1.037.00 Bugs

  1. Permanently Remove Dead Node not working. Tried to remove a 1 scene leviton controller. It went through the process but when viewing the devices it still shows up.

For those that want to know what the different C icons are: Red C = Job Failed - Not Configured, Green C = Job Sucessful - Confirgured.

Mantis 0000330.

Just some input:

Noticed the dashboard now lists the timers/Events. This should have its own section not lumped in with the very last room.

Location button from main screen does not work in firefox.

Scene button does not show the options to set-up scenes in firefox.

Dashboard doesn’t match the devices screen:

examples…The devices screen shows the outlet in my sons room confirgured properly. When looking at the dashboard its shows the icon as a red C, not configured.

I have the same problem with the location button (using Firefox).

For me the dashboard lists the different scenes by the room which they were defined. This is logical remembering how you created the scenes.

I think the way you create scenes in the new version is nice. But the “Add scene” button should be “global” not listed under the different rooms.

I have found a bug that prevents you from saving when using special characters like åäö in the description field. For example, in the description of a room or scene.

[quote=“wseverino, post:4, topic:164197”]Dashboard doesn’t match the devices screen:

examples…The devices screen shows the outlet in my sons room confirgured properly. When looking at the dashboard its shows the icon as a red C, not configured.[/quote]

Same here.

We identified the problem with scenes not being shown. It was a bug in the data migration from the old to the new format. I put a new firmware, 371, that fixes this. If you upgrade from 320 → 371, it won’t happen. If you already upgraded to 370, then you need to upgrade to 371. Then edit some thing (like say, change a room name) and click ‘Save’, and as part of the save it will detect the malformed data and correct it, so you can reload the page and the scenes should be there. Also, the issue with the location should be fixed as well.

Regarding dashboard not matching, I’ll look into this.

As far as the square icons… The icons are only temporary until we get good ones in the new UI. Each square indicates a ‘job’ (ie some activity or command for the z-wave device). The ‘C’ icon is for the configure job, the ‘P’ icon is for the poll job, and there are also icons which appear next to the node when the device is sent commands: ‘ON’, ‘OFF’, ‘L’ (for level like dim level or temp level), and ‘MISC’ (for other jobs). The C job is always shown so you know if the device was configured. The ‘P’ and other command icons appear only if you check the boxes under Advanced, Logs.

The color indicates the state of the job. Gray is ‘queued, waiting to run’, Blue is ‘running’, Green is ‘finished successfully’, Red is ‘failed’. You can hover your mouse pointer over the icons to see a human readable description of the state and the error message if the icon is red.

This is part of the new back-end for the new UI. The goal is to provide feedback so you always know if the command gets through or not. If a node is flaky, for example, you’ll see that sometimes your command/job icon turns ‘red’ if, after 5 attempts, Vera still can’t get an acknowledgment from the node that it executed the command.

The dashboard problem only happens when I control Vera through FindVera.com. Locally it work fine.

  • Can scenes be moved from room to room without recreating everything from scratch? Data migration resulted in all new scenes get assigned to basement, don’t know why…

  • Timers - can they be re-used between scenes?

Just submitted problem report 230 (bug #306) on On/Off event problem: supposedly “on” event is triggerd on both on and off, and the “wrong” one sets dimmer to a wrong level.

When clicking Poll Now it’s not clear whether it works or not- there’s no visible response besides ‘job status’ change which doesn’t always happen.

Noticed a coupe of times clicking Poll Now didn’t start polling task (at least there was no visible signs of that)

Found some bugs. using firefox

  1. I now have multiple cameras. cannot delete any of them they keep reloading.
  2. HSM100 does not seem to show up as anthing other than a Generic. Keeps showing up as new device
    if using older IE 6
    many missing fields such as Downloads are gone completely

I also experiencing problems with camera. I added one by mistake, and now I’m stuck stuck with it.

I have even tried to reset the whole thing to factory state. Both using the button in the GUI and with the button in the back of Vera.

It’s like a brick with a virtual camera. ??? I think I’ll postpone the demonstration for my skeptical girlfriend. :-X

Cannot remove scene with event. tried to remove scene first, or event first, save, refresh browser - noting happens, scene with event is still there. Tried to disable event in the scene - change isn’t saved.
Submitted report 231

Interesting thing about scenes. I modified a scene and I get the following:

Saving local data …
Retrying to save …
Retrying to save …
Retrying to save …
Retrying to save …
Retrying to save …
Retrying to save …
Error saving data.

Submitting bug in Mantis…0000329

I’ve been having issues with my motion sensors re-arming themselves on their own. I don’t think its from an event. Problem started after the update.

Wondering if this is the problem I having with the arm event. Maybe the disarm is sending an arm instead.


After upgrade I get the following errro trying to ssh to vera (I need to set the time correctly and the ntp doesnt work…):

iMac:~ Eriksen$ ssh root@
Someone could be eavesdropping on you right now (man-in-the-middle attack)!
It is also possible that the RSA host key has just been changed.
The fingerprint for the RSA key sent by the remote host is
Please contact your system administrator.
Add correct host key in /Users/Eriksen/.ssh/known_hosts to get rid of this message.
Offending key in /Users/Eriksen/.ssh/known_hosts:2
RSA host key for has changed and you have requested strict checking.
Host key verification failed.

How should I do to get past this? Now I cannot set the time :frowning:



I’m getting the same error.

Deleting doesn’t seem to be working. I tried re-adding one of my IP cameras. The add process created about 9 instances of it. I’ve tried deleting them several times, but after 2 minutes they re-appear again. This is also happening when trying to delete a scene/event.