Enabling Alexa Skill not working - Linking account times out

I used to be able to “disable” and re-enable the Alexa Skill but now this get’s stuck on the alexa.getvera.com access page which eventually times out…

Is this simply a server temporarily out or should I be worried otherwise ?

This is in the actual Alexa app right? In there you can disable and then enable again the skill.

Which skill are you using? The Vera one or the Ezlo one?

When you enable the skill again what does it ask you to do? I forget, does it ask you to enter your Vera user account details again or something?

Maybe post a screen shot of the stage it gets stuck at.

Hello, have you managed to solve it? I have tried to link my vera system with the Alexa vera control skill today and it has not been possible. Could you please help me?

So, has there been any resolution to this? It is November 2024 and I am having the same issue. The error comes up that the skill is not available now, try again later. Well I tried six times over two days and get the same error. What is going on? This used to work flawlessly.

My Ezlo to Alexa is unstable as well


We’ve informed our development team about the issue, and we’ll keep you updated on any progress. Thank you so much for your patience and understanding.

What’s the current status? Now that another two months has transpired and this issue is still plaguing at least -some- users, it would seem that it has not been fully resolved.

I have found that you can eventually get account linking functional if you keep your device awake long enough for it to finally connect. But, even then, it frequently times out when using voice commands where you receive the response of “Sorry, the hub that device is connected to is not responding. Please check its network connection and power supply.”

Everything works correctly through the Vera app and the local web interface but there is very clearly some sort of timeout issue with the Amazon servers being able to reach the web API in a timely fashion.

I was able to voice control a device this morning for the first time in three days, but it is AGAIN not working.

Hello @ember1205,

Could you please power cycle your Vera Plus and Vera Lite? We’ve moved your controllers to a more stable server to help improve Alexa’s response.

Is this something that was changed in the last day or so because my controller has a scheduled reboot that runs regularly and was restarted not that long ago.

Hello @ember1205,

I updated the relay server for your controller two hours ago.

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Got it. It seems to be responding more correctly since the change and restart I did as you mentioned.

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I’m having a similar issue, and can’t even access my Vera remotely right now. Alexa has been very inconsistent for the past month as it tells me Vera isn’t responding, and I just tried relinking the skill and that won’t even work now.

Hello @Jeremy_Kuffner

Could you please power cycle your Vera? We’ve moved your controller to a different server to help bring it back online.

As soon as you see your Vera connected and working through the Vera app, say to Alexa: “Alexa, rediscover devices.” She will respond that no new devices were found, but this will refresh the connection. Then, you can try controlling your devices through Alexa again.

I power cycled. Still not working.

“There was a problem “

Hello @BillC,

Could you please power cycle your Vera Plus (serial ending in 09)? We’ve moved your controller to a different server to help bring it back online.

As soon as you see your Vera connected and working through the Vera app, say to Alexa: “Alexa, rediscover devices.” She will respond that no new devices were found, but this will refresh the connection. Then, you can try controlling your devices through Alexa again.

Power cycled and re discovered

Still nothing

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Hi, me too, same condition!

Hello @BillC

Is that thermostat connected to your Vera Plus or your Ezlo Plus?

Hello @fra125,

Is your Vera controller currently online and responding correctly through the Vera app? Have you also tried rediscovering your Alexa devices?