
I’ve added some x-10 devices (just binary on/off) but they dont show in homebuddy.

I assume you need my userdata- does it normally have my password in it someplace or is that just a disclaimer you put for weird cases?

and while I’m bothering you. ;D

the EZ Motion 3:1 sensor just shows the parent device that does nothing. Is it possible to get the temperature, motion, and light sensor outputs to show in home buddy?

@michaelk sorry, i know this reply is long overdue, i’ve been very VERY busy lately.

yes i do need your userdata… the only cases i know of where sensitive information is included is if you have IP cameras and/or door locks. there may be others but these are the only ones i know of.

i may be able to add support for the 3:1 sensor. i’ll need your userdata for this as well.


no hurries- we all have lives- thanks- I’ll get the userdata off to you shortly.


Hey Rakstar,

I came across this & was wondering myself since I was going to purchase one. Does the 3:1 sensor now work in Home Buddy or was this still not resolved? Just wondering, I didn’t think starting a new thread about this was needed at this time.



[quote=“rakstar, post:3, topic:166774”]@michaelk sorry, i know this reply is long overdue, i’ve been very VERY busy lately.

yes i do need your userdata… the only cases i know of where sensitive information is included is if you have IP cameras and/or door locks. there may be others but these are the only ones i know of.

i may be able to add support for the 3:1 sensor. i’ll need your userdata for this as well.


@computerjohn if it doesn’t work in the current release, i think it might in the next one :stuck_out_tongue: I don’t mean to sound funny but I don’t own the device so I sort of just guess based on the user data that I receive. I feel like I have added it though. If you’ve already purchased it and it doesn’t appear, please send me your user data, so I can take a look.

[quote author=computerjohn link=topic=4604.msg35611#msg35611 date=1300501231]
Hey Rakstar,
Does the 3:1 sensor now work in Home Buddy?

[quote author=rakstar link=topic=4604.msg25314#msg25314 date=1287934132]
@michaelk sorry, i know this reply is long overdue, i’ve been very VERY busy lately.

Yes, these work fine in Homebuddy, Ive got 3 of them and they show light, temp and motion

@myhomeserver thanks for pointing that out. has anyone invented memory upgrades for humans yet? i could really use some :-[