Why is my Vera 1 claiming 1.1.329 is "the latest version"?

I click UPGRADE FIRMWARE, and Vera reports:

“Testing connection to: download.controlmyhouse.net … OK
You are running the latest version: 1.1.329 .”

Yet I see numerous references to 1.1.1245 and higher here in the Forum.
What’s up? Where can users find the very latest (stable) firmware URL any more?

I’ve just wasted 10 minutes poking around in the Wiki and FAQs, none of which are clear at all.

Remember when MCV claimed Vera was intended for “average users”? What a lark! (I’m a pro!!)

  • Libra


The current released firmware on UI4 is 1.1.1245
Public beta is build 1.1.1338 (status releasecandidate)
Upgrade urls are:

for 1.1.1245 (released firmware url)
More is explained here: Update Firmware - MiOS

for the public bate (as stated here: http://forum.mios.com/index.php?topic=7432.msg47453#msg47453)

More info on the builds is here:

I will discuss with MCV whether or not it is ok to update the wiki and/or forum with a FAQ / edit to the present HOW TO with some relevant url’s and how to use them.

  • Henk

[quote=“LibraSun, post:1, topic:169059”]I click UPGRADE FIRMWARE, and Vera reports:

“Testing connection to: download.controlmyhouse.net … OK
You are running the latest version: 1.1.329 .”

Yet I see numerous references to 1.1.1245 and higher here in the Forum.
What’s up? Where can users find the very latest (stable) firmware URL any more?

I’ve just wasted 10 minutes poking around in the Wiki and FAQs, none of which are clear at all.

Remember when MCV claimed Vera was intended for “average users”? What a lark! (I’m a pro!!)

  • Libra[/quote]

The information you provided above doesn’t seem to help (much). Specifically:
“for 1.1.1245 (released firmware url)

When I try giving VERA that URL, she balked with the following error message:

"Invalid Firmware Url!!!

Click here and try again"

Maybe I’m not asking the right question…

I want the exact URL to give VERA 1 on the /upgrade_step1.sh page, under “Advanced…”
That’s how we used to upgrade her firmware. None of the URLs you cite look like such a URL to me.


Its not allowed to post the exact urls on the forum.
The URL’s i posted should be used for a webbrowser on a client on the same network as Vera.

This way the upgrade is automated for “average users” as you call it.

Since you are a professional and want to upgrade using the advanced method, you will have to contact
MCV support to get the exact url to the exact build you want your Vera to upgrade to.

Thats all the information i can give you right now.

  • Henk

[quote=“LibraSun, post:3, topic:169059”]The information you provided above doesn’t seem to help (much). Specifically:
“for 1.1.1245 (released firmware url)

When I try giving VERA that URL, she balked with the following error message:

"Invalid Firmware Url!!!

Click here and try again"

Maybe I’m not asking the right question…

I want the exact URL to give VERA 1 on the /upgrade_step1.sh page, under “Advanced…”
That’s how we used to upgrade her firmware. None of the URLs you cite look like such a URL to me.[/quote]

Thanks again, Henk. It was immediately clear to me that the URL you provided in your original reply was intended for my browser and not Vera, so I tried both.

I had no idea that “upgrade URLs” were no longer permitted here on the board, though I can imagine why… back in the day, we’d often find firmware URLs posted on the wiki and not here, and sometimes vice versa.

The bad news is, when I first visited the http://micasaverde.com/vera2 URL, it was from a Linux netbook on WiFi, and when I got to the screen telling me:

“Once all 3 lights are lit up as shown, and not blinking, click “Continue” to begin setting up Vera.”

…the page said it was unable to detect a Vera unit on my network.

However, based on your later reply and encouragement, I’ve tried again just now from a Windows/wired machine, and had more success, reaching the “Can I upgrade it now?” prompt finally.

So I stand corrected: For “the average user” this process should work OK. I’m glad to see it’s how things are now done. Looks like I’m on my way to firmware .1338 as we speak.

Thanks again!

I recently reflashed my Vera1 using the instructions on the wiki: http://wiki.micasaverde.com/index.php/Firmware_Flash_Vera_1

Not that using tftp is really for the masses, but it worked. There’s a link to the 1.1.1245 trx image there on the wiki page.