/event response: <0x2bd74680> 01 03/01/15 1:17:00.248 RAServerSync::SendAlert 0xfaeac0 retries 13 failed https:///event/event/event age: 408006 file: /etc/cmh/persist/a_1424761008_1424761014_d3bb98 err: 0 sess: serv: / <0x2bd74680> 01 03/01/15 1:17:00.257 FileUtils::ReadURL 6/resp:0 user: pass: size 1 https:///event/event/event response: <0x2bd74680> 01 03/01/15 1:17:00.258 RAServerSync::SendAlert 0xfaebd8 retries 13 failed https:///event/event/event age: 524005 file: /etc/cmh/persist/a_1424645010_1424645015_119b8e0 err: 0 sess: serv: / <0x2bd74680> 01 03/01/15 1:17:00.267 FileUtils::ReadURL 6/resp:0 user: pass: size 1 https:///event/event/event response: <0x2bd74680> 01 03/01/15 1:17:00.267 RAServerSync::SendAlert 0xfaed20 retries 13 failed https:///event/event/event age: 189768 file: /etc/cmh/persist/a_1424979247_1424979252_a9e150 err: 0 sess: serv: / <0x2bd74680> 01 03/01/15 1:17:00.277 FileUtils::ReadURL 6/resp:0 user: pass: size 1 https:///event/event/event response: <0x2bd74680> 01 03/01/15 1:17:00.277 RAServerSync::SendAlert 0xfaee58 retries 13 failed https:///event/event/event age: 176259 file: /etc/cmh/persist/a_1424992756_1424992761_ab2418 err: 0 sess: serv: / <0x2bd74680> 01 03/01/15 1:17:00.286 FileUtils::ReadURL 6/resp:0 user: pass: size 1 https:///event/event/event response: <0x2bd74680> 01 03/01/15 1:17:00.287 RAServerSync::SendAlert 0xfaef90 retries 13 failed https:///event/event/event age: 176259 file: /etc/cmh/persist/a_1424992756_1424992761_aab528 err: 0 sess: serv: / <0x2bd74680> 01 03/01/15 1:17:00.295 FileUtils::ReadURL 6/resp:0 user: pass: size 1 https:///event/event/event response: <0x2bd74680> 01 03/01/15 1:17:00.296 RAServerSync::SendAlert 0xfaf0c8 retries 13 failed https:///event/event/event age: 444015 file: /etc/cmh/persist/a_1424725000_1424725005_ecb6f8 err: 0 sess: serv: / <0x2bd74680> 01 03/01/15 1:17:00.305 FileUtils::ReadURL 6/resp:0 user: pass: size 1 https:///event/event/event response: <0x2bd74680> 01 03/01/15 1:17:00.306 RAServerSync::SendAlert 0xfaf200 retries 13 failed https:///event/event/event age: 528627 file: /etc/cmh/persist/a_1424640389_1424640393_b6d3b0 err: 0 sess: serv: / <0x2bd74680> 01 03/01/15 1:17:00.315 FileUtils::ReadURL 6/resp:0 user: pass: size 1 https:///event/event/event response: <0x2bd74680> 01 03/01/15 1:17:00.315 RAServerSync::SendAlert 0xfaf338 retries 13 failed https:///event/event/event age: 528627 file: /etc/cmh/persist/a_1424640389_1424640393_b7be10 err: 0 sess: serv: / <0x2bd74680> 01 03/01/15 1:17:00.324 FileUtils::ReadURL 6/resp:0 user: pass: size 1 https:///event/event/event response: <0x2bd74680> 01 03/01/15 1:17:00.325 RAServerSync::SendAlert 0xfaf460 retries 13 failed https:///event/event/event age: 528627 file: /etc/cmh/persist/a_1424640389_1424640393_c20310 err: 0 sess: serv: / <0x2bd74680> 01 03/01/15 1:17:00.334 FileUtils::ReadURL 6/resp:0 user: pass: size 1 https:///event/event/event response: <0x2bd74680> 01 03/01/15 1:17:00.334 RAServerSync::SendAlert 0xfaf598 retries 13 failed https:///event/event/event age: 167285 file: /etc/cmh/persist/a_1425001731_1425001735_9e8cb8 err: 0 sess: serv: / <0x2bd74680> 01 03/01/15 1:17:00.343 FileUtils::ReadURL 6/resp:0 user: pass: size 1 https:///event/event/event response: <0x2bd74680> 01 03/01/15 1:17:00.344 RAServerSync::SendAlert 0xfaf6d0 retries 13 failed https:///event/event/event age: 528627 file: /etc/cmh/persist/a_1424640389_1424640393_c214a0 err: 0 sess: serv: / <0x2bd74680> 01 03/01/15 1:17:00.353 FileUtils::ReadURL 6/resp:0 user: pass: size 1 https:///event/event/event response: <0x2bd74680> 01 03/01/15 1:17:00.353 RAServerSync::SendAlert 0xfaf808 retries 13 failed https:///event/event/event age: 189628 file: /etc/cmh/persist/a_1424979388_1424979392_10838a8 err: 0 sess: serv: / <0x2bd74680> 01 03/01/15 1:17:00.362 FileUtils::ReadURL 6/resp:0 user: pass: size 1 https:///event/event/event response: <0x2bd74680> 01 03/01/15 1:17:00.363 RAServerSync::SendAlert 0xfaf940 retries 13 failed https:///event/event/event age: 189628 file: /etc/cmh/persist/a_1424979388_1424979392_10848a8 err: 0 sess: serv: / <0x2bd74680> 01 03/01/15 1:17:00.372 FileUtils::ReadURL 6/resp:0 user: pass: size 1 https:///event/event/event response: <0x2bd74680> 01 03/01/15 1:17:00.372 RAServerSync::SendAlert 0xfafa78 retries 13 failed https:///event/event/event age: 189628 file: /etc/cmh/persist/a_1424979388_1424979392_1085188 err: 0 sess: serv: / <0x2bd74680> 01 03/01/15 1:17:00.382 FileUtils::ReadURL 6/resp:0 user: pass: size 1 https:///event/event/event response: <0x2bd74680> 01 03/01/15 1:17:00.382 RAServerSync::SendAlert 0xfafbb0 retries 13 failed https:///event/event/event age: 189628 file: /etc/cmh/persist/a_1424979388_1424979392_1085300 err: 0 sess: serv: / <0x2bd74680> 01 03/01/15 1:17:00.392 FileUtils::ReadURL 6/resp:0 user: pass: size 1 https:///event/event/event response: <0x2bd74680> 01 03/01/15 1:17:00.392 RAServerSync::SendAlert 0xfafce8 retries 13 failed https:///event/event/event age: 189628 file: /etc/cmh/persist/a_1424979388_1424979392_1085490 err: 0 sess: serv: / <0x2bd74680> 01 03/01/15 1:17:00.401 FileUtils::ReadURL 6/resp:0 user: pass: size 1 https:///event/event/event response: <0x2bd74680> 01 03/01/15 1:17:00.402 RAServerSync::SendAlert 0xfafe30 retries 13 failed https:///event/event/event age: 189628 file: /etc/cmh/persist/a_1424979388_1424979392_1085638 err: 0 sess: serv: / <0x2bd74680> 01 03/01/15 1:17:00.411 FileUtils::ReadURL 6/resp:0 user: pass: size 1 https:///event/event/event response: <0x2bd74680> 01 03/01/15 1:17:00.411 RAServerSync::SendAlert 0xfaff68 retries 13 failed https:///event/event/event age: 528627 file: /etc/cmh/persist/a_1424640389_1424640393_c21c60 err: 0 sess: serv: / <0x2bd74680> 01 03/01/15 1:17:00.420 FileUtils::ReadURL 6/resp:0 user: pass: size 1 https:///event/event/event response: <0x2bd74680> 01 03/01/15 1:17:00.421 RAServerSync::SendAlert 0xfb00a0 retries 13 failed https:///event/event/event age: 189628 file: /etc/cmh/persist/a_1424979388_1424979392_1084a40 err: 0 sess: serv: / <0x2bd74680> 01 03/01/15 1:17:00.430 FileUtils::ReadURL 6/resp:0 user: pass: size 1 https:///event/event/event response: <0x2bd74680> 01 03/01/15 1:17:00.430 RAServerSync::SendAlert 0xfb01d8 retries 13 failed https:///event/event/event age: 189628 file: /etc/cmh/persist/a_1424979388_1424979392_1084d90 err: 0 sess: serv: / <0x2bd74680> 01 03/01/15 1:17:00.440 FileUtils::ReadURL 6/resp:0 user: pass: size 1 https:///event/event/event response: <0x2bd74680> 01 03/01/15 1:17:00.440 RAServerSync::SendAlert 0xfb0310 retries 13 failed https:///event/event/event age: 189628 file: /etc/cmh/persist/a_1424979388_1424979392_1084f38 err: 0 sess: serv: / <0x2bd74680> 01 03/01/15 1:17:00.449 FileUtils::ReadURL 6/resp:0 user: pass: size 1 https:///event/event/event response: <0x2bd74680> 01 03/01/15 1:17:00.450 RAServerSync::SendAlert 0xfb0448 retries 13 failed https:///event/event/event age: 189628 file: /etc/cmh/persist/a_1424979388_1424979392_1084be8 err: 0 sess: serv: / <0x2bd74680> 01 03/01/15 1:17:00.460 FileUtils::ReadURL 6/resp:0 user: pass: size 1 https:///event/event/event response: <0x2bd74680> 01 03/01/15 1:17:00.460 RAServerSync::SendAlert 0xfb0580 retries 13 failed https:///event/event/event age: 264102 file: /etc/cmh/persist/a_1424904914_1424904918_11e9568 err: 0 sess: serv: / <0x2bd74680> 01 03/01/15 1:17:00.469 FileUtils::ReadURL 6/resp:0 user: pass: size 1 https:///event/event/event response: <0x2bd74680> 01 03/01/15 1:17:00.470 RAServerSync::SendAlert 0xfb06c0 retries 13 failed https:///event/event/event age: 167285 file: /etc/cmh/persist/a_1425001731_1425001735_9f9f88 err: 0 sess: serv: / <0x2bd74680> 01 03/01/15 1:17:00.479 FileUtils::ReadURL 6/resp:0 user: pass: size 1 https:///event/event/event response: <0x2bd74680> 01 03/01/15 1:17:00.480 RAServerSync::SendAlert 0xfb07d8 retries 13 failed https:///event/event/event age: 438351 file: /etc/cmh/persist/a_1424730665_1424730669_df87d0 err: 0 sess: serv: / <0x2bd74680> 01 03/01/15 1:17:00.489 FileUtils::ReadURL 6/resp:0 user: pass: size 1 https:///event/event/event response: <0x2bd74680> 01 03/01/15 1:17:00.489 RAServerSync::SendAlert 0xfb08f8 retries 13 failed https:///event/event/event age: 264102 file: /etc/cmh/persist/a_1424904914_1424904918_11f4730 err: 0 sess: serv: / <0x2bd74680> 01 03/01/15 1:17:00.498 FileUtils::ReadURL 6/resp:0 user: pass: size 1 https:///event/event/event response: <0x2bd74680> 01 03/01/15 1:17:00.499 RAServerSync::SendAlert 0xfb0ff0 retries 13 failed https:///event/event/event age: 264102 file: /etc/cmh/persist/a_1424904914_1424904918_11f5130 err: 0 sess: serv: / <0x2bd74680> 01 03/01/15 1:17:00.508 FileUtils::ReadURL 6/resp:0 user: pass: size 1 https:///event/event/event response: <0x2bd74680> 01 03/01/15 1:17:00.508 RAServerSync::SendAlert 0xfb1128 retries 13 failed https:///event/event/event age: 264102 file: /etc/cmh/persist/a_1424904914_1424904918_11f48b8 err: 0 sess: serv: / <0x2bd74680> 01 03/01/15 1:17:00.518 FileUtils::ReadURL 6/resp:0 user: pass: size 1 https:///event/event/event response: <0x2bd74680> 01 03/01/15 1:17:00.518 RAServerSync::SendAlert 0xfb1270 retries 13 failed https:///event/event/event age: 264102 file: /etc/cmh/persist/a_1424904914_1424904918_11f52c0 err: 0 sess: serv: / <0x2bd74680> 01 03/01/15 1:17:00.527 FileUtils::ReadURL 6/resp:0 user: pass: size 1 https:///event/event/event response: <0x2bd74680> 01 03/01/15 1:17:00.528 RAServerSync::SendAlert 0xfb13a8 retries 13 failed https:///event/event/event age: 264102 file: /etc/cmh/persist/a_1424904914_1424904918_11f4a60 err: 0 sess: serv: / <0x2bd74680> 01 03/01/15 1:17:00.537 FileUtils::ReadURL 6/resp:0 user: pass: size 1 https:///event/event/event response: <0x2bd74680> 01 03/01/15 1:17:00.537 RAServerSync::SendAlert 0xfb14e0 retries 13 failed https:///event/event/event age: 529625 file: /etc/cmh/persist/a_1424639388_1424639395_8e8e58 err: 0 sess: serv: / <0x2bd74680>
(sorry for the long paste, but…just wanted to illustrate how much is actually going into the logs. AFTER I ran the command to turn it off.
I edited out that first sentence out shortly after posting because I thought it might be misinterpreted, so thanks for taking that in the right spirit!
I was under the impression that some part of your addon was left on the system even after uninstalling, but if I understand you correctly the command to log to an alternate location is part of the mios core.The only thing that generally gets left behind when you uninstall an app is the files themselves which do no harm other than taking up a tiny bit of space.
In any case, I ran the command to turn it off and it initially looked good. Then, after a while, logging was so bad that the web output was lagging about 10 minutes after the tail I ran through ssh.These are the lines in my log from just ONE second:
(sorry for the long paste, but…just wanted to illustrate how much is actually going into the logs. AFTER I ran the command to turn it off.
I ran the same experiment myself - with the same result! Either that disable function is not implemented correctly in the Luup engine, or we have mistaken the instructions. I’ve tried the null address:
and that certainly helps a lot, although I’m not sure that it’s better than the original
I’m restructuring [tt]EventWatcher[/tt] as we speak to make it more modular (a la [tt]DataYours[/tt]) and address the UI7 specific issues, including how it behaves as an Alternate Event Server, which should fix all of this.
Of course, the real problem appears to be that you can’t turn off verbose logging - or at least that doesn’t work for me.
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