What is "internet tv" "accessory #744141" in av gear??

Can anyone shed any light on what this is?

If I go to devices/Av gear on Vera 3, I look under the “internet TV’s” heading and I see a device with device type "other tv, and device name “accessory #744141
Next to it I can click the spanner which just give’s me the option to change the device name, I can delete it, or there is a remote symbol, that if clicked takes me to a web page Flash remote controll editor
The page never seems to load anything, despite what seems like its trying, so this sheds no light

Is this a device in my home that is broadcasting a signal that has been picked up, or a default virtual device in Vera that doesn’t work??

Do you use any mobile apps or have Apple TV etc on your LAN? Some mobile apps create a device there as can other upnp devices if there are doscovered.

I’ve installed every mobile app I could find to test it on my phones, but not installed anything onto Vera.
Would accessing via mobile app cause the auto install of this type of ‘device’?

No apple tv, but I have bonjour running from iTunes, tivo desktop server and air video running on the network… any of these likely to cause it??? Any way of making use of the ‘device’?

I suppose deleting it would cause whatever app it came from to lose access??

Yes, installing a mobile can cause the install on your Vera. SQ Controller. Automator and others. Other discovered devices do not install it, Vera does this it. Yes, you can delete them. If you have them switched off for a while whilst you delete them, and turn them on progressively, you would be able to map what they are too but not much use as the full implementation of upnp standard weren’t implemented. There are a few work arounds being used that could allow you to control them if you developed an app.

Any luck in finding the device?

I have the exact same situation. it’s not my computer, tablet or mobile devices. I have verizon FIOS with STBs that are devices on my network. I’m thinking that one of these devices might be the culprit. The only other 2 devices on the network are my xbox and a bluray player that can access netflix. I also have a slingbox. I haven’t switched them off yet. It would be cool to be able to control another device but it’s probably harder then it’s worth.

unfortunatley not sure.

It was there on my first vera, and there on the replacement one too after sending the first one back… and cant seem to narrow down if its linked to any of the mobile apps either

If it helps, I have 6 ‘Internet TVs’ listed and haven’t got a scooby what they are.

In the world of plug and play I think there were great plans that things could be discovered and then controlled. None of the 6 I have show me anything that would lead me to understand where they have originated from.

[quote=“parkerc, post:7, topic:176452”]If it helps, I have 6 ‘Internet TVs’ listed and haven’t got a scooby what they are.

In the world of plug and play I think there were great plans that things could be discovered and then controlled. None of the 6 I have show me anything that would lead me to understand where they have originated from.[/quote]

Plug and play or plug and pray? :slight_smile:

in my case refer to my apple tv’s .