ZWave : This device does not appear to offer Z-Wave communications.

Anyone seeing this message. My VeraPlus has become unresponsive - it does not respond to any commands - I cannot turn on lights or anything using my desktop or app. Please Help!

Looks like I am completely hosed. The device is not communicating to anything Z-Waze and the lights in the box indicate that the zwave and zigbee are non functional. I called customer care - no response, left my phone number for a call back no callback yet, send a ticket, no response yet. This is terrible service for a new upgrade.

Give them some time. It took them a couple days to get back to me. I’m sure with the Vera Plus being new that they have more than usual tech support questions coming in.


Had a similar issue. Logged onto the box via ssh, looked at the logs. In my case, zwave was completely dead, and the Lua engine was restarting in an infinite loop. I didn’t wait for support, and reset the device “to factory settings” by clicking the reset button 6 times in quick succession (18ga brads work as good as paperclips it turns out).

I believe my problem was caused by a full migration from the Vera3/UI5 – i.e. I migrated a full backup. The migration appeared to mostly work at first (some scenes were a little borked, but the veraplus was operational overall for about half a day), but something happened overnight, and next morning the device was hosed. My next attempt after the reset is to migrate just the zwave network from the vera3, and recreate all the settings/scenes/PLEGs by hand. I’d say I am about 40% through, and “so far so good, knock on wood”. Ironically, when customer support got back to me, the advice was: “Just reset your zwave network and start from scratch”.

I restored my VeraPlus to an older version of a backup last night and things are up and running again. I got a call back from Vera support just this afternoon and I ask about the root cause of the issue and the tech guy said that since I transferred over my set-up from Vera 3 to Vera Plus and since there are different platforms, I could see this sort of issues from time to time. Not very settling but he also he recommended that I do a fresh install on VeraPlus. That is get VeraPlus back to it factory setting and do a fresh start instead of transferring from Vera 3. I have a lot of lights and some plugin that are hard to set-up but I think this would be the best option. Probably start off doing room by room. Do I have to exclude all my switches before I start this or what would be the process of beginning from scratch?

Yep. Either exclude all the devices, or reset each one of them (the process depends on device, naturally). Like I said, I am not quite there yet – I am trying to keep the zwave network, and redo just the plugins/scenes part. So far (it’s been couple days) this strategy is working. :slight_smile:

Ok all had the same problem Tech Support sorted mine out took a little while but all good up and running, on PC, android smart phone, 2 apple phones and three tablets

give them time guys


So as per recommended by Tech Support and from judging everyone else pain on upgrading to Vera Plus from Vera 3 or whatever else, I decided to do my entire set-up from scratch. Excluding all my previous devices from my Vera and doing a hard reset on Vera Plus and starting all over again, including each and every device back again. It took me well over a day and a half as I have a lot of light switches and doors but I bite the bullet and re-added each and everyone back. Everything seems to be working and the response time is looking much better. This also solved a couple of issues:

I am getting alerts back again. I used the same getvera account as before but the start from scratch helped - I think
I am not able to add Zigbee device - I had issues trying to add the 2 gen Iris Contact sensor - this time through no issues at all
The system intermittently does not allow me to access it remotely before so hoping this takes care of it also

Everything is responding fast and great - hopefully I am on my way to a happy relationship with my VeraPlus ;D

Old topic but I wanted to share how this was resovlved when I saw this same message on my VeraLite. I recently upgraded from V1.7.760 to v1.7.855.

The upgrade failed and I got the blue light blinking of death. VeraLite was stuck on a boot fail cycle forever. I emailed techsupport and they replied me with the following process to recover which worked.

Make sure VeraLite is physically conneted to the same switch as the PC.

  1. Change my PC (MAC) GigE ip to with no gateway
  2. Re-plug in VeraLite, wait for blue light flash then push the reset button.
  3. Telnet to (default VeraLite IP)
  4. type the command : flash_eraseall -j /dev/mtd7
  5. type the command : reboot
  6. VeraLite will boot to Factory default. (DHCP)
  7. To login, you must connect to Login

Once VeraLite booted however, I notie this blue banner error “This device does not appear to offer Z-Wave comm…”.

I tried everything I read from this forum subject. From reverting back to factory default and downgrading several revisions back and restore factory default multiple times. All did not work.

Having owned the VeraLite for over 4 years, I though I was SOL but I decided to email Vera technical support again. To my surprise, they asked me to enable techsupport option in and within 1 day, they fixed it! The support team upgraded my box to the latest version, restore my previous scenes and devices (48 devices with 23 custom scenes). Needless to say, I was very impressed.

Here is what the tech support says he did to resolve this Z-Wave communication error.

" I had to upgrade again your unit to the latest version, then I rested the unit to default settings, after that I restored a backup from the servers and then I had to upgrade the firmware version to 3.67."

I am so satisfied with their support, I decided to upgrade to VeraPlus so I can add more devices.

[quote=“rtabcum, post:9, topic:191226”]Old topic but I wanted to share how this was resovlved when I saw this same message on my VeraLite. I recently upgraded from V1.7.760 to v1.7.855.

The upgrade failed and I got the blue light blinking of death. VeraLite was stuck on a boot fail cycle forever. I emailed techsupport and they replied me with the following process to recover which worked.

Make sure VeraLite is physically conneted to the same switch as the PC.

