Compatibility with PowerMax Complete

The dual RS232 module does work with the powermax complete. After combing through my manual I saw this. I purchased it and tried 1.2 version of the plugin. It seemed to work at first as I had devices for each of my sensors. But now It some to have Luap errors and the Powermax Panel device just states Luap Startup Failure. I’ve tried rebooting to no avail. It really seemed to work at first because I was able to arm and disarm it. I’ve attached my LuaUPNP.log. Any help is appreciated. Let me know what more information I can provide.

The log doesn’t tell much, as the device is not starting anymore due to too many communication errors. What caused these is not in the provided log, but should be in the crash file (powermax_crash.txt).

Please clear the variables ‘CommExceptions’ and ‘CommLastException’ in the advanced tab and reload. Then capture the logs.

[quote=“nlrb, post:2, topic:180701”]The log doesn’t tell much, as the device is not starting anymore due to too many communication errors. What caused these is not in the provided log, but should be in the crash file (powermax_crash.txt).

Please clear the variables ‘CommExceptions’ and ‘CommLastException’ in the advanced tab and reload. Then capture the logs.[/quote]

Thanks. so I cleared the variables and reloaded. It appears to be working again. Here is the latest log file in case it gives some indication of what went wrong (or might go wrong in the future).

Thanks for the log - this is helpful. Problem occurs when a user is called. Can you PM me your settings file?

Same problem here - powermaxpro not starting: too many communication errors!

@sten: the fact that the plugin doesn’t start anymore doesn’t mean that it has the same cause. I’ll really need to look at the logs to see what is going on. Have a look at the introduction topic to see where to send them.