ZWN-SC7 scene controller does not work with UI7

I’m a little angry with how vera is handling this situation.

i bought two ZWN-SC7 from enerwave in hopes of using them to control scenes (god forbid right?).

anyways, i UI5 these worked fine. but now in UI6 and 7 these things are completely bricked and i have no idea how to fix it.

by bricked i mean, no matter what scenes or buttons i assign to them, when i push the button, they just flash (meaning they have no function)

i’ve tried spending 4 or more hours on the phone with vera only to have them not be able to do anything about it.

i’ve tried the thing where you give it a device id 1 then assign it to z-wave but when i do that, it says
group id:1
set: 1

anyone know how to fix this/if there’s going to be a fix to this?

i’m getting mad that they literally refuse to do ANYTHING about this. like seriously…just copy what let it work in UI5 and then merge that stuff over (i know it’s not that easy but you get what i’m saying)

let me know what you guys think.

I feel your pain.

NONE of my leviton dimmers are working on my Vera Edge in UI7. Vera has known about this problem since December and keeps saying they are going to fix it, but there’s been no action yet.

My Vera Edge has been a brick for the past couple of months.

I have two of these Enerwave Scene controllers with UI7 - latest fw and one seems to work fine, but one of them gets wierd and seems to just flash like you said, and yet, this AM, I tried it and it worked fine. Seems like Vera has trouble with this one every now and then.

I’ll be opening a ticket if it does this again

This AM, both scene controllers just flashed. I rebooted my Vera Edge, and one started working again. There is no doubt something screwy with these on the latest UI7!!!

Well at least you got your to work temporarily with vera, mine don’t even sure up on vera for more than a few seconds then dissapear.

This just make nee so mad that they keep on working on new updates yet refuse to fix any of the old ones

I gave up on this device. Even on UI5 it started telling me it would could not reset associations etc… It worked for a couple of days then started giving problems. I just got it replaced by the Leviton 4 scene pad and although it took many tried to get it to configure and setup the scenes, it now works. Big plus on the Leviton is that the scene status actually works so effectively I get 8 scenes Vs. the 7 I was getting on the enerwave.

Mind if I ask which leviton scene controller you got?

I got the 4 scene one during the amazon sale. VRCS4-M0Z.

Oh I see so by turning it on you get one scene and by turning it off you get another yeah?

The ZWN-SC7 can be flaky.

Occasionally one of mine stops responding, but a [Configure Node Right Now] in Vera’s “device - Advanced - Commands” seems to fix it.

When setting it up you need to follow the full new instructions from their PDF, as there are some extra steps for UI7.


Oh I see so by turning it on you get one scene and by turning it off you get another yeah?[/quote]

Yes, it works pretty well in that it actually can check the state of the given scene:
For example scene 1 turns light 1 on.
Scene 2 turns light 1 and 2 on.
When I turn scene 1 off, the led for the button associated to scene 2 turns off too so if I push the scene 2 button, it turns both lights back on.
If I turn scene 2 on, both buttons for scenes 1 and 2 turn on.

It really works as intended.

[quote=“AEBogdan, post:10, topic:186447”]The ZWN-SC7 can be flaky.

Occasionally one of mine stops responding, but a [Configure Node Right Now] in Vera’s “device - Advanced - Commands” seems to fix it.

When setting it up you need to follow the full new instructions from their PDF, as there are some extra steps for UI7.

Does anyone have a copy of the pdf or instructions for the SC7 for UI7? The link above does not work for me.