  1. Change my PC (MAC) GigE ip to with no gateway
  2. Re-plug in VeraLite, wait for blue light flash then push the reset button.
  3. Telnet to (default VeraLite IP)
  4. type the command : flash_eraseall -j /dev/mtd7
  5. type the command : reboot
  6. VeraLite will boot to Factory default. (DHCP)
  7. To login, you must connect to Login

Once VeraLite booted however, I notie this blue banner error “This device does not appear to offer Z-Wave comm…”.

I tried everything I read from this forum subject. From reverting back to factory default and downgrading several revisions back and restore factory default multiple times. All did not work.

Having owned the VeraLite for over 4 years, I though I was SOL but I decided to email Vera technical support again. To my surprise, they asked me to enable techsupport option in and within 1 day, they fixed it! The support team upgraded my box to the latest version, restore my previous scenes and devices (48 devices with 23 custom scenes). Needless to say, I was very impressed.

Here is what the tech support says he did to resolve this Z-Wave communication error.

" I had to upgrade again your unit to the latest version, then I rested the unit to default settings, after that I restored a backup from the servers and then I had to upgrade the firmware version to 3.67."

I am so satisfied with their support, I decided to upgrade to VeraPlus so I can add more devices.[/quote]

i am so shocked about the complete competency of support on this day. Wish I got this person responding to my messages. I’ve send over a dozen requests for support this year, most of them repeat requests to help me fix the same things out of my control. (Vera Plus). All I got in response was jibber jabber, wasted time, repeated questions when I already provided the info…nothing but that. I never had them timely respond to a request once. (within 2 business day, most times it took a week for initial contact, then a full business day between each of their responses, so when I provide you the tech support string and tell you ITS ON, and then you wait two full days and email me back please requesting me to enable tech support, F U. I’m just going to use the community from now on, i cannot trust nor recommend their support at all, it’s killing this whole experience for me. Glad someone helped you.

Thank you immensely for posting this! My VeraLite went belly up when I did the requested firmware upgrade, and I tried everything I could find with the wiki and a couple other posted actions. Yours was the one that worked for me. Really appreciate you posting your experience and the steps to follow.

[quote=“twka90, post:4, topic:191226”]Had a similar issue. Logged onto the box via ssh, looked at the logs. In my case, zwave was completely dead, and the Lua engine was restarting in an infinite loop.

I believe my problem was caused by a full migration from the Vera3/UI5 – i.e. I migrated a full backup. The migration appeared to mostly work at first (some scenes were a little borked, but the veraplus was operational overall for about half a day), but something happened overnight, and next morning the device was hosed.[/quote]

Adding another “me too” here. I had the exact same situation. My migration from Vera 3 to VeraPlus seemed to go well, apart from some battery devices that I added manually to VeraPlus later, one scene that was a little messed up (so deleted and recreated it), and one device (a dry-contact switch) that would not pair with the VeraPlus, no matter how hard I tried (I ended up replacing it). When I’d finished, everything worked great all day long (Sunday), but overnight “something happened” and I awoke Monday morning to the subject message.

I was able to “fix” it by myself by restoring the backup (including ZWave network) that I’d taken the day before, and it worked fine all day Monday. But overnight “something happened” and I again awoke on Tuesday morning with the subject message, and in a Lua reinitializing loop. (BTW, I have the Virtual Rain Sensor plugin, which contacts the for weather forecasts, which I use to control my yard irrigation. With this loop, it called the wug API 540 times in the day. The limit for a free API license if 500 per day, so I got “dinged”. It’s now happened 3 times.)

I “fixed” it once again by restoring the backup (including Zwave network) and it worked all day Tuesday, and was still fine as I went to sleep. But then (you guessed it), I awoke Wednesday morning to the same problem. :frowning:

On Wednesday, I enabled remote support and opened a ticket with Vera support. They were able to “fix” it quickly as well, and I thanked them profusely. I asked what they did to fix it and received:

The Z-Wave on the unit was corrupt after the transfer from the other box, we were able to fix but if the unit will go in this state again I?m afraid that you will have to reset the Vera Plus and to add the devices to it again and in this way you?ll be able to prevent the same situation to happen and you?ll also have a strong and more reliable network in the house.

The VeraPlus continued working fine all day Wednesday, and I was thrilled to find it still working fine on Thursday (yesterday) morning. It got past the mysterious overnight corruption issue! Yay!! It worked fine all day yesterday and into the evening. A scene ran to turn off my porch light as I was going to bed, and I closed my Bali AutoView blinds by voice control (via Alexa, ha-bridge, and VeraPlus) so I know everything was working fine.

But then again this morning I woke up to the dreaded “ZWave : This device does not appear to offer Z-Wave communications” and Lua reinitializing loop. Sigh. I’ve contacted Vera support again to see if there’s anything else to try before resorting to the “factory reset and re-pair all devices by hand” solution.

I have over 100 devices. Some are in very hard-to-get-to corners of my attic. Many have covers that need to be removed to access their programming buttons. Some have bizarre reset procedures that I’ve long forgotten … will be a chore just to look up all of the documentation for some of these things that I’ve been taking for granted for years. And I had JUST finished doing the big job of getting my Bali AutoView (ZWave) blinds all configured and working great with Vera and Alexa voice control. It’s going to be a HUGE job – DAYS of work – if I need to factory reset and start over. :frowning:
