Which IR Box

Getting rid of the SQ blaster as I can not add any pronto codes to it due to lack of support…
Looking for a new IR Blaster to go with my Vera. Still using UI5. Looking at the Harmony Hub, iTach WF2IR, (seems to be my contender write now) and the Kira.

Any opinions from users of any of these? Thanks

Not sure just what you want to do. I have 3 Kiras and a somewhat complicated remote setup. I am using several Pronto remotes with various Xantech equipment. I might be able to help a little if you decide to go that route.

I use the Global Cache IP2IR, which presumably is the wired equivalent to the one you mention. Once I figured out how to create the codes it’s been reliable. I don’t use it directly from Vera, though. I respond to Vera events in Android and trigger IP activities from there.