What to get next?

I’m running a Vera2 UI4, 13 windows roller shutters, a lot of light dimmers and some motion sensors. I’m trying to add my DVR to Vera using the DVR plug-in.

But in the mean time I’m thinking… what to get next? ;D Might go for a couple of radiator thermostat and what more?

I would like to hear from you what more I can add or do with my system. Are you using something different?


P.S. Don’t know if there are more Vera users from Portugal here. I’m one. :slight_smile:

I water my flowers with Vera ;D
I guess there must be a lot of z-wave users in Portugal since you have this company http://eurox10.com/ . I have shopped from them and it has turned out to be very good prices and good fast delivery ( Note. I have nothing to do with the company ).

Watering is a good idea! ;D I have a Hunter device to program and watering my garden. I don’t know if there’s some option to make it work with a Vera?

Eurox10.com is nearby my work. I bought directly from then many of my zwave stuff. Good service. :slight_smile:

You might be interrested to look in to the google weather module. That might save you some hardware (and water bills).

I have the weather plugin installed. Can you please point me to the Google module? :slight_smile:

The Weather plugin uses Google for its data feed, so is sometimes referred to as the Google Weather plugin…

AH! ;D Silly me. ::slight_smile: :wink:

I have a Trane thermostat hooked up to my system. As I have dogs who are in the house during the day while I am at work, I can monitor the temperature and actually get email notificatyions to my smart phone if the min and max temperatures set are exceeded.

Living in Florida, especially in teh summer, an A/C failure can cause a serious health hazard for my dogs. Luckily I work only about 15 minutes away.

My next project is a way to hook up a zwave control and senso to my existing garage door opener so I can remotely open or close it and be alerted if I left it open or it’s opened while I am away. I’m trying to find out if I can use 2GIG’s garage door interface for that. Coupled with a Z-wave window sensor.

If anybody has a working or cheaper/better solution, I am all ears.

Something like @woodsby’s plug-in?

[quote=“BOFH, post:8, topic:171526”]I have a Trane thermostat hooked up to my system. As I have dogs who are in the house during the day while I am at work, I can monitor the temperature and actually get email notificatyions to my smart phone if the min and max temperatures set are exceeded.

Living in Florida, especially in teh summer, an A/C failure can cause a serious health hazard for my dogs. Luckily I work only about 15 minutes away.[/quote]

A thermostat is on my wish list! No doubt it’s a very useful thing to have it reading the inside temperature and make it work with other zwave modules. I’ve been looking at the EG http://www.eurox10.com/Product/ZWave/EverSpring/ZWevrST814.htm but I want to know first if it’s capable of work with some Danfoss radiator valves like: http://www.eurox10.com/Product/ZWave/DanFoss/ZWdan_LIVC_RAK.htm and control my central heating system.

Oh yeah, I forgot, good ole radiator heating with thermostat knobs. :slight_smile: Fortunately, cooling is more what I need these days. No more cold and wet and snow for me.

I hope you can get them to work so you can have Vera control the temps in all affected rooms.

I still am flummoxed as to why Europe and the US use a different ZWave frequency preventing interchangability and making it more expensive for manufacturers. I’ve heard good things about the Eversprint smoke detectors but have yet to find them here in the US. If both systems were compatible, I’d have my dad order me a couple and ship them to me. (He’s still in Europe)

[quote=“BOFH, post:8, topic:171526”]I have a Trane thermostat hooked up to my system. As I have dogs who are in the house during the day while I am at work, I can monitor the temperature and actually get email notificatyions to my smart phone if the min and max temperatures set are exceeded.

Living in Florida, especially in teh summer, an A/C failure can cause a serious health hazard for my dogs. Luckily I work only about 15 minutes away.

My next project is a way to hook up a zwave control and senso to my existing garage door opener so I can remotely open or close it and be alerted if I left it open or it’s opened while I am away. I’m trying to find out if I can use 2GIG’s garage door interface for that. Coupled with a Z-wave window sensor.

If anybody has a working or cheaper/better solution, I am all ears.[/quote]

I’m in FL also and in the same boat with our dogs.

what I have done with the google weather plugin is set a trigger that when the outside temp reaches a certain point it kicks every ceiling fan on in the house. it helps from running the air cond and the dogs will stay cool.

for example if you have your trane thermostat to kick on when the inside the house temp reaches 80 degrees what I’ve done is set the trigger in the google weather plugin that when the outside temp reaches 76 degree’s to kick the ceiling fans on for 2hrs then shut off.

I’ve noticed that my air doesn’t run as much during the day and keeps the house a comfortable temp for the animals

Thanks for the advice. I do leave the ceiling fan in the living area on for them. It’s basically on 24/7 as it’s hardwired without any kind of switch other than the pull cords. I may have to break down and get a fan module so I can use Vera to switch it off at night and back on in the AM.

Right now my AC is running between 11 and 13 hours a day. The house was built in '72 and the attic insulation is barely 3" thick so that needs upgraded to at least 10" and the cost of that should pay for itself within a few years.