wifi setup - can I change SSID & password?

I tried changing the SSID and password for wifi on vera using the advanced options which takes you out of vera into another gui. I navigated through that and tried to change them but I ended up bricking vera and had to factory reset it. Is everyone just using the default on the back of the unit or is there a safe way to change ssid?


There’s no need to go to the Advanced OpenWRT’s page with 2 main reasons:

  1. You can do all the changes that you expect from a Home Automation / Router from the Vera’s UI (Advanced > Net&Wifi and select which mode you want your Vera to be in). http://wiki.micasaverde.com/index.php/FAQ#Networking and http://wiki.micasaverde.com/index.php/Networking_Setup should help.

  2. The moment you enter the Advanced OpenWRT’s configuration page, you will loose the warranty and support from MiCasaVerde. We just added this in the OpenWRT’s main page, so please be careful.


[quote=“mcvovidiu, post:2, topic:165961”]Hi,

There’s no need to go to the Advanced OpenWRT’s page with 2 main reasons:

  1. You can do all the changes that you expect from a Home Automation / Router from the Vera’s UI (Advanced > Net&Wifi and select which mode you want your Vera to be in). http://wiki.micasaverde.com/index.php/FAQ#Networking and http://wiki.micasaverde.com/index.php/Networking_Setup should help.

  2. The moment you enter the Advanced OpenWRT’s configuration page, you will loose the warranty and support from MiCasaVerde. We just added this in the OpenWRT’s main page, so please be careful.

You guys are voiding the warranty on Vera’s through which the OpenWRT configuration page has been accessed? Are you talking about the hardware warranty? Is this retroactive? Please explain this more fully.


I’m sorry, not the physical warranty, just the support. Here is the text which will be part of the OpenWRT’s configuration page with the new UI4:

"WARNING: If you do ANY CHANGES in OpenWRT Webif interface , you’ll loose any further support from our side. If you proceed further please seek for support on the OpenWRT forum. "


OK, I assume that if one did make changes through the OpenWRT UI and then re-flashed to a supported Vera firmware, support would be restored.

That’s right.

And we expect the customers to be honest when we will ask them if they made changes in that interface. Anyway, we will know, because Vera can only change certain values in the configuration files, and we already know the format of those values/changes.

Can we not even use it to reboot now? I sometimes do this if I’m having a weird problem and I’m not near the box to unplug it.

… and even for rudimentary security changes, like turning off the Wifi? Hmm, interesting.

I think it is absolutely essential to allow users to disable their Wifi if they are not using it. Not only is there a security risk associated with having another access point (albeit, a secured one), but as there is so much channel bleed on 802.11 channels, it is inevitable that having the WIFI enabled on the Vera will cause interference issues for some users’ primary access point(s).

As for me, I went in and disabled the Wifi radio straight away after configuring my vera. I can definitely appreciate that MCV doesn’t want us messing with all sorts of advanced settings and then still expecting them to know exactly what went wrong during a support call, but I don’t totally agree with the stance that we should never have a need to enter this openwrt page with the current limitations that exist in the standard Net &Wifi section.

I suspect, or hope, that if I open up a support issue with MCV at some point and tell them “yes, I disabled the wifi because it was causing interference and that is the only change I made” that would still get support. Am I wrong here?


… it also implies that their recommendation, to use it to work around the OpenDNS problem they created, isn’t supported either:


Hi all,

@guessed: We fixed that ourselves, despite the fact that we posted instructions how to setup this in the advanced options.

@fall-line (and others): You can turn the Wifi from Vera. You must select in which network configuration mode your Vera is running now (by default, it’s set on Automatically configure, which won’t show the Wifi option) and then select to turn Off the Wifi by clicking the No radio button. Bottom line is that you don’t need to go to Advanced OpenWRT’s settings.

@mcvovidiu, So how about some of the things like WOL support then? Is that fixed now too?