A list of all Luup plugins, Luup code fragments and clients


Please feel free to contribute.

Great Job…This is really going to help!

I’ve subdivided the list into categories:

    1 All Luup plugins, Luup code fragments and Vera clients by category
        1.1 Alarm System integration
        1.2 Development
        1.3 Energy management
        1.4 Home Entertainment management
        1.5 Interfacing
        1.6 Monitoring
        1.7 Notifications
        1.8 System management
        1.9 Temperature or Weather measurement
        1.10 UI
        1.11 Utility
        1.12 Watering System management
    2 Alphabetical list of all Luup plugins, Luup code fragments and Vera clients
    3 Sources
    4 Todo

Please add your contributions to table 2 or to ‘4 Todo’. Tables 1.1-1.12 were automatically generated from table 2.

As you can see, I moved and stickied this thread in the Plugins & Plugin Development section, as I think that this section is more appropriate.

How did you automatically generate the small tables? I modified something in the big table (I wrote more info on the Honeywell Ademco Panels plugin), but the corresponding small table didn’t update automatically. Does it need to be generated again?

As you can see, I moved and stickied this thread in the Plugins & Plugin Development section, as I think that this section is more appropriate.

I deliberately placed the thread in the ‘Vera Setup & Usage’ section, because IMHO new users will visit the ‘Vera Setup & Usage’ section first. Making the thread a sticky is a good idea.

@Ap15e, How did you automatically generate the small tables? I modified something in the big table (I wrote more info on the Honeywell Ademco Panels plugin), but the corresponding small table didn't update automatically. Does it need to be generated again?

Please download the my List2Categories converter from:

Save the source code of the big table to a file (without the headline and begin/end table markers),
use the file as input parameter for N, assemble the files generated by N and copy the result to the wiki.

Well done @Ap15e

Awesome job @Ap15e! I agree that it should be stickied in a bold color/font on the ‘Vera Setup & Usage’ forum. Heck, sticky it in every forum at the top, top slot. I never knew about some of these and I’m on here all the time.

Yep, we need more fixed and pinned links to the wiki.

For instance also for these pages:






[quote=“Ap15e, post:1, topic:168347”]http://wiki.micasaverde.com/index.php/Luup_plugins_and_Luup_code#Plugins_and_code

Please feel free to contribute.[/quote]


CAn you please contact me, I will like to talk to you about your product. PM me Please

How to edit anything on this wiki? Even being loged in there is no edit button…


Your account has to be confirmed to be able to edit the wiki. I just confirmed your account.

I did’t see the cm11 in this list from plugins. I search for this more then a half year.


To be honest I think the list needs to be shortened, a couple of these plugins have been removed and can not be installed anymore.
Plugins like FCM, DAD simply point to dead links and can´t be downloaded. Thus the pages that show these plugins are misleading and these plugins (sadly) need to be removed.
If anyone can point me out how to get these plugins it would be highly appreciated.

The list was created I believe by the community and unless someone has the time and wants to update it, it will go unchanged.

Some of those plugins that are unavailable is because a member on the forum decided to part was with the community and removed their plugins. They are no longer available and will not be distributed by any other means to respect that member’s wishes.

  • Garrett

The forum member who ceased active participation, was also the creator of that wiki page. Part of it, is generated.


can someonw help me to :

  • change the refresh rate of the heliotrope pluggin?
  • get the azimuth 360 rounded to a variable?

the idea is to open or close the roller shutters according to the sun position. I was thinking to make a script that will check every hour and during the day to see the variable containing the azimuth 360 value. If it is higher than a set point it will close or open the roller shutters

Many thanks

Rui Freire

This is the wrong thread to be asking this question.

  • Garrett


Can you give me the link where to put?

Best regards,

Have a look at this scene instruction

Heliotrope thread is located at

