x10 CM11a or CM15a support

Since that we in Europe don’t have Insteon, I require support for CM11A or CM15A.
Best regards,

I second and third this request (even after ordering a 2412S PLM for my Vera to become Insteon/X10 compliant)!!

So many of us still own and want to use the CM11A, and I’ve never heard any technical reason why Vera cannot be made to work with this PLC or the CM15A, as kreativitat suggests.

MCV? Is this a too great a technical hurdle? (I know MCV had originally steered away from X10 support, but has been most gracious implementing non-Z-Wave protocols lately.)

We can add it to the queue. But our first priority is getting Luup and the current stuff working 100% reliably before moving on to adding support for new features/devices. We can’t divert resources to it right now.

Fair enough.


I’m not a Vera owner yet, but am interested to link up a Vera to my Powermax Plus security system, which has a TTL/CMOS X10 interface, so it can send out X10 commands in respons to certain security events (detectors on, alarm, fire etc). I would like Vera to respond to these X10 commands, so I can use Z-wave devices instead of using the old X10 technology. The Insteon X10 interface devices are no option for this, since they do not support European powerline infrastructure. Since I live in the Netherlands I need support for the CM11A or CM15A, which support the 220V we have over here.

Is there any news on the support for these devices? Or is there any other way of having Vera speak or listen X10 in Europe?

Many thanks,


I’m not certain- but I think I read the current x-10 implementation was transmit only and can’t receive.

anyone know for sure?

Funny, but I choose Vera / Z-wave and came here to GET AWAY from X-10 and it’s dated technology. ???

@sotten, from what I can see the PowerMax+ Security System has an optional RS-232 interface. If this Panel is popular enough, you might get more traction integrating it through that Port (presuming there’s a Developer that owns one, and wants to write the Plugin or adapt an existing one to PowerMax’s RS-232 protocol).

I equate Vera operating the Alarm (or vise-versa) via X-10 to being akin to driving your car from the back-seat (or the Boot/Trunk) with string/rope connecting you to the steering wheel.

Whilst you might get it to work, it would be prone to crashes and all sorts of instability :wink:

while I’d generally agree, there are just tons more x-10 devices to pick from compared to z-wave.

the one thing I’m looking to fiddle with is one of the IR-> x10 devices as an example.

while I’d generally agree, there are just tons more x-10 devices to pick from compared to z-wave.

the one thing I’m looking to fiddle with is one of the IR-> x10 devices as an example.[/quote]

While I haven’t been involved with Z-wave as much as a lot of you, I guess I fell for the hype about there being over 170 different vendors of Z-wave products / devices and how wonderfully they all interact with each other. I also fell for the Videos of Vera appearing to be so “smart” and customizable.

Vera has never failed to do what I asked of it (to date). I would just like to see more variety of programming options like conditions, macro / script ability and calls to an external source / device if desired.

I don’t buy the TOO Difficult or complicated for the average homeowner. Look at X-10…The Active Home Pro software (though buggy), offers a host of dropdown items from which the user can choose. LOTS of conditional expressions, external calls, macros (for scenes), etc.

X-10 was only a one way system for the most part. I like Z-wave’s stability and two way protocol.

Sure, more devices would be nice and I think Z-wave is still pretty young as X-10 has been around for 30 years! (I know…I still have a box full of that stuff)!

So forgive me if I don’t jump in line to march to the “Why don’t we support X-10 beat.” That is just NOT one of MY agenda items. :wink:


The Powermax+ does have an RS232 interface, but as far as I can tell (from the product information on several seller-sites) this interface only supports programming of the security panel. It doesn’t produce event-triggered output, so it’s not usable for interfacing.

There’s one more possible (partial) solution to my challenge:

The Powermax+ has 12V DC output connections for the purpose of connecting external (wired) sirens and/or flashlights (max 100 mA). This output is triggered in case of alarm/fire events. For me, it would be sufficient to be able to respond to these events.

Does anyone know if there are z-wave devices available that can be connected to the 12V DC wires and that would send signals out when the 12V DC is actually on (similar to the “send” behavior of a PIR)?

Thanks in advance,


there’s a set of contacts INSIDE the hawking door/window sensor. You could use a relay that responds to 12v and opens or closes the hawking contacts as needed.

see denix’s posts in this thread for more specifics:

I know this post is two years old but just in case anyone googles it there is now a “Z-Wave Fibaro Universal Sensor” which I was thinking of wiring up to the contacts for the external siren.

Available in the UK now, don’t know about elsewhere.

[quote=“VeraUser, post:13, topic:164859”]I know this post is two years old but just in case anyone googles it there is now a “Z-Wave Fibaro Universal Sensor” which I was thinking of wiring up to the contacts for the external siren.

Available in the UK now, don’t know about elsewhere.[/quote]

They are becoming available in NZ and Australia. On their Facebook page they show example of using this with a DSC PIR.

I’m looking at upgrading my Nexa solution at home to Z-Wave and Vera3 lite. I’m also looking at investing in a wireless alarm, potentially “Agility” from RiscoGroup, and would like it to be able to communicate with Vera.

I too have looked at the Fibaro Universal Sensor that I think could work with the X10 I/O module for Agility but I haven’t dealt so much with these kind fo things before. So if someone could have a look at the attached I/O module user guide and see if you think it would work or not I would be very grateful. The module have both X10 and other inputs/outputs but I guess I will not be able to use the X10 ones as explained above?

[quote=“Freddan101, post:15, topic:164859”]I’m looking at upgrading my Nexa solution at home to Z-Wave and Vera3 lite. I’m also looking at investing in a wireless alarm, potentially “Agility” from RiscoGroup, and would like it to be able to communicate with Vera.

I too have looked at the Fibaro Universal Sensor that I think could work with the X10 I/O module for Agility but I haven’t dealt so much with these kind fo things before. So if someone could have a look at the attached I/O module user guide and see if you think it would work or not I would be very grateful. The module have both X10 and other inputs/outputs but I guess I will not be able to use the X10 ones as explained above?[/quote]

Hello, Looking at the Document, I do not think the Agility is capable of talking to your Vera. There has been many dicussions in the forum about using Vera a primary security and most threads have suggested a dedicate alarm. If you look in the security threads, or search the wiki, you wll find the supported brands and models. In my case, it is DSC, an example of a thread to review http://forum.micasaverde.com/index.php/topic,10307.0.html, in that case, the DSC in AUstralia.

If you wish your Vera to communicate with your legacy X10, have a look at the RFX 433 USB from RFXCOM.com. There is a app for the Vera and provides greater scope and flexibility in what it can do.