what is code:1

What is a code:1 for a schlage lock. I tried to pair it with it pluged to the wall without internet and with the dongle in. I hit the 6 digit code and it turns yellow for 3 flashes I hit the schlage and 0 it blinks yellow then it blinks red I tried it numerous times and still no green I need help

I appears that the lock may have been paired at the factory or a failed attempt.
You should try to un install the device first then proceed with an install.
I would use the Web interface to Pair the lock.
In vera’s setup
Go to Devices then
zwave options then

exclude> one node of any type> with Full power and timout after 30 seconds
Click GO
Follow the Schlage instructions
You should get a green light.

Follow the same for the inclusion . In my opinion this is eaiser than using the red and black buttons on the back.

Let us know

when i delete the codes with the red botton on the back I get the green light but when I try to add codes I get a yellow blinking for about 30 seconds then it turns red. Now should I have the internet conected when i erase the codes and reinstall them or shouild I have it conected to the internet. also where do I get the schlage Instructions. Thanks Mike

you should not be trying to ad or delete 4 digit pin codes until the lock is paired to VERA first.

Follow the steps to pair. If the lock has a failed pair. Un-install (un-pair) first then attempt tthe pair.

The lock can also be reset to factory default. I suggest you reset the lock then follow the procedure.

oh yea if you wish to reset to factory
you can read the instructions at
open the pdf system reset!

Finally, They found the problem they sent the old dongle hopefully the new one will come in quick. Thanks to all for helping

How did you find out you had the wrong dongle? I see on the wiki that it says version 2.40 is the old one but mine is 2.48 and it still won’t pair. I’ve tried both methods to no avail. I’ve been at this for over 3 hours and have read all the posts on how to do it but I’m beginning to think it may be the wrong dongle even though I just bought the Vera last week.


Okay never mind it took 4 hours before I actually went online to schlage.com and read the instructions that are not included and saw that it also has 3 AA batteries you have to install. I have the none zwave deadbolts and all they need is the 9 volt. Now I feel like a total dumb ass.