Z wave window covering DIY

For those of you who have Z wave window covering, please share how’s your set up look like.
I am interested in getting a somfy (wired or RTS) motor to automate my roller blinds.

My assumptions are as follow:

  1. Wired set up: Somfy Wired motor connected to blind and the wires(control) are connected to the ESI Z wave control module(http://www.asihome.com/ASIshop/product_info.php?products_id=3474).
  2. Wireless (RTS - aka RF signals) set up: Somfy Wireless motor connected to blind. Seperate somfy control box(which sends the RF signal, link: http://www.smarthome.com/318276/Dry-Contact-Interface-for-Somfy-RTS-Motors/p.aspx) connected to the ESI Z wave control module.
  3. Wiresless (IR): Somfy Wireless motor connected to blind. Whatever they use ( IR remote ) to control the blinds, repeat that setup (once the LUA/LUUP is ready) with an IR blaster.

Please let me know if you guys are running option 1) or 2) or I’ve missed something as currently I am using the add a motor with an app module, for blind positions in between I use Vera with a specific “on” time.

I have alomst exactly the same setup, I am using 24V somfy motors and these [url=http://www.asihome.com/ASIshop/product_info.php?cPath=21_22&products_id=3475]http://www.asihome.com/ASIshop/product_info.php?cPath=21_22&products_id=3475[/url]. I am using option #1. Works like a charm.
I don’t have manual control (except vera web ui), I am controlling the blinds with my own automation server.

Thanks for sharing.

So your 24 V somfy motor has wires ( power and control) which plugs in the z wave box directly?

Is it easy to set up the blind set points?

I’d love to know more.

[quote=“ck_boo, post:3, topic:164570”]So your 24 V somfy motor has wires ( power and control) which plugs in the z wave box directly?
Is it easy to set up the blind set points?[/quote]
The motor has only two wires. The direction of the blinds movment is controlled by the polarity, so the z-wave controller works this way: No movement-> no power, up->24 volts on black lead (or whatever), 0V on White lead. down-> 24V on white lead, 0V on black. Realy simple.

The controller self calibrating i.e. you run a calibration procedure which finds all up and all down points, therafter you just set hov much coverage you want in pct (%). To Vera it looks like a dimmer.

To be able to do some fancy regulation based onoutdoor and indoor temperature, sun angle in relation to the windows they are covering and night/day setting, being at home or not etc etc I have built my own automation server which employs fuzzy logic to set the blinds. It is realy cool ;D And I do not mind charing (runs under Mono on a Sheewa plug computer, or any garden variety XP box)

That’s great to know.

Does the 24 V motor get power from the z wave control box too or it has its own AC>DC convertion adpater?

z wave control box has a power cord to wall plug I suppose? I heard that it need constant power to stay on the z wave network

ESI’s DBMZ is powered by the motor’s power supply. Where you could hard-wire a DPDT switch between the power supply and the shade, you would just be replacing the switch with a DBMZ (which has its own switches inside, relays triggered by the Z-Wave commands). The 24V goes into the DBMZ and out to the motor.

I would’t try to have a Somfy RTS Dry-Contact Interface controlled by a DBMZ, you may get it to work with some rigging (opening it up and modifying the board so as not to send voltage into the RTS Interface) but it is not the best way to control things. Either just use one or the other.

Thanks Shady,

Mind sharing your set up as well?

I am trying to see if I can just buy the motor and the z wave box and retrofit eveything myself.

I’ll share any information I can with regards to Motorized Window Coverings and Controls. I happen to be an expert at Window Covering Electronics and work for a major manufacturer.

My setup is limited as of yet. What I do have so far is a respectable array of Z-Wave devices that I have collected via Ebay and hand-me-downs. I don’t yet have the three killer apps, in my opinion, the Z-Wave shades, thermostat, and door locks. Z-Wave light switches, outlets, and some sensors are all I have to play with. I have also played with a few of the software/usb dongle packages out there that compete with Vera. I am still on the fence as to which to pull the trigger on, but I am leaning heavily toward Vera (too bad I missed the Schlage promo).

