Wrong value in a trigger


I am having an issue, I don’t know if the problem is the WOL plugin or PLEG, could you help me?

I am attaching two status, one follows the other one, as you can see, in both the condition named “fupan_sleep_when_empty” is false, for the first one is ok, but fur the second one is not ok, it should become true because the “music_all_off” condition becomes true and all the others where already true… but surprise… Fusam, which is a Ping WOL device, turns to be true in both reports, when it should be false in both reports… I am attaching a screenshot for that device…

The same thing happened tu me with the “fupan” which is another Ping WOL, and because the regular trigger was not being accurate, I decided to set it up as a property, which happens to be more accurate, but that should not happen, right?

Another weird thing is that when I removed the fupan trigger (because I was changing it for a property), I removed it from triggers without removing it from conditions and save and do all the Vera Dance. I was expecting and error from PLEG saying that the token FUPAN was invalid, and I didn’t get that message, although I reconfirmed that there was no input, trigger, condition, property or anything that was named FUPAN and in fact it was used in the conditions expressions. That was weird. Then I created the property and all started working fine with FUPAN.

Thank you, and please let me know if you need anything else. I am not attaching log because debugging was turned off, but if you need it, I can try to reproduce the issue with debug mode enabled.

The ONLY time the properties in the Advanced Tab have the correct values are immediately after you refresh your browser.
(i.e. they show the value at the time the browser was last refreshed!)

The PLEG values are correct!


But how can PLEG values be correct if the Device is showed as OFF in the web interface, in the advanced tab its status is 0, and PLEG shows it as on (true).

BTW, it is a ping to my phone, and I am out of home right now! The device changed to off accordingly, but not the trigger in pleg.

I would have to see the debug logs of the transition period to see what happened.

Thanks, I will try to reproduce with verbose and debug on.


Is this repeatable ? (i.e. turn your Phone Wifi off ?)

I will try when getting home. When at home, the device ping should detect my phone and become true, if I turn wifi off in my phone, it should become false (that is what didn’t happened although the device at vera ui turned off).