Compatibility with UI6?

I am a brand new Vera user and don’t really know what I’m doing yet. I just setup the vera last night. Unfortunately I upgraded to UI6 (I had no idea I shouldn’t and the page the instructions told me to go to prompted me to upgrade). After searching through the forums I found most people don’t recommend UI6 and that many plugins don’t work with it. Ooops…

Well, I’m on UI6 now and I have a PowerMax Complete alarm that I’d like to use the Powermax plugin for. I haven’t bought the RS232 adapter nor the USB/Serial adapter yet. Does this plugin work with UI6? I’d like to know that before buying the cables.

Thanks for your responses and patience in advance.

I honestly don’t know whether the plugin works with UI6, as I don’t have UI6 myself. Maybe someone else has experience with it?

Thanks for your reply nlrb. I ordered the serial adapter cable for the Powermax and am ordering a USB/Serial adapter for the veralite and then I’ll give it a try. It would be great if it worked. I’ll report back after I get what I need and have time to try it out.

Well, unfortunately I ran into a snag. Although the web site didn’t indicate it at the time, it appears smarthome was actually out of the 73906 Visonic-PM-RS232 Adapter Kit - [url=][/url]

I can’t seem to find another one in stock anywhere, even ebay. Anybody know where I can get one? Or alternatively would the 9-100697 - Visonic Dual RS-232 Module [url=][/url] work for my PowerMaxComplete and with the VeraLite?

Or some other option?

I believe the dual RS232 is only for the PowerMax Pro. You could use a TTL->USB adapter on the IP connector of the PowerMax. See this topic.

I’ve tried the plugin with UI6 and it has some UI issues. I’ll be submitting a new version in the coming week to fix this.

Version 1.2 is now available in the mios marketplace and supports UI6.

Hi nirb.

Could you explain what changes have to be done to make a plugin compatible with UI6 ?

Hi lolodomo,

Let me try to recap what I needed to do. Two main areas needed a fix.

[li]Device json[/li][/ol]

The functions to interact with the lua code needed adjustment, as the following things did not work anymore.

[ul][li]Ajax.Request: onComplete - only onSuccess and onFailure are now supported[/li]
[li]object.Extend did not work anymore[/li]
[li]synchronous requests do not work anymore[/li][/ul]

Device json
The way the device in UI6 is displayed is undocumented, so I had to do some trial and error to play with it. What I noticed is that

[ul][li]the order in which elements in a SceneGroup are declared is relevant; I had to define some extra ControlGroups to fix this (top and left are ignored)[/li]
[li]the Width and Height of a control is now also used in the device display[/li][/ul]