Any idea on estimated time for universal app (iPhone/iPad)

I managed to reproduce the problem on the iPad 4.3 simulator (necessarily installed on an older OSX running on VMWare… I think Apple really, really wants you to upgrade :slight_smile: ). Looks like an easy fix; I’ll apply it this weekend and submit a patch to the app store.

Hi, thanks very much for your great support! I installed testflight and registered, but the forum tells me I’m not allowed to PM you back, not sure why. I’d be happy to test.
I made the mistake once of accepting Apple’s prompt to upgrade my phone OS, stupidly figured it was something simple and hadn’t done a backup…the upgrade wiped out all my content, so I’m not in any hurry to repeat the process if I can avoid it.

Email me at :slight_smile:

A fix for iOS 4.3.x has been implemented (thanks for testing, Kamodo :slight_smile: ) and submitted to the app store.

Hello Intvelt

I bought the app,

but I can not pass of the 1st screen.

in wrench icon I can not see the conection information to my vera3 system.

do you have some manual ?

I’m curious to test and use your app.


Hi Piwtorak,

The first screen (home screen) only has buttons to access other screens. When you start HomeWave, it should detect the Vera on your LAN and create a home screen with 1 button. Click that (it’ll switch you to a blank screen), then tap the spanner. You can now add controls for switches, sensors and other devices that are on your Vera’s Z-wave network.

The settings for the app itself (including Vera connection details) have to be accessed from the iPhone’s settings app. Exit HomeWave, open Settings, and scroll down the list of applications to the entry for HomeWave.

You can find more comprehensive instructions here

Thanks !
is working fine !!!

and I’m out of my home now and I can see the cameras and turn on/off my lights