YAMAHA Plugin with EZLO


Anybody knows how to use the Volume control with EZLO YAMHA plugin?

I use EZlO MESH automation to control Switch values, but ¿Volume?

Hi @save

Can you give more informtaion about how you use the plugin ? which device model you have ? Are you using meshbots ? which capabilities are displayed in meshbots ? Can you provide some screenshots ?

Here you have 2 ways to control Yamaha receiver with switch (on/off) format.
1 Throught Yamaha plugin
2 Throught http

What I would like to do is to use the dimmer format (with slider) Using the following command

50 in this case, should be a variable controled by the slider
Mesh_YamahaPlugin.pdf (170.1 KB)
MESHbot to Control Yamaha VOLUME throught HTTP.pdf (97.9 KB)

Hello Osman

In the Meshboot, when I create the action Yamaha Main Zone → sound_volume → Value

Why isn´t possible to choose the value equal to an expression defined in the advanced scripting? Just I can choose a integer value.


Hi @save

We are constantly improving the capabilities of the platform. That feature is also in our roadmap. But currently we don’t have an exact time scheduled for it. I will check if we can prioritize it.
