Zigbee In Wall Light Module

Used the generic Zigbee setting and connects to Veraplus. can switch with app. Does not show up on devices controllable by Alexa? Change Category and subcat and still doesn’t work.
Any ideas??

Make sure to change the following attributes as well.

device_type: urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:BinaryLight:1
device_file: D_BinaryLight1.xml
device_json: D_BinaryLight1.json

Thanks, was in the process of trying that. Still not working. Noticed on my mobile app that there is a small pulg symbol with an R in it on the right hand side of the device in the list. Mean anything?

The ‘R’ symbol is present near all the main-powered devices.
We have opened a trouble ticket so we can further investigate why you are not able to control that Zigbee device from Alexa.

Thanks all sorted. Weird process to get it to fired up but worked 3 times in a row with new modules and all connected now.

Module was a “Nue” brand in wall switch / relay.

Manufacturer: Feibit Inc co. Module: FB56+ZSW05HG1.2