Again, I design Electronics Systems for Window Coverings all day, so if you need any advice I’ll try to check back periodically to give answers. If you buy the motors and the controller you should be able to handle things yourself. You’ll need a standard DC motor such as the Somfy LT-28 which is old technology, but it would work. The manufacturer of the Z-Wave DBMZ is now making Motors with an embedded Z-Wave controller, they should be available very soon if you want to wait. If not any bi-directional standard 12-24VDC (not radio) motor will work with the DBMZ. Any motor with a built-in controller (RTS, QED, etc.) won’t work with the DBMZ.

Thanks for the info, what do u think of the AC motor with the AC Z wave box?

Most AC Motors have a faster RPM, which is nice, and coupled with the fact that the shade would be on a larger tube (because of the larger motor) means the fabric moves much faster in the window. AC Motors can go into higher lifitng capacity models as well. Somfy has a new line of quiet AC Motors and I think others have options as well. With the Z-Wave AC Motor Controllers like the ABMHZ or the AC1-ZW you need to use them with standard limit motors (meaning they use mechanical microswitches inside, not electronic limits).

and the set up is he same as the DC motor, run wires from motor to the z wave control box and connect the ox to power?

what is standard limit motors?

I am looking for a motor that can lift 60lbs of roller blind, any suggestion?

What about the ABMHZ or the AC1-ZW, any difference?

Any advice on automating vertical blinds? Besides the need for 2 motors, are there any tips/tricks? Anybody done it?

Could this be of interest:

Hmm, from the look of it, it appears to be for drapes/curtains and not blinds… Cannot seem to find any specs/details though.

Sorry for not checking in for a while.

to ck_boo: the set up is basically the same idea as I described for the DC motor

standard limit motors are motors without any sort of controller or electronics built-in (they need and external controller)

a 60 lb blind (i assume it’s a wood blind being that heavy) would need a 10 Nm motor if rolled onto a 2" tube, if you are talking about a roller shade (w/ shade fabric) then make sure you are only considering the fabric weight and not the entire assembly. Only the unbalanced load (fabric hanging off of the tube) is considered when calculating lift capacity of the motor, the tube and motor and components are not because they are balanced.

The ABMHZ and AC1-ZW are similar in features, but the AC1-ZW has a sensor input and is a smaller form factor, which is nice.

to denix: you might try looking at Techniku http://www.techniku.com they have a Vertical solution and Z-Wave too so maybe they have what you need.

Any updates to this thread? I would like to automate vertical blinds on a 8ft sliding glass door, and also automate some horizontal blinds on 3-4 standard size windows. There doesn’t seem to be much commercially available for these applications…

For motorized vertical blinds I know these options off the top of my head:

Silent Gliss - AC offers contact closure, IR, and direct AC control (although not the typical two directional hot wires needed by most Z-Wave shade controllers)
Sunteca - DC offers RS232, contact closure, and IR (probably could make it work with a DBMZ)
Hunter Douglas - DC parent company of ESI so they probably have a Z-Wave compatible product (we don’t sell HD so I’m not positive)
Techniku - DC AFAIK out of business for now
and a ton of other offerings from the Asian market

All of the above would require that you find someone to sell you just the track and motor and you would swap out your vertical vanes, for a DIY install.

I know this has been brought up before, but you may conside these:
http://www.add-a-motor.com/index.htm it looks like they work with an X10 appliance module (I think) which could be a Z-Wave appliance module
This may not be the most elegant solution, but it is affordable and may make sense for some.

As far as horizontal blinds go, in order to motorize them usually you need to replace the headrail with a larger one that will house a motor. If you want lift and tilt or just tilt, there are options for both from Somfy. It really depends on the weight of the product, we don’t do much motorization of horizontal blinds but I am somewhat familiar with all of the components. I’ll do my best to help.

Any Suggestion how to Automate existing roller-blind system:
Every blind motor needs to be powered by controller witch has 4xAA batteries, so next to every window there is a kind of attachment where controller needs to be inserted in order to operate the blind. There is no constant power to blind motors.

I do have VeraLite controller
