Which iPhone App??

I am setting up my micasaverde network (one switch at a time, slowly but surely) .I run UI5 (sent an email to Vera and they recommended I stay with UI5 for the time being)

I was looking at iphone apps because the app that works with UI5 (Vera Mobile) is very limited. I found that there are quite a few (paid) apps but I am wondering which one y’all would recommend the most?



Previous discussions:


iViri is probably the newest to the game, but that means there are still some issues to be hammered out. V1.1 which is already submitted to apple will be taking care of most issues being reported to date and that should be available sometime this week. At $2.99 it’s the cheapest by a large margin in respects to the paid home automation apps and it offers the ability to use voice control which no other apps in the iOS App Store offer and it allows you to turn your device into a home automation device with the use of geofences in conjunction with the virtual switch for the Vera. Documentation will be published tomorrow on the below forum for setup and customization. Also I am pretty reactive and responsive to any issues users are having.
