Yale Lock always reports true for bad pin entered

Hi all,

I am trying to program conditions to fire when a bad pin is entered into my Yale lock. After the first bad pin, the condition is now true and never reverts to false. Even after I unlock the door manually or enter a valid pin. The bad pin condition is always true. Since it remains true, the next time a bad pin is entered my action doesn’t fire. Does anyone have a suggestion on how to work around this?


Set the repeats on the condition …

I thought the repeats will cause it to check the condition every minute and if true fire the actions? This is not what I want.

Once the first bad pin was entered, it is now forever true. So even if a new bad pin is not entered, the actions would still fire if I checked repeat. Correct?

I worked around it by checking if it was true in the last two minutes.

tBadPin and (tBadPin; Now < 02:00)


I worked around it by checking if it was true in the last two minutes.

The Condition you posted checks to see if it became true in the last two seconds. There is very little chance of that happening when Now only occurs once per minute (1 in 30).[/quote]

My bad, I hand typed that example and did it incorrectly. Fixed now.